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Minutes - AGM May 2009


(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association

Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 21 May 2009, 07:00pm

1. Present: Ray, Joy, Joan, Hilary, Ted, Arthur, Emyr, Derrick, Diane, Ieuan, Frank, James Davies, Jeff, Roy.  Apologies from Billy Williams.

2.  Minutes of previous A G M read and passed (proposed Frank, seconded Joy).

3. Matters arising

CCTV – is now working, though there is some dispute with the suppliers about the condition of the monitor.

Heaters – although the repairs had worked for a time, they had soon become noisy again.  The repairer will come back to fix again.
Speakers – new radio mike had been ordered from Dave Mansell, but this will be tested in the hall before approving it.

Front doors – have been replaced at a cost of £700, by the original supplier, who Ray had managed to trace.  Some of the cost will be covered by insurance.

Floor – no progress on re-sanding the floor as the hall is continuously in use – perhaps in the summer it may be free.

MUGA – boards still in need of repair & painting. 

Grass cutting – the mower is broken down at present, but the matter is in hand.

Healthy Eating Club – the equipment is still occupying one room.  Ray had met the Sports Council representative and Lorraine Jones, but no progress has been made so far re-moving the equipment.  Diane offered to see Lorraine to ask what is happening.

4.  Correspondence:  none had been received.

5. Chairman’s report: (attached) Ray commented on another busy year, with the hall in use 6 days a week, and sometimes up to 4 activities in one day.  He outlined the work done over the past year, and that still to be done, and thanked members of the committee and others who were helping with this.

6.  Treasurer’s report:  the accounts (attached) had been prepared and audited by Davies & Lewis, and were discussed by members.  They were proposed by Joy, seconded by Emyr and passed.

7.  Election of Executive Committee the Committee was re-elected en bloc, proposed by Derrick, seconded by Roy.

8.  Election of Officers – the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary were re-elected – proposed by Joy, Seconded by Diane.

9.  Environmental Improvements Grant Scheme - most of the financial developments will be in the current year. 

Signage is to be erected on the foreshore, and the wording was discussed.  It was finally agreed to be

Maes Chwarae Uppingham / Uppingham Playing Fields

Neuadd Goffa / Memorial Hall

This was proposed by Hilary, seconded by Diane and passed.

Signs are also to be erected on the bridges signing the way to the Hall, and for Dog Walking and No Dogs areas.

10. Matintenance - heaters and grass cutting already mentioned, the crack in the wall of the main hall is not urgent, but is under review.

11. MUGA - it was decided to keep the revenue from the use of the MUGA and the lights separate, to pay for necessary repairs to the area.

12. Grass cutting - Billy has offered to spay the long grass so that it can be mowed when the mower is repaired

13. Any other business

Members welcomed the formation of a Football Club, who planned to use the MUGA for training (any evening except Mondays, when it is in use by Bow Street F C).

The changing rooms will be charged at the same rate as at present (£6.00).  There is no charge for the use of the field, but the Club will be responsible for maintenance etc.  No football is to be played in the Hall apart from infants and junior school children.

Joy thanked the Committee for the use of the hall by the Senior Citizens, and especially Derrick for his help.

Ray thanked the Committee especially the treasurer, secretary and Gill, the bookings secretary.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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