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What's On

  Borth Community Hall Front Picture
Borth Community & Memorial Hall  showing Uppingham Playing Fields
Here are examples of the type of regular bookings that use the hall.
11:00-12:00 Seated Pilates
12.00-13.00: Pilates
18:00-19:00: Table Tennis
19:00-22:00: Borth Community Council Meeting (Monthly meetings on the first Monday of the month. The meeting is held on the 2nd Monday of the month if the first Monday is a Public Holiday)
19:30-20:30: Circuit Training
09:30-12:30: Borth Actif
18:00-19:00: Pilates
19:30-21:30: Borth Badminton Club
09:15-10:15: Slow Yoga
14:00-16:00: Bowls
14:00-16:30: Women's Institute (Monthly in upstairs meeting room)
17:30-18:30: Yoga (Dance Studio)
18:00-19:00: Badminton (private)
14:00-16:00: Senior Citizens (every 2 weeks)
16:45-17:45: Table Tennis
18:00-19:00: Disco - Bix!
19:00-20:00: Pilates
N.B. - All events on Thursdays are cancelled if the Hall is being used as a Polling Station.
11:00-12:00: Badminton (private)
17:00-19:00: Junior Badminton  
14:00-16:00 (k.o. times vary): Borth Utd Football Club  
17:00-19:00: Radio Model Club (Winter only)
As well as the above regular bookings there are numerous public and private events throughout the year - e.g. Children's Parties, Wedding Receptions, Music Concerts, AGMs for various organisations and much more. See below for booking contact details for the hall.


For ad hoc bookings please check with Ieuan Ellis or 'Whats On' displayed in the Hall Entrance.
Commercial Bookings Will Be Given a Price at Time of Booking.
For All Bookings, Please contact Ieuan Ellis on 07534779979
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Pricing, Please Phone Mrs H Matthews: 01970 871912 Mob: 07815 509881 or
 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prices updated from 1st August 2024
Following the Hall AGM on 6 June 2024 it was decided to raise the hall charges. This is only the second time charges have been raised since 2018. This has primarily come about because of rising electricity charges and the installation of a new and expensive roof. The new charges will come into effect on the 1st August 2024.  Until that time the hall charges from 1st January 2022 will apply. 
Please Note
  • A returnable deposit of £100 will be requested for event bookings.
  • A charge of £20 is to be paid to the caretaker, for all the extra work involved with certain events & activities.
  • Rubbish must be removed from the hall and disposed of by the hirer or £5 per bag to be charged for rubbish removal.
  • Some events may require Hall Entrance Security Door Staff, a list of local licensed Security Operators can be provided if requested.   
   * Local Groups are those from Borth, Ynyslas, Glanwern and Dolybont.
  • Hits: 32798

Meals on Wheels

  • Hits: 1630

Attention! New Sewing Group Tuesday Evenings


Sewing Group

The Sewing Group now meet on a Tuesday evening between 7-8pm in an upstairs room and anyone is welcome to join in, whatever their project. Tea/coffee and biscuits available halfway through and cost is £4 a week. This may be reduced as the group grows.

Its not a formal ‘sewing class’, rather a group with a common interest who would enjoy a chat and sharing ideas, and maybe helping someone having problems with something they are making.

I provide a couple of extra sewing machines (an ordinary domestic multi stitch and an overlocker/serger) if anyone would like to use them who doesn’t have one at home.

I would not limit it to actual machine sewing - could be hand sewing, embroidery, patchwork, or anything else!

I look forward to hearing from you and then meeting you at Borth Community Hall in the near future.


Hilary Matthews This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Hits: 2974

Plots Advert


  • Hits: 1813

Borth Short Mat Bowls Club

Borth Short Mat Bowls Club

Borth short Mat Bowls Club has re-started and is on every Wednesday in Borth Hall from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.

All you need to bring (if you are not already a Bowler) are some indoor shoes or slippers - if you do not Bowling shoes - and plenty of enthusiasm.

The club is perfect for the experienced or those totally new to Bowls.

Do come and watch and have a cup of tea with us - if you are not sure what it is all about - and see if it for you. You will be most welcome.

We have spare bowls and all you need, if you do not have bowling shoes, are a pair of indoor shoes/slippers or just socks will be fine.

All following club meetings will be each Wednesday from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. in the Borth Hall and people come whenever they are able - not everyone can manage to come every week. This is very much a "fun" club. We do not play in leagues etc.

Important Note: First Wednesday of each month the group meet from 2.40 to 4.30 (instead of 2.00 to 4.00).

We share the rental cost of the Hall amongst those who come to a session. We make a great cup of tea or coffee too and if you just want to come for a drink, a chat and to watch others play Bowls you will still be very welcome.

For further information do call Joy / Freda on 01970 871649 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Many thanks. Joy, Freda

  • Hits: 525

Rhybudd / Warning

Dyfed Powys Police

Rydym yn parhau i weld pobl yn mynd i drybini oherwydd troseddwyr sy'n esgus eu bod yn gweithio i’r banc ac yn dweud bod cyfrif banc person wedi'i gyfaddawdu.

Weithiau, mae'n dilyn neges destun ffug (mae'r dioddefwr yn sylweddoli mai twyll ydyw ac yn dileu'r neges destun).

Fodd bynnag, ddiwrnod yn ddiweddarach mae'r dioddefwr yn derbyn galwad ffôn. Mae'r troseddwr yn esgus ei fod yn gweithio i’r banc ac yn dweud ei fod yn ymwybodol bod yr unigolyn wedi derbyn neges destun ffug, ond mae'r cyfrif banc wedi’i gyfaddawdu rywsut yn awr.

Y cam nesaf yw cael y dioddefwr i symud ei arian i gyfrif 'diogel' – nid yw'r dioddefwr yn ymwybodol, ond cyfrif troseddwr yw'r cyfrif hwn.

Os yw'r dioddefwr yn dweud bod yr ap bancio’n dweud bod y cyfrif yn newydd ac na ellir ei ddilysu, bydd y troseddwr yn dweud mai cyfrif newydd ydyw, ond ei fod yn ddiogel.

Bydd y troseddwr yn aml yn dweud wrth y dioddefwr am ffonio'r rhif ar gefn ei gerdyn banc i wirio hyn – ond mae’n dweud y gallai'r dioddefwr golli ei holl arian gan fod yn rhaid iddo aros i gael ei gysylltu a mynd drwy'r broses ddilysu gydag aelod arall o'r staff bancio.

Mae'r dioddefwr dan bwysau, ac mae’n poeni y bydd yn colli ei arian, felly mae’n trosglwyddo'r arian heb ffonio'r banc.

Nid yw troseddwyr yn poeni pwy maen nhw’n dwyn oddi wrthynt. Busnes ydyw iddyn nhw.


  1. Mae troseddwyr yn ffonio ac yn esgus eu bod yn gweithio i’ch banc. 
  2. Maen nhw’n dweud bod eich cyfrif wedi’i gyfaddawdu a bod angen ichi symud arian i gyfrif diogel.
  3. Ni fydd banc go iawn byth yn gwneud hyn.
  4. Os fyddwch chi’n derbyn y math hwn o alwad, rhowch y ffôn i lawr a pheidiwch â sgwrsio â’r galwr. 
  5. Arhoswch 5 munud cyn galw unrhyw un arall rhag ofn bod y llinell wedi’i chadw ar agor.
  6. Galwch y rhif ar gefn eich cerdyn banc os fyddwch chi byth angen cadarnhau manylion gyda’ch banc.


We are continuing to see people falling foul of criminals that pretend to be from the bank and stating that a person’s bank account has been compromised.

Sometimes it follows a fake text message (the victim realises it is a scam and deletes the text).

However, a day later the victim receives a call and the criminals pretend to be from the bank and state that they are aware that the person has received a fake text message, and the bank account has now somehow become compromised.

The next stage is to get the victim to move their money into a ‘safe’ account – the victim is unaware, but this account is a criminal’s account.

If the victim says that the banking app is stating that the account is new and cannot be verified, the criminal (pretending to be the bank) will state that the account has only just been set up, but is safe. They will often tell the victim to phone the number on the back of their bank card to check – but they put in the proviso that the victim may lose all their money as they have to wait to be connected and go through the verification process with another member of the banking staff!

The pressure is on, the victim is worried about losing their money, and so they go ahead and transfer the money without phoning the bank, as they believe they are speaking with a trusted employee of the bank already…

It is a reminder that criminals do not care who they steal from, it is a business.


  1. Criminals are phoning and pretending to be your bank.
  2. They tell you that your account has been compromised and that you need to move money to a safe account.
  3. A real bank will never do this.
  4. If you receive this type of call, put the phone down and do not engage in conversation.
  5. Wait 5 minutes before calling anyone else in case the line has been kept open.
  6. Phone the number on the back of your bank card if you ever need to confirm details with your bank.



  • Hits: 735

RNID Befriending Volunteers

  • Hits: 913

'Still here for Everyone'


  • Hits: 1059

Call Companions


  • Hits: 1021