Minutes - January 2018
260. Cllr G Ashley, R Dalton, N Salmon and Cllr W J Williams.
261. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr James declared an interest when Councillors resolve to approve an item of expenditure in respect of an invoice for cutting the grass on the dog walk.
262. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 December 2017 as being a true record.
263. Community Action Plan. Minute 227. Ongoing.
264. Borth Internal Ditch Drainage. Minute 252. Ongoing.
265. Hywel Dda Health Board. Details of a stakeholder workshop on Tuesday 9th January in Carmarthen on transforming clinical services.
266. One Voice Wales. Christmas letter from Cllr Mike Cuddy, Chair OVW.
267. Borth Playing Fields. An e-mail from Welsh Water acknowledging the letter sent from Borth Community Council in respect of reinstating the playing fields following works by them.
268. One Voice Wales. Details of all training courses run by OVW from February to July 2018.
269. Ceredigion County Council. Confirmation that the Waste Management Team will be visiting Borth on the 23rd January 2018 between 1pm and 3.30pm for the recycling drop in session.
270. Planning Law in Wales. An online link to the Law Commission’s consultation paper on planning law in Wales.
271. Welsh Government. A review of community and town council sector in Wales, December newsletter and an e-mail from OVW urging all Councils to respond by Monday 15th January 2018.
272. One Voice Wales. An invitation to attend a Buckingham Palace Garden party on one of three dates in May and June. The invitation is to the current (outgoing) Chairperson and one guest. OVW has been allocated 30 invitations which will be split between the three dates.
273. One Voice Wales. An online link to the Assembly Electoral Reform and a request for updates on tackling loneliness amongst older people.
274. Ceredigion County Council. A request to the Community Council to elect a representative who will serve on the Governing Body of Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa for a period of 4 years from the 8 January 2018. Members resolved to re-elect Cllr Bainbridge as the Council’s representative.
275. One Voice Wales. Details of vacancies on various Community Health Councils and the December 2017 News Bulletin.
276. Donation Requests. Tincer, Welsh Ambulance Service and Eisteddfod Llangollen. All donation requests will be considered at the March meeting of Council.
277. Graham Taylor. A thank you letter for the flowers given to him as an appreciation from Borth Community Council.
278. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a free recycling collection service of electrical items for all residents in Ceredigion during January. Collection is usually charged at £40 for up to 6 items.
279. Clerks & Councils Direct. January 2018 issue of the magazine.
280. Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2017
Nationwide 29,460.46
Community Acct 519.18
Business No Notice Acct 29,378.22
Deposit Account 3,334.25
281. Income
Community Account – RNLI rent 500.00
Business No Notice – Gross int to 30/11/17 2.27
282. Expenditure
HMRC – PAYE Oct, Nov, Dec 348.00
M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 11.89 475.95
S J Jones – Xmas Tree 100.00
J James & Co – grass cutting on dog walk 72.00
283. None.
284. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to the 3Ist December 2017 together with a financial plan for 2018/19 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2018/19.
Clerks Salary 7,030.00
Office Expenses 200.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund 100.00
Insurance 1,950.00
Chairpersons Allowance 200.00
Maintenance 3,800.00
Winter Maintenance 400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue 8,000.00
Community & Arts Facilities 2,400.00
Donations 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 500.00
Contingency 1,000.00
Audit Fee 350.00
Toilets adj to RNLI – winter opening 4,500.00
Total: £31,430.00
285. It was resolved to approve the budget and to set the precept at 60% which amounted to £18,858.00. Proposed by Cllr Carol Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Margaret Griffiths.
286. Cllr Hulse distributed copies to members of a draft of the Annual report 2017-18 which she had put together for Council’s consideration. She asked members to read the report in order that any additions or final amendments can be made before the 25th January. Cllr Bryn Jones suggested adding a photograph of each Council member to the report.
287. Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update on his proposed responses to the four key questions. He was asked to e-mail the draft to Cllrs for their consideration and to add or amend as they see fit. Cllr Bainbridge suggested Councillors meet various groups to discuss any issues they might have.
288. Updated the Community Emergency Plan and updates were sent out to Emergency plan distribution list, Community Wardens, community email and Facebook. The Plan is available from the Community website at http://www.borthcommunity.info/index.php/emergency-plan Key changes included mapping Community Wardens by area and including new Wardens. Our aim is to have at least 2 Wardens for each area so that there is a shared role and coverage if away etc. We are still seeking wardens. Generally they are in Upper Borth as we originally focused on lower lying areas. We have added 'Don’t forget to look always out for neighbours, if you haven’t seen them for a while, better to knock and make an error' on page 1 following recent discussions in a Community Council meeting where individuals living alone had passed away.
A reminder that there will be a Natural Resources Wales Flood event in Borth Community Hall during the day on Wednesday 17th January, if you may be interested in attending please let me know this week. Borth Community Council intend to stay open after the event from 4.30-7pm in the upstairs room for the wider community and Wardens to drop in, more to follow on that as plans shape up.
Attended the Ceredigion County Council Planning Committee meeting relating to the planning application ‘Tree’ in the intertidal zone. After an hour of discussion by Councillors a vote was taken and the application was rejected by one vote.
The agreed ‘Rules’ for using Facebook have been posted on our page and are currently pinned to the top as the first post seen. They may be unpinned when important information need to be pinned for short periods.
Responded to the Independent Review Panel on Community and Town Councils on Community Representation, democratic engagement and diversity of representation. They wanted to learn more about vacant seats and what co-option process each council undertakes to fill seats.
Prepared a draft annual report for Borth Community Council for discussion, the report would be a key means of communicating with the community on the work we have done since last May, it will be updated again in April. The work has been aligned under 7 Well being goals.
To confirm whether we are going to submit the report as an example to the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice National Awards Scheme by 25th January.
Cllr Hulse has arranged for the Council’s annual dinner to be held at Libanus on the 18th January with Helen and Mark Williams and Roy and Jo Jones as guests. Cllr Hulse asked Cllr Quant to leave the room and it was proposed and seconded that he should also attend as a guest of the Council in appreciation for all he does for the Council and the wider community.
289. Cllr Dalton in her absence asked the Clerk to remind Councillors that the next PACT meeting will be held at 7pm on Thursday 18th January in the Community Hall.
Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that the playground grant should be received shortly. Cllr Bainbridge, a member of the Community Health Council, has had complaints from patients that they are experiencing problems with patient transport. She read out a copy letter to Welsh Water from Heather Strange concerning noise levels and vibration during works carried out at Ynyslas and the effect it may have on houses.
Cllr Griffiths asked whether there were any questions to be put forward at the meeting between representatives of the Community Council and the Leader of Ceredigion County Council. Members suggested raising the issue of the ongoing problem of flooding on the road by the Golf Club. Cllr Jones asked whether anything could be done to the sea wall at the North end of the promenade as 2018 is Year of the Sea. Complaints have been received by bus drivers in respect of the parking and the obstruction it causes outside the Pharmacy since relocation.
Cllr Willcox mentioned the illegal parking of a caravan opposite Moorlands. Cllr Quant said that hopefully with the on street parking review that it will include a parking ban on motorhomes etc on both sides of the road. Cllr Willcox asked James Davies (member of the public) on his views on the impact of the storms last week. James said that the winds dropped just before high tide and that in effect “saved Borth”.
Cllr James said there had been an issue with rubbish collection over the festive period and that in some areas along Clarach Road rubbish hadn’t been collected for over two weeks.
Cllr Stacy Jones informed members that a Dyfi Biosphere meeting has been scheduled for the 25th January.
Cllr Salmon said there was a litter problem in Borth and asked whether we could purchase hoops and pickers. Cllr Hulse suggested organising an awareness week.
Cllr Willcox mentioned that Catherine Beech from Borth had received a BEM for “her outstanding services to the community in the village”.
290. Cllr Quant had received a complaint fromWendy McClean that people are dumping waste on the car park opposite Brynowen and that she had picked up 3 black bags full of rubbish. She has also volunteered to replant new flowers in the flowerbed in the middle of the car park, but first she asked whether BCC could organise with the Fire Brigade to burn the existing weeds etc. Cllr Quant had received several complaints over the Christmas period in respect of waste collections. He informed members that the work was on a volunteer basis and that the top priority would have been gritting the roads which had a knock on effect with the collection of waste. He also mentioned that recycling could become an issue with the ban of plastic waste by the Chinese government.
291. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.40pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 February 2018 to include Japanese Knotweed, Grass Cutting and Borth Playing Fields. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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