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Minutes - October 2011

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association
(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)
Meeting held on Thursday 27th October 2011, 7.30pm
1.  Present: Ray, Ted, Hilary, Joan, Joy, Ieuan, Diane, Graham, Roy, and Mike Willcox, the Council representative.  
2.  Minutes of meeting on 28th July read and passed.  The Football Club is to be charged £6.00 for each changing room, plus £5.00 for the use of the kitchen, making £17.00 in all.  Roy is to read the electricity meter when they start using the lights. The Football Club wished to change the name of the field to "Crow Field" after the Club (Borth Crows), but members felt that the "Uppingham Field" name was historic and should be retained.  
3.  Matters arising:– none.  
4.  Correspondence:  a letter had been received from the Football Club agreeing to the increased charges  
5.  Treasurer's report: The monthly payment to Manweb was to be reduced to £180, after the arrears had been paid off.
Bank:  at present there is £8418 in current account, and £4000 in the Building Fund. Monthly outgoings for utilities, insurance etc are approx. £750.  
6.  Multi Use Games Area: The electrical supply to the MUGA needs to be overhauled.  It had proved impossible to discover who were the original installers of the lights.  The Football Club had asked for additional lights to shine over the 5-a-side area. Ray had looked into grants to pay for new lighting, and felt that it may be possible to lay new cabling to the old lights at the same time.  He asked Neil Cooke to quote for the whole job.  

7.  Maintenance: Two of the lights in the gents' toilets are not working, and Neil Cooke will replace them. The floor in the main hall needs stripping and re-varnishing – Ted will look at this. RDP Project – the RDP are still asking for details of the use of the complex, and Ray has completed the many forms required. A working party is to be held on Saturday 19th November at 9.00am.  
8.  Hall keys: Hilary compiled a list of who has which keys, as some had been lost.  
9.  Web site:  Graham is still collecting money for the web site, but was having trouble persuading some people to pay – members felt that after an appropriate time, advertisements of non-payers should be removed.  
10. Caretaker Agenda Items: Roy had raised several queries for discussion –
Rubbish – he felt that there was too much rubbish accumulating, as the lorry only calls once a fortnight.  It was decided that people holding functions should be asked to remove their own rubbish.  It may be possible to store the bags in the tractor shed or the garage between collections.
Plumbing – the push-in taps in the ladies' toilets are not working properly and may need replacing – Ted will check on this, and also the kitchen taps.
Outside areas – Some of the seats and tables need repairing.  Graham had approached someone to do this but had had no success, and would look for somebody else.
Tennis Courts – the moss was making the surfaces slippery and should be removed.  Roy wondered if the hall insurance would cover accidents due to this.            
Dog mess – Roy had found dog mess on the tennis courts and elsewhere.  New signs are needed to direct the public on to Coronation Path.  Ted suggested that the entrance to the field by the car park bridge be closed off, so that people would have to use the Coronation Path.    
11.  Any other business: Mike noted that the stage lights were not working properly.  His son and a friend would inspect them and repair if possible. Dr Hosker had offered to provide money for a tower scaffold for use in the hall, but Ted said that his scaffold was in the shed and available for use. An event in the hall had used a canopy to lower the ceiling and improve the acoustics – Mike would find the cost of this. Graham again mentioned carpet for the porch – it was felt that coir matting would be preferable to carpet.    
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm  
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