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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - July 2018



Present:    Chairperson:                           C Bainbridge
                                                                G Ashley
                                                                R Dalton
                                                                M Griffiths
                                                                J James
                                                                M J Willcox    
In Attendance:  County Cllr:                  R P Quant
                          Clerk:                            M Walker                      
                                                               8 Members of the Public. 
82. Cllrs G B Jones and W J Williams.  The Clerk has received an e-mail from Cllr Stacy Jones resigning from Borth Council.
83. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
84.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 4 June 2018 as being a true record.
85.  Dogs.  Minute 54.  The Clerk showed members a template of a dog walk sign designed by Luke Griffiths of Redesigns.  Members approved the signage subject to a welsh translation.
86.  Boat Park.  Minute 55.  Cllr Ashley has put up a notice asking boat owners to register their boats/trailers.  Any unregistered boats etc will be removed from the site.
87.  Remuneration Payments to Members of Community and Town Councils.  Minute 58.  Cllr Dalton has prepared a letter for members to sign if they wish to opt out of the scheme.
88.  World War 1.  Members resolved to donate the sum of £370.75 for the printing of 100 books of World War 1 news.  All members voted in favour.
89. Tree.  An e-mail from Elizabeth Mullan, Naomi Salmon, James Davies and Rychard Carrington in respect of the success of the appeal against refusal of planning permission by CCC.
90.  Welsh Assembly Government.  April 2018 newsletter.
91.  Model Standing Orders 2018.  A new set of standing orders to replace the existing ones.  Agenda item in September.
92.  Welsh Government.  Details of welsh government consultations.
93.  Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.  The Ombudsman has decided not to investigate a code of conduct complaint made against a councillor.
94.  Independent Review Panel.  June Newsletter.
95.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.  The service has now officially opened Caffi Tan which is open to the public from the 12th June.
96.  Ceredigion County Council.  The Council is currently holding a conversation with residents about how they can give them a voice in strengthening communities and shaping services in the future.
97.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a trainee graduate scheme.
98.   Cymdeithas yr Iaith.  The Cymdeithas are going to raise awareness in every community about the need to develop media in Wales by arranging gigs and entertainment nights in each community or by having communities work together to hold these events.
99.    One Voice Wales.   Details of grants for Remembrance Day Installations.
100.  Dyfi Biosphere.  An update from a recent meeting.  Cllr Margaret Griffiths volunteered to be the Council representative at Dyfi Biosphere meetings following the resignation of Cllr Stacy Jones.
101.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  A request to share information with local charities/organisations etc who work with young people about an exciting opportunity made available to them.
102.  One Voice Wales.  The OVW Innovative Practice Conference will be held at Builth Wells on the 4th July.
103.  Natural Resources.  June 2018 newsletter.
104.  Welsh Government.  Health and Social Services newsletter.
105.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a road closure at Dolybont on the 25th July 2018.
106.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a consultation on the household waste site at Llanarth.
107.  One Voice Wales.  Details of forthcoming training sessions.
108.  Borth Coastal Frontage.  A reply to Cllr Dalton’s letter regarding the beach profile and a copy letter to CCC from Ms Sadie Everard expressing her concern at the build up of stones to the rear of her property and the reply from CCC.  Also Cllr Bryn Jones has sent in an e-mail in his absence concerning the build up of stones on the breastwork.  County Cllr Ray Quant to follow up.
109.  One Voice Wales.  Module 15 Information Management has been updated to include the provisions of the 2018 Data Protection Act and covers the Freedom of Information Act.
110.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue.  Details of an online survey on whether the service provides good value for money.
111.  Ecodyfi.  Forthcoming events.
112.  Ceredigion County Council.  Information on a road closure through Borth on carnival day 3rd August.
113.  ROSPA.  A safety inspection report highlighting several areas that require remedial tasks.
114.  Ceredigion Replacement Local Development Plan 2018-2033.  As part of the process of preparing the Replacement Local Development Plan, the Council is inviting developers, service providers, landowners and others with an interest in land to submit sites they wish to be considered as allocated sites for development or other uses through the Replacement LDP.   The closing date for submissions is noon on the 27th September.
115.  One Voice Wales.  The 10th edition of the Charles Arnold Baker publication is being offered at a cost of £53 + £7 postage which is a 50% reduction on the actual cost.
116.  One Voice Wales.  June 2018 News Bulletin.
117.  Ceredigion County Council.  A letter advising that any requests for leachate monitoring etc is the responsibility of NRW.
118.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the Annual Meeting of the Ceredigion Area Committee which will be held on Wednesday 18th July.
119.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Children, Young People and Democracy in Wales event
120.  Footpath.  A reply from CCC (see minute 46 May 2018) re footpath opposite Pebbles.  As far as CCC is concerned the section of footway in maintained by Borth Community Council.  Cllr Quant said he would look into this matter further.  Members resolved to give the Chair power to authorise works during recess if the work needs to be carried out immediately.
121.  One Voice Wales.  An advertisement for the post of North Wales Development Officer.
122.  One Voice Wales.  One Voice Wales' Conference and AGM will be held on Saturday 29th September at the Royal Welsh Showground.
123.Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2018
       Nationwide                                                                              29,637.15
       Community Acct                                                                       26,73.29
       Business No Notice Acct                                                         27,805.45
       Deposit Account                                                                        3,475.16
       Business No Notice – gross int to 31/5/18                                      3.15
125.Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
       Mrs Heledd Davies – translation service                                     102.75
       Luke Griffiths – bus shelter repairs                                           1,014.00
       Playsafety Limited – playground inspection                                270.00  
       M Walker – salary 485.76, off exp 25.46                                     511.22
       CCC – printing of 100 WWI booklets                                         370.75
       Borth United Football Club – donation                                     1,500.00
126.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180515.  Erection of a first floor extension to rear, porch to side and external timber cladding.  Bodnant, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.  NO OBJECTION.
127.  Following receipt of the playground inspection report members resolved to ask CCC for a quote for all the necessary works to be carried out.  A resolution was also made to ask Rob Griffiths to repair a section of damaged fence.
128.  The Clerk distributed an e-mail prepared by Cllr Quant to Cllrs in advance of the meeting giving background information on the proposed sailing school and its advantages.  Following a presentation by Cllr Ray Quant on behalf of Emma Heathcote who was unable to be present, the Council resolved to approve in principle the lease of the boat park land for the establishment of a Sailing School subject to satisfactory negotiations with Emma who will address the September Council meeting.
129.  To date no request has been made by members of the public for the clearance of the knotweed.  Cllr Quant advised that NRW are to survey the leats.
130.  Cllr Willcox distributed copies of Borth United Football Clubs’ annual accounts and updated Council on works being carried out to the playing fields.  He asked whether Council would be prepared to financially support the maintenance of the playing fields by means of an annual contribution.  At this point Cllr Willcox declared an interest and left the room.  Members resolved to give the sum of £1500 made payable to Borth United Football Club and review this in January when setting the precept.  Cllr Quant informed members that the BSPFA had received a donation of £500 from Welsh Water which will be donated to BUFC.
131.  The Clerk has received two applications which she has forwarded to CCC.  Cllr Billy Williams has sent a letter in to Council stating that he is fully aware that having been absent from the last six meetings he can no longer serve as Councillor.  He requests that if a future vacancy should arise he asks to be considered for co-option.  The Clerk will contact CCC advising that BCC has two further vacancies.
132.   Cllr Bainbridge advised that Cylch Meithrin in Borth is scheduled to reopen in September. The school building is celebrating its 50th anniversary on the 14th July.  She gave a brief update on CHC and advised that adders have been sighted on the Golf Course.
133.  Cllr Ashley has been asked by Cllr Bryn Jones to thank Cllr Willcox for carrying out the Council’s internal audit duties in his absence. The steps at the foot of Cliff Road are slowly disintegrating.  Cllr Quant had already reported this. The Clerk was asked to report that the showers behind the toilet block opposite the railway station are not working.  Fly tipping remains a problem.  Cllr Quant reported that the roadside bottle collection is scheduled to begin 2018/19. Cllr Ashley is concerned that it is becoming increasingly difficult to arrange for 3 people to do the speed watch at any one time.
Cllr Griffiths found a bag containing approximately 1000 paracetemol by the bin by the Surrey Café.  The area of grass opposite Benfleet has been cut.
Cllr Willcox asked for the lines to be repainted on the emergency access onto the beach by the public toilets at the south end of the village.
Cllr James reported that dogs are roaming free on the Coastal Path despite a requirement that all dogs should be kept on short leads.  The grass verge on Clarach Road is a mess despite a recent cut.
Cllr Dalton Gave an update on the recent PACT meeting.  The next one is scheduled for the 20th September. A Go Safe van will be visiting Borth in the future. These vehicles are used to capture speed etc on roads.
134.  Cllr Quant has received a complaint about dog mess on the beach. He gave a brief update on a recent Dyfi Biosphere meeting he attended with the main topic being “plastic free” and a brief update on “Place Plans” which will be an agenda item in the future.
135.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.45pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3rd September 2018 are Presentation by Emma Heathcote – Borth Sailing School, Standing Orders, Childrens Playground and Co-Option of New Members onto Council.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk
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