Minutes - April 2018
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
378. Cllrs C Bainbridge, J James, S Jones, N Salmon, W J Williams and County Cllr R P Quant. Members resolved to send Cllr Stacy Jones a bunch of flowers from Council to congratulate her on the birth of her son.
379. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
380. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 March 2018 as being a true record.
381. Japanese Knotweed. Minute 335. Ongoing.
382. Dogs. Minute 369. Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
383. One Voice Wales. Updated guidance on the conduct of community reviews by principal councils to support greater consistency in the manner in which community reviews are conducted.
Understanding the Law Training at Morlan on the 21st March.
Welsh Hearts working with the community to offer free CPR training.
Innovative Practice Annual Awards ceremony 2018. Borth Community Council has been shortlisted in the Best Annual Report section. Borth was one of four councils named in the highly commended category. The Clerk was asked to contact OVW to ask whether they would be prepared to post the award to Council.
A request for Councils to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM on Saturday 29th September.
A Parliament for Wales: Have your say.
UK Government call for evidence to examine how charges or changes to the tax system could tackle the problems associated with single-use plastic waste. All responses by 18th May 2018.
Consultation on Edition 10 of Planning Policy Wales.
384. Donation Request. Wales Air Ambulance. Also thank you letters from Talybont YFC, Wales Air Ambulance, Tincer, Marie Curie, Macmillan, 2nd Borth Scout Group and Mynwent y Garn.
385. Dog Fouling. A letter from the project co-ordinator explaining that action is about to begin with respect to the collection and examination of samples of dog excreta from areas carefully identified by the 4 participating community councils.
386. Irresponsible Dog Ownership. Following several representations about the impact that irresponsible dog owners are having on their communities Ceredigion County Council suggest that the obvious solution would be an introduction of a “permitting” arrangement whereby dog owners paid an annual registration fee for their pet. CCC is asking for the Councils’ views on the introduction of such a scheme and a level of fee reasonable to levy. BCC welcomes the proposal providing all the monies raised would be specifically ring fenced for effective dog services.
387. Welsh Government. Details of an online link on a Green Paper consultation on “Strengthening Local Government: Delivering for People”.
388. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a briefing session for all Town and Community Councils in the North of Ceredigion to give some direction in a consultation process to prepare Place/Action Plans for Aberystwyth and the surrounding communities.
389. One Voice Wales. March 2018 News Bulletin.
390. Hywel Dda Health Board. Details of a consultation on healthcare services in Hywel Dda University Health Board.
391. One Voice Wales. Details of a training session on “Making Grant Applications” in the Morlan Centre on the 18th April.
392. Borth Station Volunteers. An invitation to members to attend a celebration of the re-installation of Borth Station clock after an absence of 34 years.
393. Borth Arts. An update from Borth Arts and a poster advertising an exhibition of work by Borth artists at Bronglais Dining room gallery from the 9th April to the 9th July.
394. One Voice Wales. Details of an “Active Spaces Grants Programme” delivered in partnership by Fields in Trust.
395. Welsh Government. Details of Community Asset Transfer Conferences.
396. Kompan Playgrounds. Details of a competition to win up to £50k matched funding for a playground or outdoor fitness project.
397. One Voice Wales. One Voice Wales response to the Community and Town Council review.
398. One Voice Wales. The importance of external audit.
399. One Voice Wales. A report from Age Cymru entitled “Showcasing tackling loneliness”.
400. Filming on Ynyslas Beach. A request from a group of third year Film and Television students at Aberystwyth University looking for permission to film on Ynyslas Beach on Saturday 21st April between 4pm and 9pm. This was passed on to NRW.
401. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2018
Nationwide 29,460.46
Community Acct 500.66
Business No Notice Acct 26,693.90
Deposit Account 3,334.25
402. Income
Business No Notice Acct-gross int to 1/3/18 3.68
Deposit Acct – transfer from Community Acct 140.00
Nationwide – gross int 1/4/17-31/3/18 176.69
Landfill & CAS rent 4,616.50
403. Expenditure
Transfer to deposit acct 140.00
Playdale - final invoice for music panel 969.60
HMRC – PAYE Jan, Feb, March 348.00
M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 33.42 497.48
404. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180278. Demolition of existing amusement arcade and erection of a building to be used as market hall with 8 shops/units. Amusement Arcade, Borth. Cllr R Dalton declared an interest and left the room. Borth Community Council welcomes this innovative new proposal for Borth.
A180285. Erection of a dwelling and associated works. Troiad y Llanw, Borth. No comment.
405. Appeal Against Refusal of Planning Permission.
Proposed metal cast oak tree. The inter tidal zone on the beach between Borth and Ynyslas. Cllr Hulse declared an interest but remained in the room. Following a lengthy debate, all members present voted 4 for and 2 against for Borth Community Council to submit additional comments on landscape and health and safety to the Welsh Government for consideration. Cllr Hulse said that any comments would be collated in draft form for approval by members before sending off the final submission.
406. Members entered into a discussion in respect of the state of the boat park and what appears to be some abandoned boats. It was suggested that BCC charge a peppercorn rent or have a registration system in place. Cllr Ashley agreed to put notices on each boat asking for names and contact details of boat owners.
407. Borth Community Council received a commendation award for their Annual Report. Cllr Hulse said she would finalise the report before the AGM and members resolved to arrange for 50 copies to be printed and it was agreed to set aside £150 for printing costs and for bilingual translation.
408. Deferred to the May meeting of Council.
409. Cllr Hulse went over the key priorities for 2017/18 and confirmed that progress had been made in most areas.
410. Borth CC were awarded a commended certificate for our Annual Report, we have a framed award (yet to be received) that will be put up in the community hall.
Japanese Knotweed.
Publicly accessible land (e.g. rivers, BCC land) control work is completed for a common good, volunteer hours in return for attending the course.
(The cost of the course is £510, average hourly rate for a gardener ~£20 = 25 hours Especially earn volunteer hours in return where people who have been trained are likely to benefit from having the qualification in terms of improved employment or self-employment prospects). Chemicals and kit will not be provided for private paid work.
(The cost of the course is £510, average hourly rate for a gardener ~£20 = 25 hours Especially earn volunteer hours in return where people who have been trained are likely to benefit from having the qualification in terms of improved employment or self-employment prospects). Chemicals and kit will not be provided for private paid work.
Private land homeowners/landowners
Anyone who has Japanese Knotweed that wants it treating must contact the community council by the end of June in order to qualify for a reduced rate treatment.
Suggest £5 per hour per volunteer. The money will be for community benefit. The usual cost for treating a moderately infested average sized semi-detached garden is £3000-4000
BCC could subsidise repeat visits in year 2
BCC can decide on any additional contributions to volunteers after initial pay back hours.
The only treatment offered will be by stem injection or weed wiping. There will be no spraying.
BCC to advertise the opportunity asap
Rachel Mills, Ceredigion County Council will:
Visit the properties who come forward and plan the treatment (priority visits and treatment will be according to the RICS categorisation)
Arrange treatment in the Autumn
Provide the necessary kit and chemicals for work related only to public land or private with a donation that are identified by June 2018
Accompany volunteers on all visits as per H&S and insurance requirements and assist with the treatment. There will be no charge for her time
Revisit the sites treated in 2019 if possible and plan for further treatment for Autumn 2019 if necessary. This will be charged at the same rate as year 1, but less hours should be required if treatment in year 1 is successful
Keep a record of all treatments and monitor pesticide use
A resident has flagged up their disappointment at the deterioration of the river walk round the back of the animalarium. Static caravans (2) and mobile caravans (2), freight containers (3) and gas bottles and other rubbish are accumulating. Question whether 1) they are allowed the number of static caravans without having a caravan site license, it seems that landowners can have a caravan for guest use, or a couple if they are only on site for a short number of months per year and not all year round. It seems that 4 all year is likely to require a license as it indicates a change of land use and 2) if anything can be done about the mess at their premises alongside the popular river walk.
A resident has reported a large pile of black rubbish bags on Ynyslas golf course car park. It seems it is the remnant of a beach clean. Disposal is yet to be sorted.
A resident has reported a large pile of black rubbish bags on Ynyslas golf course car park. It seems it is the remnant of a beach clean. Disposal is yet to be sorted.
411. Cllr Bainbridge in her absence asked for the following to be mentioned:
No charge for the disposal of rubbish from the playground following the installation of the new music board. Cllr Bainbridge has received a plaque from the lottery to put on the music board, however, a request will be made for a bilingual sign.
An insurance claim has been lodged following recent storms when the football stand roof fell on to the multi user equipment.
Borth Zoo is arranging a carnival event which will be called Carnival chalk fest. Permission for this will need to be sought from CCC.
Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on a recent meeting he attended on “Local Well Being Plan” project.
Cllr Ashley has had no response form 3GS despite several attempts. She has received a quote for £535.97 inc vat for a new sign for the gate to the car park opposite Brynowen, 7 aluminium composite dog signs and clips and bolts. This also includes fitting and the free removal of all old signs. Members resolved to set aside £700 for the signs.
Cllr Griffiths is concerned that the burnt out caravan opposite The Surrey Café has still not been removed. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways.
Cllr Willcox mentioned the insurance claim lodged by the Football Club following recent high winds and that the club insurers would not accept liability for the damage to the playground equipment.
Cllr Stacy Jones in her absence sent quotations she had received for a new flag pole and base. Cllr Dalton said she would make comparisons and report back at the next meeting.
412. No report.
413. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.30pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 14 May 2018 to include AGM, General Data Protection Regulation, Welsh Language Scheme, Car Parking and Remuneration Payments to Members of Community and Town Councils. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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