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Minutes - Feb 2013

Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association

(incorporating Borth Sports & Community Hall Association) 
Meeting held on Thursday 7th February 2013, 7.30pm
1.  Present: Ray, Ieuan, Joan, Joy, Mike, Roy, Steve, Graham.  Apologies from Diane, Hilary, Joe.
2.  Minutes of meeting on 27th September read and passed.  
3.  Matters arising – nil.
4.  Correspondence:  Ray had received a letter from Ted tendering his resignation from the Committee.  All members were sorry to lose him, and commented on his excellent work over many years.
Letter from Borth Wildlife Improvements – see item 10.
5.  Treasurer's report – Ray read out the report on behalf of Hilary:
Current Account – £21,142
Hall Account      -   £ 2,071
MUGA Account -        £60
Nationwide A/c  -       £128
The bill for electricity after the flooding was approx. £2000, but this has been claimed from the insurers, and is included in the Current A/c.  The accountant has asked Hilary for last year's accounts.
Hilary has been comparing electricity prices, as the contract with Scottish Power is coming to an end, and was given powers to act, to get the best deal.
6.  Hall Heating – the present heaters have never been very successful, and are very noisy.  Ray had investigated the new heaters used in St Michael's Church.  These are ceramic heaters, so should be less noisy.  He had had a quote from Aber Heating to remove the old heaters and replace with ceramic ones, for a total of £10,350 + VAT.  Two other quotes had been received, but both were higher.  Ray has applied to Ceredigion County Council for a grant of 50% towards them, and it was agreed to go ahead assuming the grant is successful.
Aber Heating had also quoted for a sensor system in the gents toilet, to flush on detecting movement.
7.  General hall issues – Ray congratulated Steve on the cleanliness of the hall.
Roy and Joy asked that smaller stacks of chairs be left in reserve, as they could not reach the higher stacks.
One table is broken but is being replaced.
A broken TV has been left in the hall, and Mike will take it to the tip.
Following a number of complaints about the main doors to the main hall being padlocked, it was agreed that the doors should not be locked in future.
8.  Steve has tested the cleaning fluid supplied by the flooring company, and noted how strong it is.  He will re-fix the drain covers in the toilets lifted by the flooding.
Paul Fleming has fixed a weatherboard to the exterior fire doors.
Joy reported that some seats in the ladies toilets are loose – Steve will adjust them.
MUGA – we need to consider renewing the electrics and the boarding in the spring.
Notice Board for porch – Mike and Ieuan are organizing this.
9.  Web site – Graham reported that this is still going well.  He has sent out invoices for users, and any who don't pay will be removed.
10.  Borth Wildlife Improvements – Denmark Farm Conservation Centre, Lampeter, would like to carry out some planting, and install a 'Bug Hotel' on the land beside the Hall, and on the picnic area.  The committee is willing for them to carry out works by the picnic area and the leet, but not by the Hall, because of access to manholes and sewers etc.
11. Any Other Business:
Roy reported that Borth Family Centre had paid for storage in the central upstairs room last year, as they had had a lottery grant, but they were unsure if they would be able to pay the same this year.  They were recommended to speak to Hilary or Ray to sort out a possible compromise.
The Scouts are using this room as well, at present, until they can get a proper storage facility outside, so possibly they should be sharing the cost.
Joy thanked the Committee on behalf of the Senior Citizens, for the use of the Hall.
Mike suggested that we should think of projects for the future, by the next meeting.
Steve reported that the speakers have not yet been repaired – Ray to chase Dave Mansell.
Next meeting Thurday 21st March, 7.30pm.  AGM possibly 25th April.
Meeting closed at 8.50pm.
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