Minutes - September 2018
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public.
136. None.
137. Emma thanked members for the invitation to address the Council. She highlighted the main points of the proposal and gave a brief update on the site meeting with Ceredigion County Council and their feedback. Emma will need to have secured a site for the sailing school and have approved planning permission before any grant applications can be made. Members of Council are fully supportive of the scheme.
138. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
139. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 2 July 2018 as being a true record subject to the following addition: Members resolved to send letters highlighting concerns (see minute 89 “Tree”) to the Planning Inspectorate, Ben Lake MP, Elin Jones AM, Ellen ap Gwyn, Leader of CCC, and others following the success of the appeal against refusal of planning permission by CCC.
140. Remuneration Payments to Members of Community and Town Councils. Minute 87. All current members have signed to opt out of the scheme.
141. Japanese Knotweed. Minute 129. Ongoing.
142. Playing Fields Maintenance. Minute 130. This was discussed under Agenda item 8.
143. Tree. Correspondence from Mark Williams, Jill Bullen, Sharon Newman, Sarah Reynolds, Dave Reynolds, Amanda Trubshaw, Jill Bullen, Peter Jones, Helen Kennedy, Eve Smith and Kim Williams expressing concerns in respect of the success of the appeal. They all request that the licence required to erect the metal tree be rejected. The Clerk was asked to forward a copy of the letters from Mark Williams and Jill Bullen to the Head of Legal Services at Ceredigion County Council for clarification on certain points raised. In addition the Clerk was asked to resend the letters sent on the 13th July (See minute 89 & 139) as the Council has not received one acknowledgement or reply to date.
144. One Voice Wales. Consultation on the Autism (Wales) Bill.
145. One Voice Wales. Details of a consultation on banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high rise residential buildings.
146. One Voice Wales. The Welsh Government is undertaking a ‘Call for Evidence’ to explore ways for the planning system to assist in increasing the delivery of new homes in sustainable locations in line with the commitment in its national strategy A consultation document is available for completion online.
147. Welsh Government. Details of an event to share the findings of the review taken on the future of community and town council sector in Wales.
148. Ceredigion County Council. Highway Maintenance Provisional Programme of Carriageway Surface treatment for the 2018/19 financial year.
149. Susan Farrell. An enquiry as to whether it is possible to have either a bench or a plaque on a bench for her daughter who passed away last year. She loved sitting on the bench on North Sea front opposite York House and Pebbles and as she was disabled it was really one of her favourite things to do while on holiday in Borth. The Clerk was asked to offer a bench to Mrs Farrell (subject to approval by CCC) at a cost of £1000 for a 20 year maintenance plan.
150. Welsh Government. Natural Resources July 2018 newsletter.
151. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a consultation on “Ceredigion Language Strategy.
152. Ceredigion County Council. The closing date for applications to the Local Access Forum has been extended to the 6th August.
153. One Voice Wales. A review of the effectiveness of Social Services in Wales.
154. Older People Wales. An online link to the Summer 2018 Newsletter.
155. One Voice Wales. Publication of Circular 008/2018 – Planning requirement in respect of the use of private sewerage in new development, incorporating septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants.
156. One Voice Wales. Details of “Wales Tree of the Year” competition.
157. One Voice Wales. An online link to the latest newsletter from the Police and Crime Commissioner.
158. One Voice Wales. July 2018 News Bulletin.
159. Welsh Government. Recently added consultations which can be viewed on their website.
160. NHS Wales. Details of a review on Thoracic Surgery Services in South Wales.
161. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a consultation on home breeding of dogs.
162. Ceredigion County Council. A copy of an advert calling for expressions of interest to be included on the approved list for the provision of supplementary snow clearing services and other emergency related services 2018-19.
163. Ceredigion County Council. A letter requesting the Council’s comments on the proposed sailing school proposal which incorporates using the toilet facility adjacent to the RNLI. It was resolved following a vote by members to send a letter fully supporting the scheme.
164. Donation Request. Mynwent y Garn Cemetery. This will be considered along with all other request at the March 2019 meeting.
165. One Voice Wales. Details of a consultation on supporting and promoting the Welsh Language.
166. One Voice Wales. Details of a Welsh Government consultation on Petroleum Extraction Policy in Wales.
167. Welsh Government. August Newsletter and the outline findings and recommendations from the review of Community and Town Council Sector in Wales.
168. One Voice Wales. Details of OVW conference and AGM which will be held on Saturday 29th September together with the final motions for debate.
169. Welsh Government. A call for case studies for the final report on the review of Town and Community Councils. The Clerk was asked to respond.
170. One Voice Wales. August 2018 News Bulletin.
171. Welsh Government. August 2018 newsletter.
172. Common Land. A letter from Mr James Davies raising concerns over the state of Borth Community Council owned common land. This will be dealt with under agenda item 10.
173. Dogs Excreta Project. Details of a follow up meeting to the original which took place in August 2017. The study has been undertaken and the results will be presented at a meeting on Thursday 30th August. Cllr Ashley gave a report on the findings which unfortunately did not include Borth as the map of areas of concern was mislaid. However, this will be carried out in the future.
174. One Voice Wales. Details and dates of The Transport Innovation Network Launch meetings across South, Mid and North Wales.
175. Clerks & Councils Direct. July 2017 issue.
176. Playing Fields. An e-mail from Iwan Foulkes asking whether Borth Community Council wishes him to negotiate an Easement Recognition payment on their behalf. Cllr Willcox to follow up.
177. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2018
Nationwide 29,637.15
Community Acct 500.37
Business No Notice Acct 27,805.45
Deposit Account 3,475.76
178. Income
Deposit Account – int to 31 May 2018 0.60
Ceredigion County Council–2nd instalment precept 6,286.00
179. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
PAYE – April, May & June 364 .20
Newmans Garden Centre-flowerbed comp prizes 45.00
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbed 23.95
Luke Griffiths – dog walk sign & 2 images on bus shelters 276.00
Dyfed Alarms – CCTV maintenance fee 192.00
M Walker – salary 971.52, off exp 30.04 1,001.56
Heledd Davies – translation of July minutes 99.00
180. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180681. Erection of new sun lounge and balcony over. Lincoln House, Brynrodyn Caravan Park, Borth. No objection.
A180695. Conversion of garage to additional living space with connection to existing bungalow via a glazed link, also change of use of guest room and garage space to self catering holiday accommodation during the summer months. Van Hyn, Princess Street, Borth. Cllrs Mike Willcox and Margaret Griffiths declared an interest and left the room. Borth Community Council has concerns and recommends that the application be referred to NRW for their advice on whether this should be approved.
A180774. Erection of rear and first floor extensions and internal alterations. Silver Ridge, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth. Cllr Bryn Jones declared an interest and left the room. No objection.
A180789. Replace dilapidated holiday cabin with new caravan/lodge. Penygraig Caravan Park, Swn y Nant, Borth. No objection.
181. Following the playground inspection report Cllrs Bainbridge and Willcox visited the site. There are several areas of concern, some of which has been addressed by Rob Griffiths. Members resolved to approve those works carried out to date which amount to £500 + vat. It was also agreed to ask Rob Griffiths for a price for relaying/replacing some stepping stones/wooden logs.
182. NALC (National Association of Local Councils) has published new model standing orders which replaces the existing one. There are a few minor drafting improvements. Aside from model standing orders which incorporate or reference new statutory requirements, the majority of standing orders from 2013 remain unchanged. Any standing orders that required information to be inserted was approved by Council together with alternative options for the Council to choose from when determining certain standing orders. Members resolved to approve the standing orders.
183. A letter from Mr James Davies concerning the state of Borth Community Council owned common land by Borth Zoo. He claims that it is difficult for the public to access this land. There is a fence covering much of the perimeter.
He has also become aware that barbed wire is being extensively used. He is asking the community council to take action on this
and other matters relating to the Common land that he has raised in the past.
184. The Clerk distributed copies of the two applications received, one from Mr Hugh Hughes and the other from Mr Phil Turner-Wright. Members considered both applications and resolved to co-opt both as members of Borth Community Council at the October meeting.
185. Cllr Bainbridge reported that following a conversation with Mr Billy Williams he was no longer in a position to return to Borth Community Council due to his personal circumstances. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on WW1. She asked whether the Council would consider paying for another 50 booklets to be printed. Members resolved to put aside £200 for the printing of a further 50 copies. Two speed awareness sessions were arranged over the summer. Cllr Bainbridge reported that Cylch Meithrin would re-open this week and she also gave brief update on the Community Health Council.
186. Cllr Dalton advised that the next PACT meeting is scheduled for the 20th September. She said that there is a huge problem with household waste being dumped on the streets days before bin collection day and bottles being left outside the bottle bank. A coping stone needs replacing opposite the site of the old Hennigans shop.
Cllr James informed members that there is a pothole on the road by Brynbwl and at least another two or three on that stretch of road. Cllr Griffiths said that there appeared to be surface water on the road by Glanwern and that a small caravan is parked on the street by the Pharmacy. Cllr Ashley has contacted 3GS again but do not appear to be returning her calls following the initial conversation. The dog sign on the pole by Ynys Wen has been turned upside down and the planning notice for traffic orders placed at the foot of Clarach Road has been removed.
187. Cllr Quant informed members that the 7.15am bus service will be cancelled shortly. No update on the caravans by the Silver Bridge. Cllr Quant has applied for repair works to the war memorial following a quotation for £4500. Also names need to be added to the war memorial in the foyer of the community hall which will cost in the region of £950.
188. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1st October 2018 are Playground. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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