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Minutes - March 2010


(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)

Meeting held on Thursday 11th March 2010, 7.30pm
1.  Ray welcomed members to the meeting.  A minute's silence was held in memory of Arthur and Berwyn, who have both sadly passed away since our last meeting.
2. Apologies from Emyr.
Present: Ray, Joan, Hilary, Ted, Ieuan, Diane, Joy, Frank, Roy.
3. Minutes of previous meeting read and passed.
4. Matters arising:
Maintenance - a new time switch has been fitted and the bulbs changed by Dave Mansell.
5. Correspondence:
Letter received from Christine Millichamp regarding the Scouts Quiz Night, which had been accidentally booked in the wrong month.  Secretary has written to explain and apologise.  Hilary pointed out that Mrs Millichamp had not yet paid for a private party booking in September last year.
Letter received from British Gas asking to increase the standing order for electricity from £200 – Hilary has asked that we pay an additional amount by cheque if and when necessary, rather than increase the standing order – this was agreed by B.Gas.
6. Treasurer's report:
At present we have £3053 in current account, including the £3000 from Borth C.C.
Regular outgoings are:  Camgas £200 p/m, B.Gas (electricity) £200 p/m, insurance £140 p/m, plus caretaker's wages etc.
Accounts have been given to the Accountants to be audited.
7.  Hall charges:  at present the charge for the Hall is £7.00 per hour, and for the upstairs rooms £6.00 per hour.  Ray suggested these be increased to £8.00 and £7.00 respectively, and other charges to be increased pro rata, at the AGM.
8. Hall maintenance:  the electrics have not been inspected recently, and an inspection should be carried out for insurance purposes.  Ray will ask Davies & Cooke to inspect & certify.
Decoration – Ted was asked to paint the downstairs area sometime during the summer.  Frank offered to ask the Council for a sum, say £200, towards the cost of paint.
MUGA – Ted and Ray will inspect the rebound boards and report to the AGM regarding necessary repairs.
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