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Minutes - December 2010

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association

(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)
Meeting held on Thursday 9th December 2010, 7.30pm
1.  Apologies from Emyr, Frank and Diane.
Present: Ray, Ted, Hilary, Joan, Joy, Ieuan, Roy, Graham.
2.  Minutes of previous meeting read and passed.
3.  Matters arising:
Maintenance – a work party attended to the shrubs etc before the inspection by the RDP representative, and the work was approved.  Daffodil bulbs were also planted, and Ray thanked those who helped.
Electrics – Ray had put in a grant application, and a 50% grant has been offered by Ceredigion County Council.  
The total for the work needed is £10316, so we would need to find £5158. There is at present £4971 in the current account, but after paying standing orders etc this leaves approx. £4700, and with the £3898 in the other account, we have enough in hand to carry out the work.  
Ray had obtained 3 quotes, and Davies & Cooke was the best, so the Committee agreed to give them the go-ahead to start as soon as possible, to avoid the VAT rise in January.  
It was agreed that the Committee has no option but to bring the electrics up to current standards, although the work will leave the Committee's finances extremely tight, and it was agreed to ask Frank if Borth Community Council would be willing to make a grant towards the work.  Ray agreed to write to Frank on the matter.  
Ray confirmed that there were few bookings in the coming week, so there should not be a great effect on hall users.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm
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