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Minutes - June 2012

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association
(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association) 
Emergency Meeting held on Thursday 21st June 2012, 7.30pm
1.  Present: Ray, Joan, Graham, Joy, Mike, Joe, Ted, Roy, Steve (Spandex).  Apologies from Hilary,  Ieuan & Diane.  Best wishes to Hilary and to Graham.
2.  Minutes of meeting on 24th May read and passed.  
3.  Matters arising: none.
4.  Correspondence:  none.
5. Report on flooding on Saturday 9th June – wide areas of Ceredigion had been flooded, including the hall – Ray had met the loss adjuster on 15th June.  Ray had contacted a flooring expert, Rob Winstone, for advice and support – he had advised taking up the edges of the floor as he expected the boards to swell and cause further damage.  Peter & Paul Fleming had lifted the entire floor and water was found to be standing underneath.  Apart from the wooden floor, all the carpets, curtains, the concrete floor in the store room, exercise mats etc would need to be checked and probably replaced.  All the downstairs area will need to be cleaned and desanitised – The Rainbow Cleaning company appointed by the insurers will visit on Monday 25th June.  Ray thanked Hilary for arranging the comprehensive insurance cover, which also included loss of revenue.  The carpets will need to be lifted and any cupboards emptied and moved before the cleaning company come – this will be done on Saturday, 8.30 am.  Refuse collection is on Friday 22nd.  
The loss adjuster had reported back to the insurers, and had been given the go-ahead for the repairs etc.
Two quotes may be needed for cost of repairs – flooring, carpets etc, cleaning of curtains, redecorating, plus checking the electrics, heating, piano etc.
6.  General maintenance issues – Ray suggested removing the trough in the male toilets and replacing with urinals, to save water.
The heaters in the hall could possibly be replaced with a different type, and the flue & cowl replaced (this has never been satisfactory, and has always leaked)
7.  MUGA – this was not included in the insurance cover.  The tarmac has buckled, but will need to be inspected to see if is repairable.
8.  Ray thanked Ted for cutting the grass, and Graham for running the web site.
9.  Caretaker – Mike introduced Steve, who is willing to take on the caretaking and cleaning.  Roy will continue to take bookings at present.
10.  Scouts – no action at present, until the hall is back in use.
11.  Drainage – a drain is needed between the football field and the car park.  The Football Club has had a donation of £200 towards the cost of this, and it was agreed for them to carry out the work.
12.  Any other business:
Stair lift – Mike had not been able to contact anybody so far, but will try again.  There may be damage to the electrics, and Neil Cooke will be asked to check.
The hall may be able to be used when it has dried out, but we need to consult the insurance company regarding danger from the concrete floor, steps etc.
The Jubilee party will have to be postponed at present – it may be possible to hold it as a re-opening party.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.45pm
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