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Minutes - September 2010

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association
(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)
Meeting held on Thursday 2nd September 2010, 7.30pm
1.  Apologies from Ted, Frank and Emyr.
Present: Ray, Joan, Hilary, Ieuan, Diane, Joy, Graham, Roy. Peter Fleming and Roy Jones attended on behalf of the Football Club.
2.  Minutes of previous meeting (11th March) read and passed.
3.  Address by Peter Fleming and Roy Jones:  Peter outlined the Club's plans for the future.  They are intending to erect handrails to hold advertising boards, installing paths, planting trees, working on 5-a-side and cricket pitches etc, with the help of grants from Sports Council for Wales and Ceredigion County Council.  
Ray congratulated them on the work done so far, and the Committee agreed to the proposed works as outlined by Peter.  He commented that the repair to the MUGA boards had not been included, but Peter explained that there was some confusion over whether the Committee was carrying out this work or not, and that he would be happy to add it to the list.  Ray also queried the maintenance of new trees, but Peter explained that they would be a species of willow which are about 14' high at present, but should not need maintaining for many years. They would screen the pitch from the bog area, and help to prevent balls going astray.
Peter pointed out that the "No Dogs" signs were inadequate – some have gone missing or are being ignored.  Ray is to ask the Council to include the Playing Fields area in the same order as the beach, for statutory regulation of dogs, as there is no legal right to enforce the signs at present.  Ray asked if the Club would be willing to cut back the shrubs planted around the gas tank and this was agreed.
4.  Matters arising: decorating in the Hall has not yet been done, the Council had not been asked for a contribution towards paint.
Store cupboard had not yet been cleared, as organizations had not been asked to remove their equipment.  Plant Dewi were hoping to move out as soon as an alternative site was found.
5.  Any urgent matters arising from the AGM:  money had been received from Ceredigion for the web site.
6.  Correspondence:  the insurance had been increased by £2 per month.
RDP – the Annual Return was to be completed by Ray.  Ceredigion C C would like to store the polling booths at the Hall between elections – this was agreed, for an additional cost of £20.
7.  Treasurer's Report:  at present the Hall a/c stands at £4898, including the receipt of the web site money, and the Treasurer's a/c has £724 in it. Secretary is to ask Borth C C for the next £3000 of revenue funding.
8.  Decision following Peter Fleming's address – the committee agreed to the Club's proposals and expressed its support for the Club.
9.  Electrical Inspection:  the original electrical installation by D M Jones was in the Hall only, but various additions have been made, including stage lighting, security lighting, analogue CCTV etc.  The electrics were inspected by D M Jones in 2001 to comply with the Entertainments License, but since then, regulations have changed, and no further inspections have been carried out.  The lighting to the MUGA, the digital CCTV system and the upper floor have been added.  Davies & Cooke wired the upper floor and would accept responsibility for that.  Ray commissioned a full inspection and report, and was advised that major rewiring was needed.  Ray asked for a detailed breakdown and estimate for the work required.
Davies & Cooke reported that the upstairs was satisfactory, and the showers & changing rooms were classed as domestic areas and could be accepted, but the main hall needs to be completely rewired for the lights, heaters and emergency lighting.  The stage is on a separate system so is OK.
Ray felt that as it was over 10 years since D M Jones did the original installation, it would not be worth asking him to rectify his original mistakes, but that he could be asked for his comments.
The MUGA is not satisfactory, but is a separate issue – Ray will try to contact the original contractor, but the lighting will have to be switched off at present.
The Committee felt that the issues have to be addressed, possibly in stages, and Ray will negotiate with Davies & Cooke to see if work can be carried out as finances allow.
10.  Grass cutting:  the Football Club has agreed to do this.
11.  Maintenance:  nothing urgent to be done at present.
12.  Web Site:  Graham has taken charge of most of the inputting of information.  Ray, Hilary and James Davies have access.  Ieuan will assist Graham with Welsh translation and possibly with photographs.  The Coastal Defence site is bilingual but is verified by Ceredigion C C.  There are 15 attractions and 17 local businesses including holiday parks on the site so far.  It was decided that a fee of £10 per year should be made to remain on the site, and Graham is to call on the advertisers to tell them of the charge and ask for their agreement.
13.  Any Other Business: Joy mentioned that all the glassware, cutlery etc kept disappearing from the kitchen.  She suggested asking for a deposit, e.g. £50, which could be left with Roy in exchange for the key, refundable if no losses.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm.
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