Coastal Defence Progress Pictures April 2011

Beach Nourishment - Sand and shingle has been placed on the beach to increase its width. This will provide Borth Village with more protection from incoming waves, as waves will be breaking further offshore and they will therefore have a wider beach over which their energy is released.

Beach Nourishment - Sand and shingle levelled out on Borth Beach to increase its width.
25th April 2011

Removing old Groyne Cardinal Mark with Rock for Multi-purpose Reef in background.
20th April 2011

Removing old Groyne Cardinal Mark 20th April 2011

Ceredigion County Council Scrutiny Committee and interested parties visit Borth Coastal Defence Scheme with Contractor Representatives to view site and also get answers to questions about procedures and progress. 14th April 2011

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Kind Permission Ceredigion County Council.

Tug "Afon Goch" arrives with loaded Barge "Charlie Rock" nearly high tide 10.35am 09/04/11

Tug manoeuvres Barge into unloading position

Children playing on Borth Beach by the lifeboat Station as normal

Final pull to get Barge as near to beach as possible

Nearly in position

Getting ready to unload.

Rocks splash in to sea

One load after the other as fast as possible.

Lovely day, sea very calm, ideal for unloading.

End of 24hr shift for this Barge Crew, new shift waiting on the beach to join Barge

It looks like they have a Lady on the crew of the Tug "Afon Goch"

Tug gets ready to tow the Barge back for another 1,400 tonnes of rock from the total 24,000 tonnes on the large barge 4nm west of Borth

Ready to tow

Back out to sea 4nm west for another load of rock

Final close shot of Barge before departure.

Back with a full load on the next high tide.

Tug "Afon Goch" towing barge "Charlie Rock" with 1st delivery of Rock Armour on a rising high tide. Kind Permission CCC

Tug manoeuvring the Barge into position to unload. Kind Permission CCC

1st Delivery of Rock Amour by Barge "Charlie Rock" with Tug "Afon Goch" standing by. 07/04/2011

Unloading Rock Amour from barge with tug close by.

Unloading Rock Amour from stern on to Borth Beach.

Tug “Afon Goch" manoeuvring Barge “Charlie Rock” for departure.

Tug "Afon Goch" towing Barge "Charlie Rock" going back for another load, returning at high tide on the evening.

Sun 3rd April 11(24,000 Tonnes) Large Rock Carrying Barge Anchored 4nm West of Borth. Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Kind Permission Derek & Borth Lifeboat Crew (Training Session)

Breakwater No 2 Base work. Kind Permission CCC

Groyne No 2. Kind Permission CCC

Groyne No 2. Kind Permission CCC
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