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Minutes - March 2011

 Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association
(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)

Meeting held on Thursday 10th March 2011, 7.30pm

1.  Apologies from Frank, Diane, Graham, Emyr, Roy.

Present: Ray, Ted, Hilary, Joan, Joy, Ieuan.

2.  Minutes of previous meeting read and passed.

3.  Correspondence:

Ceredigion County Council will pay £130 (instead of £100 as before) for the use of the Hall for elections, plus £20 for storage of polling booths.

4.  Treasurer's report:

Eleri from Davies & Lewis had sent draft accounts for approval by the Committee, with various notes for our attention –

a)  The accounts are not "audited" but "independently examined".

b)  The accounts for 2009 had not been ratified by the Committee at the AGM.

c)  A draft letter of representation from the Trustees was added.

d)  Roy and Jo should not be included on the Committee, as they are paid employees or relatives of employees.  It was pointed out that they were included in error as they attended the AGM.

e)  The Independent Examination could be dispensed with, as long as turnover is less than £25,000, but it was felt that it should continue, to show that the accounts had been examined.

The comments by Eleri were noted and will be addressed at the AGM.  The Committee examined the draft accounts and approved them, and Hilary will pay the bill.

Bank:  at present there is £5772 in current account, after paying direct debits and the bill from Aber Heating.  Still to pay – Davies & Cooke £915, Davies & Lewis £312.

In the Deposit account Hall Fund there is £2056 after paying Ted £1100 for decorating.

Ray thanked Ted for the decorating, and for clearing blockages in the toilets etc.

Electrics – the total for the work was £10316.  Extra works included fitting a hand dryer in the Gents toilets, changing the bulbs in the main hall (£581), new lights in foyer and stairs, replacing lights and emergency lighting in toilets and changing rooms (£900).  All the work has now been carried out and certified.

Coastal Defence work:  as the main Council car park is being used by BAM Nuttall, Ray had given the subcontractors permission to use the Hall car park, and also the Church car park.

Maintenance:  Ted has repaired the tap in the kitchen.

We will need to have a work party around May to carry out some jobs on the site.

Ray and Ted will put pictures etc. up.

The heating needs to be serviced, and Ray will arrange this with Aber Heating.

The electricity 3 year contract had come to an end, but was renewed for a further 2 years

Web site:  Graham has collected £280 for advertising, and estimates that there will be around £500 still to come in. 

AGM:  to be held on Thursday 28th April at 7.30pm.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.45pm

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