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Minutes - January 2012

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association (incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association) 
Meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2012, 7.30pm
1.  Present: Ray, Joan, Graham, Roy, Mike Willcox and Joe Willcox.
Apologies from Hilary, Joy, Ieuan, Diane, Ted.
2.  Minutes of meeting on 27th October read and passed.  
3.  Matters arising: 
Carpeting of Foyer – Rob Davies had been too busy but will carry out carpeting as soon as possible.
Canopy – Mike is still trying to sort out prices.
4.  Correspondence:  none.
5.  Treasurer's report:
The amount in the Current account is £10,002, the Hall fund has £1618 and the MUGA & Nationwide together total approx £180.
Camgas is owed £200.  A donation of £450 from the Carnival Committee may be used to buy more chairs.
6.  Hall Cleaning - a Cleaning Audit had been carried out (copy attached) at a cost of approximately £42.
Roy is willing to carry on at present, but would appreciate some training – Ray will arrange this through the County Council.
7.  Main Hall Floor – the price for stripping and re-sealing the floor was £6133 + VAT in 2008 and would now be approx. £8000 allowing for price increases.  Ray had approached a sub-contractor for the original installer, who is willing to do the work for £4500 including line marking (no VAT as not registered).  The Hall will have to be closed on 11th June for 2 weeks.  This was agreed by the Committee.
8.  M.U.G.A. – Neil Cooke is still obtaining quotes for trenching, building new junction box and renewing the cables etc.  Ray will apply for grant towards new lights when the price is known.
The Football Club has the repairing of the rebound boards in hand.
9.  Hall Maintenance incl. heaters – Ray had asked Aber Heating to quote for 4 new gas heaters to replace the old noisy ones.
The plumber had attended to various leaks.
Dyfed Alarms had been asked to repair the CCTV system, at a cost of approx. £300.
Roy pointed out that some of the toilet cisterns needed replacing, and Peter, the Limit would be asked to check them.
Joe stated that a longer stepladder was needed to reach the top of the curtains and the lights. Mike will order one.  Joe will also repair the stringing to the stage curtains.  Roy will ask Hilary for a cheque for £217.47 for items paid for by Mike for the repairs to lights etc. already carried out by Joe. 10.  Community Website – Graham will shortly start to collect money for advertisements for the coming year.
11. Any other business:
Ray thanked Joe for his work, and his enthusiasm, and invited him to join the executive committee as a co-opted member, until he can be voted on as a full member at the next AGM.  
Graham asked if it was possible to look into extra lights in the car park – Joe will check on this.
Joe reported that Peter Fleming had asked if the committee wanted to buy the second hand storage container, as he had no further use for it, but the committee declined, and asked that it could be removed from the site.
Roy reported that the Zumba group were originally paying £8, but he had begun charging them £12 a session as they had more than 40 people in attendance.
Plant Dewi had had a grant towards storage of equipment, which had to be used before April – the committee agreed it could give them a bill for 1 year's storage, but is unable to give them exclusive use of any room.
13.   Annual General Meeting – to be held on 19th April 2012, at 7.30pm.  Charges will be reviewed at the AGM.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm


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