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Borth Community Boundary

Dog Fouling

Borth Community Council

Borth Community Councillors have made a unanimous decision to make a concerted effort to urge residents and visitors to comply with the Dog Fouling laws and rid our village of dog faeces on the pavements, children’s play area’s, playingfields and the beach, even if it means anonymously reporting persistent offenders, there have been many complaints. If we all play our part in policing this problem, perhaps we can make our village a cleaner place for all. Most of the reported faeces seem to be deposited early morning or late evening, there is a telephone number below to report where the dog faeces is located and then it can be cleaned up, please use it. 

Dog Fouling

Dog fouling is an issue that regularly comes top of people’s classifications of the worst forms of waste. It is estimated that the population of dogs in the UK produce 1,000 tonnes of excrement per day. Dog owners are accountable for cleaning up after their pets, but unfortunately some dog owners ignore their responsibilities. On average dog faeces is present on 14% of Welsh streets. As dog fouling has negative health implications it is imperative that we strive to reduce this figure.foot in dog waste

Why bother?

Toxocariasis is a disease found in animal faeces and is caused by the eggs of the roundworm toxocara. These can be passed from dogs to humans through contact with animal faeces and contaminated soil. Children are particularly at risk and infection can lead to illness and even partial loss of sight. It is an entirely preventable health risk and the main reason that dog owners should clean up after their pets. Freshly deposited faeces are not infectious because toxocara eggs do not become infectious for at least 2 – 3 weeks after the faeces have been deposited. Therefore there is no risk of catching toxocariasis whilst clearing up straight after your dog.

What is my Local Authority doing about the problem?

Local Authorities can require dog walkers to clean up after their dogs. People that don’t can face a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £150 or go to court where the maximum fine is £1000.

If dog fouling is a problem in the area you live in you can telephone your Local Authority 01545 572 572 with details of where the dog fouling can be found. Confirm your complaint by letter, repeating the information. However, if that is not effective, under legislation contained in Section 91 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, a member of the public can take legal proceedings against their authority to get litter and refuse, including dog faeces cleared away.

What is the best way to clear up after my dog?

Use a doggy bag, or a plastic bag, to pick up the faeces. Ideally, this should then be placed in a designated dog bin. If this is not possible, take the bag home or as a last resort, double wrap the faeces and put it in a normal litter bin. Some Local Authorities provide free ‘doggy bags’ on request.

As part of Keep Wales Tidy’s ongoing dog fouling campaign, posters and leaflets are available on request. 

Posters, Bin Stickers, and Leaflets are distributed around the village.

Dog fouling, 2006: Dog Fouling Position Paper.pdf (273k) 

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