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Minutes - AGM April 2011

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association
(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)
Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 28th April 2011, 7.30pm
1. Present: Ray, Joan, Hilary, Ted, Ieuan, Diane, Graham, Roy, Peter Fleming.  Apologies from Joy and Roy Jones (Football Club). Frank had resigned from the Council and so was no longer the Council's representative.
2.  Minutes of previous A G M read and passed (proposed Hilary, seconded Ted).
3.  Matters arising:   Various points made by Davies and Lewis were noted, particularly that as Roy and Jo were employees, they were not allowed to serve on the executive committee.
 4.  Correspondence:  Nil.
 5.  Chairman’s report:  As attached Trustees report.
 6.  Treasurer’s report:  Hilary presented the accounts (as attached) as independently examined by Davies & Lewis.  Although it is not strictly necessary to carry out a full examination, it was decided to continue with this to avoid any queries in the future. Net receipts in year were £4764, cash in hand at 31/12/10 was £8920. The direct debit for the electricity has been increased to £210 per month.  Total outgoings were £9200 for the year, but income from hall lettings was only £9000, so we need to keep an eye on the utility outgoings and reduce if possible.
7.  Trustees – as listed apart from Frank Hitchings.  New Council representative to be appointed by Borth Community Council.
8.  Election of Executive Committee – the Committee was re-elected en bloc, proposed by Ted, seconded by Graham.
9.  Election of Officers – the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Bookings Secretary (Roy) were re-elected en bloc, proposed Diane, seconded Graham.
10.  Rural Development Plan Scheme – Ray suggested that a collection of photographs showing the development of the Hall and surroundings could be mounted in the foyer, to show the public what had been achieved.
11.  Maintenance – a work party will be needed to carry out various jobs and tidy up around the site, possibly in October. Graham reported that one of the picnic tables needs repairing, and offered to get the necessary wood and repair it. Electrics are all repaired and inspected, plus other improvements have been carried out to the lighting system. Ted and Glyn have carried out the decorating, and Ray thanked them. The boiler and heaters have been serviced. The Football Club has applied for a grant to extend the football pitches.  Notices are to be put in the local press for the revoking of the common rights on the land, and then the plans will be posted on the site.
12.  Multi Use Games Area – Ray is to ask Ceredigion Parks and Gardens to repaint the lines.  A quote is needed to repair the electrical supply to the MUGA. The drains around the tennis courts need clearing, and Peter Fleming had asked Martin Watkin to scan the pipes to find out the extent of the problem.  The trees around the courts have grown and could be causing damage to the drains, and they also cause the surface of the courts to become slippery.  Peter will arrange necessary repairs, and the BPSFA will pay for new pipe.
13.  Grass cutting – Ted has cut the grass, and Ray thanked him.
14.  Web site – Graham was thanked for his work on the site.  He has developed sites within the community web site for various village businesses, and charged them £25 each, plus £10 for advertisements on the main site.
15.  Any other business:
Graham suggested that a carpet was need in the porch, and this was agreed. Roy reported that he had been asked if mini goal posts could be provided in the hall – possibly funded from "Community Chest". Ted noted that party organizers must be told to employ licensed door persons to restrict access to invited persons only.
Meeting closed at 9.00pm.
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