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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2018

Present:    Chairperson:                           C Bainbridge                                                   
                                                                 G Ashley
                                                                 R Dalton
                                                                 M Griffiths                                                      
                                                                 J James
                                                                A J Morris (co-opted)                                                  
                                                                P Turner-Wright
                                                                M J Willcox    
In Attendance:  County Cllr:                  R P Quant
                         Clerk:                            M Walker                      
                                                               4 Members of the Public. 


230. Cllr H Hughes and Cllr G B Jones.


231.  The Chair Cllr Carol Bainbridge invited Mr Anthony Morris to join the Council.  He swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Borth Community Council. A copy of the new Model Standing Orders was given to Cllr Morris at the meeting.


232. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


233.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 1 October 2018 as being a true record.


234.  Borth Sailing School.  Minute 193.  Cllr Willcox gave an update on a meeting he had with Emma Heathcote to which he personally registered his concerns in respect of the proposed sailing school.  Cllr Turner-Wright also has concerns though he is fully supportive of the scheme.  Cllr Quant suggested inviting Emma to the December meeting.

235.  Childrens’ Playground.  Minute 194.  Ongoing.

236.  Common Land.  Minute 210.  The Chairman has requested that this item be included in the December agenda.

237.  WW1 Booklets.  Minute 226.  The Chairman gave an update on the booklet which is now complete.  She gave a copy to each Council member present. A quantity of the books will be distributed to the children of Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa and the remainder will be sold at £7.50.  The monies raised from the sale will go to refurbish the Roll of Honour.


238.  One Voice Wales.  Introduction to Community Engagement Training at Machynlleth.

239.  One Voice Wales.  Support the Armed Forces Community.

240.  One Voice Wales.  Sustainable Drainage System Training Events.  Cllr Turner-Wright is to attend.

241.  Ecodyfi.  Details of forthcoming events and AGM invitation to members.

242.  Welsh Government.  Recently added consultations available on their website.

243.  Welsh Government.  Natural Resources October bulletin.

244.  One Voice Wales.  Training information and conference dates for 2019.

245.  Welsh Government.  A link to the final report on the Review of Community and Town Council Sector in Wales and The Independent remuneration Draft Panel draft annual report for 2019/20.

246.  Tree.  A response from Ben Lake MP.

247.  Ynyslas Bus Stop.  An e-mail from Jill Hulse concerning the state of the bus stop at Ynyslas Turn.  Cllr Willcox said he would contact the Fire Brigade to wash down the bus shelter and the Clerk was asked to obtain a quote for the painting.  She was also asked to get a quote for painting the adopted bench on the promenade.

248.  One Voice Wales.  A response to the consultation on the Subordinate legislation Consolidation and Review Consolidation of the Town and Country Planning Order 1987.

249.  Ceredigion County Council.  The service level agreement for signing by the Chair of Council for the period 1 November 2018-31 March 2019 at the cost of £4500 + vat per annum.  Members resolved to continue with the agreement at a cost of £4500 + vat.

250.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a free event  for carers on “Carers Rights Day”.

251.  One Voice Wales.  A link to “Building a Co-Operation between Wales and the Basque Country”.

252.  BSPFA.  A request to drawdown £6000 from the current years revenue funding.

253.  Council Vacancy.  A request from two applicants will be considered for the remaining vacancy at the next meeting.

254.  One Voice Wales.  As Armistice Day 2018 approaches OVW is encouraging all members to use the Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 website as a communications platform.

255.  Other Correspondence.  Clerks & Councils Direct, Kompan and Hags Playground.


256. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2018

        Nationwide                                                                                       29,637.15

        Community Acct                                                                                3,651.60

        Business No Notice Acct                                                                  28,834.99

        Deposit Account                                                                                 3,476.50


257. Income    

        Community a/c-Borth Landfill & Civic Amenity Site rents                4,616.50

        Business No Notice – Precept (final payment)                                    6,286.00

        Scottish Power Wayleaves                                                                        76.13

        CCC – refund for WW1 commemorative booklet                                  370.75       


258. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:

        BSPFA – annual drawdown of budgeted funds                                    6,000.00

        M Walker – salary 485.76, off exp 7.99                                                  493.75

        Royal British Legion Borth – poppy wreath                                             54.00

        Heledd Davies – welsh translation of Oct minutes                                   81.15

        Robert Griffiths – grass cutting                                                            1,872.00

        I & S Thomas – WW1 booklets                                                           1,135.00


259.  Application for Full Planning Permission.

A180992.  Loft conversion, garage extension and modifications to existing dwelling.  Seibiant, Francis Road, Borth.

A180995.  Erection of a single storey rear extension.  Y Glyn, Borth.

A181014.  Erection of a two storey rear extension and rear dormer.  Highfield, Borth.

A181017.  Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey extension.  Rhosfryn, Princess Street., Borth.  Cllr Willcox declared an interest and left the room.

The four applications were considered and BCC has NO OBJECTIONS.


260.  After a brief discussion it was agreed to set aside a period of 30 minutes at the start of the meeting when the public can ask questions or makes statements in respect of business on the agenda.  The public must not take part at any other time during the meeting. The only exception to this rule is if the Chairman wishes to ask a question of a member of the public on an agenda item being debated. 


261.  NALC (National Association of Local Councils) has published new model standing orders which replaces the existing one. There are a few minor drafting improvements.  Aside from model standing orders which incorporate or reference new statutory requirements, the majority of standing orders from 2013 remain unchanged.  Any standing orders that required information to be inserted was approved by Council in September together with alternative options for the Council to choose from when determining certain standing orders.  Members resolved to adopt the new Model Standing Orders with an additional section (3e) on public participation.


262. Prior to the meeting Cllr Phil Turner-Wright asked the Clerk to send a report he had put together on Borth street lighting to all Cllrs. The aim of the report was to consider the option to change the switching on and off of the street lights from the existing 12am-5am to the new times of 1am-6am. Following a brief debate members passed a resolution to make enquiries to change the hours of darkness to 1am-6am with 4 members voting for , 1 against and 3 abstentions.  The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Rhodri Llwyd of CCC with the new proposal.


263.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on Cambrian Primary Care which is a new GP federation which includes the seven GP practices in North Ceredigion.  She also gave details of an event on Ynyslas beach between 12.30-3.30pm on the 11th November where over a period of hours a portrait of an individual from the First World War will emerge from the sand.  Cllr Bainbridge gave updates on a CHC Mental Health engagement at Gorwelion and a Connecting Communities in Wales transport meeting.  The Carnival donations evening was a success with a total of £10,299 distributed to clubs etc within the community.  Cllr Bainbridge has arranged for Father Christmas to visit Borth on the 18th December.  There has also been a positive reaction to the re-opening of Cylch Meithrin at Borth.


264.  Cllr Ashley has had no response from PC Dave Goffin in respect of another speed watch session. The caravan parked by the Pharmacy has been removed off the high street. There has been no further update on the recent dog survey and the dog ban banners have now been removed until next year.

Cllr Willcox informed members that most of the storm boards are in place. He has received a quotation from Mr Rob Davies for works to enhance the dog walk. Cllr Phil Turner-Wright offered the Council benches for the area. At this point he declared an interest and left the room. It was agreed to purchase the benches at an agreed price of £70 + vat each.  Members resolved to set aside the sum of £1500 towards the total cost of the project.

Cllr Dalton gave a brief update on a recent meeting she attended on Aberystwyth Sea Defences and confirmed that there are no plans for Borth.  The coping stones opposite Gloucester House need replacing.

Cllr Turner-Wright said that he and Cllr Willcox had looked at the leats and were concerned that where NRW last cleared a ditching area trees were left on the bank side.  There was no outlet working for the water collected in this area and ditching drains were not cleared.  He is hoping to meet with a representative from NRW.


265.  Cllr Quant mentioned that NRW had cleared some of the leats.  Parking orders will be discussed at a meeting arranged for the 6th November.


266.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3rd December 2018 are Update from Emma Heathcote on Borth Sailing School, Council Vacancy and  Common Land.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                          

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