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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - (Remote) - September 2020



Present:      Chairperson:            H Hughes                                                                    
                                                   R Dalton                                 
                                                   R Davies          
                                                   G B Jones
                                                   A J Morris
                                                   D Pryce Jones                                                  
In Attendance:  County Cllr:     R P Quant
                         Clerk:                M Walker                     
                                                   4 Members of the Public. 


58.  Cllrs C Bainbridge, M Griffiths and Cllr D Tweedy.  Cllr M Griffiths has applied to the Council to have her absence approved for a further 6 months whilst she recovers from her recent illness.  Cllr Hughes proposed and Cllr Bryn Jones seconded with all members present voting in favour to extend her period of absence as requested.  Cllr J James can no longer serve as a Councillor at present as he has not attended Council meetings for six months.


59.  Mrs Andrea Hughes was disappointed to see that the signs put up by CCC welcoming visitors back to Ceredigion did not state the 2 metre rule. She suggested that all authorities worked together to ensure consistency.  Cllr Quant said he would look into getting 2 metre social distancing stickers for the existing signage.


60. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


61. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 3 August 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Pryce Jones and seconded by Cllr Morris.  All members voted in favour.


62.  Bus Shelters.  Minute 50.  Phil Dalton has completed works to repair the bus shelter by Cambrian Terrace. 

63.  CCTV – Main Car Park.  Minute 53. Cllr Hughes confirmed that he had put up a temporary camera on the car park.


64.    Coronavirus.  Regular updates and information from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council. 

65.  One Voice Wales.  Community and Town Councils loss of income funding.

Playground signs already in use by Castle Caereinion CC.
Best Practice Guides that OVW intends to use over the coming months.
Details and dates of webinar training courses.
Decarbonisation Newsletter August 2020.
Dyfed Powys Police scam warnings and how to protect yourselves from phishing scams.
Guidance to Councils on holding meetings on a physical basis.
Support for the Heritage Sector in Wales.
66.  Welsh Government.  Details of current consultations and the August edition of the Natural Resources bulletin.
67.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of the winner of a Photography Competition – Life in Welsh lockdown.
CCC is continuing its apprentice recruitment drive.
Ceredigion has been chosen for a fibre broadband pilot scheme.
Ceredigion Museum has received an Art Fund grant for a Welsh quilts exhibition.
The Hub Penparcau has been crowned Scarecrow Champions of Wales.
Ceredigion pupils congratulated on their GCSE results.

68.  Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue.  The summer 2020 edition of their magazine is available online.

69.  Timeline on Borth sea wall.  A proposal from Robert Davies for a climate change timeline on the newish tarmac of the sea wall.  Councillors had no objections and fully supported the project. Cllr Bryn Jones proposed that the Council sends a letter of support and this was seconded by Cllr Morris.  All members voted in favour.

70.  Civic Amenity Site.  A request from a local builder asking whether the civic amenity site is available for rent/lease or possibly to buy for the storage of equipment and materials.  Cllr Bryn Jones declared an interest and it was agreed to defer the item until the end of the meeting when Cllr Jones would leave the meeting so that the correspondence could be discussed.  The Clerk was asked to respond to the request stating that they are at present in a long term lease with CCC.

71.  Came & Co.  The Council’s insurance is up for renewal under the final year of the long term agreement. The premium for 2020/21 is £1551.70.  Members resolved to pay the premium.

72.  Broadband Upgrade Fund.  Ceredigion has been selected to take part in a new broadband pilot scheme.

73.  Natural Resources Wales.  A press release on vital works started on rare bog habitats in Ceredigion.

74.  Borth Safe Zones.  A reply from CCC in response to the e-mail sent from the Clerk expressing the Council’s disappointment that CCC had been unable to provide any Safe Zone restrictions in Borth.  Members agreed that a meeting should be held to discuss safety measures for the future and the Clerk was asked to arrange a mutually agreed date and time with representatives of CCC.

75.  NALC.  The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has agreed new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from 1 April 2020.  The Clerks salary based on SCP5 (formally SCP15) has increased from £9.77 per hour to £10.04.

76.  Clerk & Councils Direct.  September issue of the magazine.

77.  Noticeboards.  The village noticeboards need replacing or repairing as the wood etc is beginning to rot and the door on the board by Cae Gwylan has completely fallen off its hinges.  It was agreed to ask Mr Rob Hunt to supply a quote for the repairs.


78. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2020

      Nationwide                                                                                                                 30148.85
      Community Acct                                                                                                        16450.74
      Business No Notice Acct                                                                                            15340.46
      Deposit Account                                                                                                           3668.83
79. Income 
80. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
      Came and Company – insurance                                                                                   1551.70
      Hugh Hughes-temp camera 12.99, padlock 28.44,carriage bolt  3.79                              45.22
      M Walker-salary £592.60 (27p per hour salary increase backdated to 1/4/20), 
      off exp 7.99                                                                                                                     £600.59                          
      Heledd Davies – translation AGM minutes, car park sign, August minutes                  £143.05
      Proposed by Cllr Bryn Jones and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones
      with all members voting in favour.       


81.  Application for Full Planning Permission.

A200580.  Proposed glass balustrade to form new balcony over existing flat roof. 2 Beach Cottage, Clarach Road, Borth.  The Clerk had in advance of the meeting sent a copy letter of objection to all members from a neighbouring property on Brynowen Lane. 

We believe that Cllr Ray Quant has given delegated authority to refuse the application.

Outline planning application for Residential Development comprising 15 dwellings with all matters reserved except for Access and Layout at Land at Gwastad Lane, Borth.  Members welcomed this application.  However matters of concern were surface water and sewerage capacity which are all matters for NRW to address, drainage and access and egress to and from the property.

A200589.  Erection of 2 log cabins.  Animalarium, Ynys Fergi, Borth. Members discussed this application at length and a vote was taken for and against the proposal.  One member voted for and 4 members voted against.  It was agreed to send in the following comments: Borth Community Council has grave concerns at the proposed placement of the buildings which will further encroach into the open countryside bordering on the edge of a SSSI and Biosphere.  The Council feels that the land itself does not lend itself to housing development.


82.  The Clerk was asked to contact CCC for an update on previous e-mails sent. Cllr Pryce Jones praised the lifeguards for their excellent work in informing visitors not to take their dogs on the beach. It was agreed that the Council should send a letter of thanks to them and copied to the Cambrian News.  Some of the dog signs have faded and would possibly need replacing by next year.  Cllr Dalton can source 6 heavy duty plastic dog ban signs for the playing fields at a cost of £46.08.


83.  Cllr Bainbridge in her absence asked the Clerk to inform members that Kompan were scheduled to install the new equipment during the next few weeks and that the playground would remain closed for safety reasons.


84.  The Clerk has received a quote from Redesigns for 4 (2 Welsh and 2 English) x A4 signs together with all fixtures and fittings for the boat park.  The quote of £427.68inc VAT was accepted by Council.


85.  Social distancing signs have been put up along the high street and this has been welcomed in the absence of any implementation of Safe Zones along the main street.  It was also agreed following a letter of complaint to put a sign up on the old hall car park site (see minute 41) but those measures will be delayed until next year. 


86.  Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Hughes are both administrators of the Community Council Facebook page and he suggested that there should always be a minimum of two administrators.                                                 


87.  Cllr Hughes is concerned at the potential impact of flooding on the road into Borth following a breach on the eastern side of the river bank.  Cllr Quant said he would write to NRW. Cllr Hughes thanked Mr Rob Hunt for his work in repairing two benches and also to Phil and Rona Dalton for their work in carrying out repair works to the bus stops.


88.  Cllr Dalton informed members that the bottle bank was full and that green waste had been dumped on the site.
Cllr Morris thanked Cllr Dalton for all her hard work.
At this point Cllr Bryn Jones left the meeting.


89.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the latest figures and news in respect of Covid 19.  Safe Zones has worked well and will be retained until half term. Measures have been put in place for when foreign students arrive at the University. Ceredigion Council offices will be closed until the end of 2020 with the exception of the electoral services department and one or two others and there is no intention to open Day Centres at present. The Blood Transfusion Service is coming to the Community Hall at Borth in October.  Cllr Quant hopes to meet consultants before the next monthly council meeting to discuss Phase 3 of the sea defence.  CAVO will hold their next meeting on the 9th September.  Cllr Quant is also hoping to have a meeting with the Highways department to discuss the drains in Borth.


90.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 October 2020 to include Emergency Response Supplies, Boat Park, Dogs, Playground and Social Distancing. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.                  

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