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Minutes - Aprll AGM 2012

 Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association (incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association)
Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 19th April 2011, 7.30pm
     1. Present: Ray, Joan, Hilary, Ieuan, Diane, Joy, Graham, Roy, Mike Willcox, Joe Willcox, Roy Jones, Geoff Evans, Peter Fleming.  Apologies from Ted.
      2.  Minutes of previous A G M read and passed (proposed Hilary, seconded Joy).
      3.  Matters arising:  
Photos – Ray is collecting photos from Ieuan, Graham etc with a view to displaying them in the foyer.
The broken picnic table has been repaired.
The repairs to the MUGA electrics & rebound boards are ongoing.
The carpeting to the porch is waiting for the installer to have the time.
Doorman – Mike asked for clarification of the need for licensed doormen – these are needed for all open functions with or without entertainment or alcohol.  Children's functions merely need parental supervision.
      4.  Correspondence:  Nil.
      5.  Chairman’s report:  As attached Trustees report.
      Ray reported that the hall floor is to be refurbished, and the hall will be closed from 11th June.
      He appreciated the support of Mike, from the Community Council.
      6.  Treasurer’s report:  Hilary presented the accounts and financial statement (as attached) and Ray explained the figures.  Income from the hire of the Hall was £13,006.  A grant was received on behalf of the Football Club, and was transferred to      them.  Various repairs and maintenance had been carried out, such as new taps, new door to dance studio, boiler repair, repair to hand driers etc.
Profit on the year was £3138.  Debtors are mainly hirers for November & December, which were not invoiced till January.
Cash in hand at 31/12/11 was £12,135 in the current a/c, £697 in the Hall a/c, 128 in the Nationwide a/c.
The accounts were accepted by the committee – proposed Joy, seconded Diane & carried.
       7.  Trustees – as listed.  Diane proposed Joe as a new Trustee, seconded Graham & carried.
       8.  Election of Executive Committee – the Committee, as per the list of Trustees, was re-elected en bloc, proposed by Peter, seconded by Graham.
      9.  Election of Officers – the Chairman, Ray Quant, Treasurer, Hilary Matthews, and Secretary, Joan Gethin were re-elected en bloc, proposed Diane, seconded Mike.
       10.  Maintenance – the main project for this year will be the refurbishment of the Hall floor.
            The stairlift needs repair, after it became stuck at the top of the stairs.  Mike has asked a lift engineer to inspect it and repair it if possible.
           The rubber feet on the tables need replacing, and more tables and chairs are needed – Ray asked Joe to get prices for 10 tables, plus chairs.
           Joe is in process   Light in ladies toilet needs repairing, and the door counter is not working.
           The gas tank possibly needs replacing, but this is down to CamGas, who own it.
     11.  Multi Use Games Area – still awaiting prices for extra lighting, to be installed at the same time an the existing electrics are renewed.  The rebound boards still need replacing, Peter is sorting out replacements.
      12.  Grass cutting –Ray congratulated Peter on cutting the pitches, and thanked Ted for cutting the picnic area etc.
      13.  Web site – Graham was congratulated by the host (Alex) for his work on the site.  He is still collecting money for web sites and advertising, with more advertising from businesses to come.
      14.  Any other business:
Roy has offered his resignation as Caretaker, as he will be away for part of the summer, and has other commitments.  He is willing to carry on as booking secretary at present.
Hire charges – to be discussed at next meeting.
Scouts – would like to use the upper rooms for Beavers & Cubs, plus the main hall for Scout meetings.  They would also require storage space.  The Committee agreed in principle, but it was agreed to convene a meeting with the Scouts to sort out details.
Mike said that there should be more monitoring of the hall equipment, especially electrical goods, to keep a check on damage or repairs.
Joy thanked the Committee on behalf of the Senior Citizens, for the use of the hall.
Graham felt that the booking forms and conditions of hire need to be reviewed – to be discussed at next meeting.
Roy was concerned at the gas & electricity costs, and suggested that individual water heaters could be fitted to the kitchen & wash basins, to save heating the whole tank.
Roy commented on the sand in the car park, but Peter reported that the Football Club would be removing it.
Roy asked for the keys for new doors to be given to the caretaker.
Joe asked for a tool kit for the hall.  He and Mike felt that the storage areas could be rearranged to give more storage space.
Roy Jones, on behalf of the Football Club, thanked the Chairman for his work on facilitating the use of the premises by the Club.  Hilary commented that we are all pleased to see the field in use again.
Hilary noted that a list of keys, and who holds them, is needed for insurance purposes.
The Annual General Meeting closed at 9.00pm, and members of the public left.
Caretaker – Roy had recommended Helen from West End, who had stood in for him when he had been away.  Margaret Griffiths had also expressed an interest in the job, but members felt that she would be too busy with other commitments.  Helen would be ideal as she lived at the entrance to the site, but Mike felt that we may need to employ a separate cleaner, say once a week, to keep up cleaning standards, as the caretaker might find it difficult to do both jobs.
Next meeting to be held on Thursday 24th May, 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.


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