Minutes - (Remote) - April 2021
MONDAY 12th APRIL 2021 AT 19.00HRS
Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
R Davies
M Griffiths
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Pryce Jones
A Thomas (new co-opted member)
D Tweedy
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
Prior to the start of the meeting Cllr Hughes asked members to observe a one minutes silence in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh who has recently passed away.
291. Cllr J James.
292. The Chairman Cllr Hugh Hughes invited Mrs Amy Thomas to join the Council. She swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Borth Community Council. Copies of the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders will be sent to Cllr Thomas by e-mail.
293. Mr James Davies raised concerns that residents were dissatisfied with the safe zone barriers out in place by CCC. This will be discussed under minute 313.
294. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
295. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 1 March 2021 as being a true record subject to an amendment to minute 267. The minute has been amended to read as follows: A request has been received to make a three year match funding contribution to Borth Community Hub as they will be submitting their National Lottery People and Places Funding bid in early March. At this stage three councillors declared an interest. It was agreed that the request for funding would be considered as the final item on the agenda when all three members would leave the meeting. Prior to the discussion Cllrs Bainbridge, Hughes and Dalton left the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Jones to give an annual sum of £500 over a three year period, this was seconded by Cllr James with all members present voting in favour.
Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge. All members voted in favour.
296. Minute 259. Following last months presentation by Peter Skitt, Cllr Jones informed members that as the Community Council’s point of contact he had been invited to attend a virtual meeting. Cllr Bainbridge raised her concerns that the democratic process had not been followed when Cllr Hughes took the decision as Chair to ask Cllr Jones to be the Council’s representative. This was an issue which was raised in letters by three members to the Chair after the March meeting. Cllr Bainbridge pointed out that the Chair of Council cannot make decisions on behalf of the Council and that the meeting should have been opened up for nominations and then followed by a vote. It was therefore decided by the council to take a vote on the nomination. Councillor Hughes proposed that Cllr Bryn Jones be the Councils point of contact, this was seconded by Cllr Dalton with all members voting in favour. There were no other nominations.
297. Coronavirus. Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
298. One Voice Wales, Welsh Government, Ceredigion County Council and Keep Wales Safe. All correspondence received during the month has been forwarded to all Councillors by e-mail. The housing officer at CCC has been tasked with finding 10 empty properties within the county over the next 12 months and is asking for assistance in locating them and providing the owners with the officers’ details.
299. Other Correspondence. Thank you letters for donations to Mynwent Capel y Garn cemetery and Y Tincer. Also a letter of thanks from Borth Community Hub for the Council’s three year commitment of £500 per annum.
300. Dedicating a Bench. A request from a Borth visitor for a public bench to be dedicated to her dog and another request for a memorial plaque to be placed on a bench on Borth promenade. It was proposed that the Clerk write to CCC for their standard approach to adopting a bench and to the placing of plaques on benches.
301. Call Companions. Details of a national charity called Re-engage who has set up a “call companions” service last year to fill the void created by lockdown. The service is free of charge and anyone can refer an older person who is lonely or socially isolated to receive a friendly phone call from a supportive volunteer.
302. Plover Project. A letter of thanks for the ringed plover artwork fee. Ms Adamson retains the copyright for the two pieces of artwork and has given permission for the work to be used in regards to public information pertaining to the protection of the ringed plovers on the beach. Members resolved to allow posters to be displayed in the window of Uncle Leos. Cllr Bainbridge said that the group responsible for the project would like a banner put up by the RNLI station.
303. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales. All councillors are entitled to receive a payment of £150 as a contribution to costs and expenses. There is no requirement to opt-in however an individual can decline to take the payment. Those wishing to do that must write to the Clerk to do so.
304. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2021
Nationwide 30,229.71
Community Acct 17,501.31
Business No Notice Acct 15,341.59
Deposit Account 3,749.10
305. Income
Ceredigion County Council – playground grant 4,981.00
Community Account- Landfill & CAS rents 4,616.50
Community Acct – Scottish Power wayleaves 34.51
Transfer to Deposit Acct from Community Acc 80.00
Deposit Account – gross int to 4/3/21 0.09
Business No Notice – gross int to 4/3/21 0.38
CCC-grant funding plover project 886.62
Nationwide – gross int to 31/3/21 80.86
306. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
Seren Signs – Plover project 503.28
Gabrielle Adamson – artwork 175.00
Tanwen Haf – Graphic Design 70.00
Y Lolfa – A4 & A3 poster printing 40.00
Redlynch Leisure - playground equipment 12,159.60
TME Electrical Contracting Ltd-set up and take down Xmas tree lights 300.00
HMRC –PAYE Jan, Feb, March 391.60
One Voice Wales membership fee 280.00
Robert Hunt – repairs to bench at Heol Aberwennol 191.46
Information Commissioner- Data protection Fee 40.00
M Walker-salary £522.20, off exp £27.90 550.10
Dyfed Alarms Ltd – CCTV service agreement 180.00 Heledd Davies – translation March minutes 91.10
Transfer from Community Acct to Deposit Acct 80.00
Proposed by Cllr Davies and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge with all members voting in favour.
307. Application for Planning Permission.
A210197. Conversion of a redundant storage shed into self catering holiday accommodation. Felinwern, Glanwern, Borth.
A210219. Erection of an extension to existing dwelling. Penrhiw, Cliff Road, Borth.
There were no observations or objections to the applications.
308. Cllr Dalton reported that all five noticeboards require some repair works to be carried out. Cllr Bainbridge proposed up to £500 for the works, this was seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.
309. The Clerk confirmed a survey of the benches had been carried out and that repair works was needed on a few and painting work on most. It was proposed that BCC write to CCC for their standard approach to placing memorial plaques on benches and whether permission had been sought and to advise them that painting/repair works is required to the majority of the benches. Cllr Bryn Jones proposed that the Council sets aside the sum of £500 for repair works to the picnic benches by the playground. This was seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones.
310. Ongoing.
311. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the new equipment in the playground and confirmed that all signage would be in place before the playground opens up on Friday 16th April.
312. Cllr Hughes is to arrange a meeting of the sub committee to discuss ways to move forward.
313. After a brief discussion it was agreed to write to CCC to ask for a review of the safety barriers and to request a new keep your distance banner by the RNLI. Some of the signs have also been cut down. Members agreed that the Council should contact the owner of the old holiday shop which has not been in use for decades. The shop extends out onto the pavement leaving little or no room for prams or wheelchairs to pass.
314. Three members of Council wrote to the Chair to express their concerns at the setting up of this group without prior knowledge or any discussion during Council meetings. Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Griffiths disputed whether the democratic process had been followed when the group was originally set up and whether the Community Council should have taken the lead on this. Cllr Davies explained that the idea came from conversations with various people in the village on their vision for Borth in the long term and that the group was set up to act at arms length and independent of Borth Community Council.
315. Cllr Hughes asked that the Council looks at litter (minute 271) as a future agenda item. Cllr Hughes has dealt with the issue of noisy manhole covers.
316. Cllr Dalton will arrange for the dog banners to be put up by the 1st May.
Cllr Pryce Jones has asked the lifeguards to make dog owners aware of the dog ban on the beach form the 1st May.
Cllr Jones said that the brambles are coming through the railings at the foot of the road up to the cliff.
Cllr Griffiths enquired whether the flowerbeds at the northern end of the village were being looked after. Cllr Jones said that Martine Ormerod had discussed taking ownership of one of the flowerbeds.
Cllr Hughes stated that the 12 month Zoom contract was coming to an end. Cllr Jones proposed that we renew for a further year, this was seconded by Cllr Davies with all members voting in favour.
317. Cllr Quant gave an update on the vaccination programme and statistics for the past week. He gave a brief update on a playing fields meeting he attended to review the proposed works to the valve chamber. Cllr Morris stated that it was his understanding that covid testing on students returning to Aberystwyth University was optional and not mandatory. Cllr Quant said he would make enquiries.
318. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 10th May 2021 to include AGM, Flooding and Ditches, Playground, Benches, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.
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