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Minutes - Sept 2012

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association

(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association) 
Meeting held on Thursday 27th September 2012, 7.30pm
1.  Present: Ray, Ieuan, Joan, Joy, Mike, Joe, Roy, Steve, Hilary.  Apologies from Diane, Ted, Graham
2.  Minutes of meeting on 16th August read and passed.  
3.  Matters arising
Correspondence:  The insurers had emailed Ray asking for a progress report, and he had replied as follows:
Rainbow Cleaning had finished drying out the floors etc. on 6th September. 
There had been a problem with the Junkers flooring, and so Capital Flooring had had to re-order.  However, they are due to start laying the new floor on 15th October, and should be finished by Saturday 20th Oct.  It will be available for use 48 hours later, i.e. Tuesday 23rd October.
Capital Flooring stipulated that no-one must walk on the new floor until they have given clearance.
The painters will finish the toilet areas first, and the rest of the rooms as soon as possible.
Any Other Business:
Capital Flooring will lay the wooden flooring to the dance studio while they are on site, at a discounted cost.
Steve suggested that an incident book could be left in the foyer, so that users could report any damage or problems etc, and repairs could be carried out as soon as possible.
Ray will collect past copies of "What's On" to demonstrate loss of income to the insurers.
Joe asked about fire regulations regarding the numbers of persons using the upstairs rooms, as the Scouts and Choir are using these at present.  However, they will be using the main hall as soon as it is back in use.
Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
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