Minutes - February 2019
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
H Hughes
J James
A J Morris
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
342. Cllrs G B Jones and D Tweedy.
343. Mrs Andrea Hughes raised questions in respect of the proposed sailing school. Has any paperwork been sent to Council to substantiate what proposals Emma has put forward and how does the Council decide on the validity of the business case? The Chair responded by saying that Emma has made two presentations to Council together with a detailed proposal and an executive summary. The Council however does not have set criteria in place when making a decision on a business case.
344. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
345. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 7 January 2019 as being a true record. The minutes of the December meeting was resolved as being a true record subject to an amendment to minute 296 at the request of Cllr Hughes. Following clarification from the Monitoring Officer at CCC minute 296 remains other than the word “claims” in the last sentence which has been changed to “reported”. Members resolved to accept the amendment.
346. Childrens’ Playground. Minute 309. Ongoing.
347. Common Land. Minute 310. Ongoing.
348. Car Parking on Old Hall Ground. Minute 311. Ongoing.
349. One Voice Wales. Details of the Ceredigion Area Committee meeting and training dates.
350. BSPFA. A request for the remaining £2000 from the current years revenue funding.
351. One Voice Wales. A reminder of the invitation to the current chairperson to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party.
352. One Voice Wales. An online link to the Police and Crime Commissioner newsletter.
353. Ecodyfi. Forthcoming events.
354. One Voice Wales. Details of the Alzheimers’s Society Cymru conference 2019.
355. One Voice Wales. Details of “Living Memory” workshops to be held at the National Library.
356. Welsh Government. Up to date consultations.
357. Donations. Requests from Marie Curie, Ceredigion YFC, Tenovus, Mynwent y Garn and Ceredigion 2020 International Sheep Dog Trials. These will be considered at the March meeting of Council.
358. Mini Meadow Makers. An e-mail from Kate Doubleday, a local wildlife and community gardener, who is very interested in initialling a project in Borth to improve the local biodiversity by creating /restoring wildflower meadows and is very interested in talking to the community council. Invite Kate to the March meeting.
359. Welsh Government. Health and Social Services newsletter.
360. One Voice Wales. Details of the Wales Audit Office fee scheme 2019-20 which provides the basis on which they charge their fees.
361. Wales Audit Office. Details of two national reports published by the Wales Audit Office which summarises issues identified by external auditors during the statutory audit of local councils.
362. Emma Heathcote. A response to the letter printed in the Cambrian News in respect of the proposal to establish Borth Sailing School.
363. One Voice Wales. February 2019 news bulletin.
364. Planning Aid Wales. Details of a training session.
364. Other Correspondence. The Sign catalogue and Glasdon brochure.
365. Phil Turner-Wright. An email sent to the Clerk to advise that he has called for an election to fill the one remaining vacancy and that he would be standing as candidate.
366. Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2019
Nationwide 29,637.15
Community Acct 500.30
Business No Notice Acct 22,478.46
Deposit Account 3,478.23
367. Income
Rent of land at Gerydon 100.00
368. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
Huws Gray – work to dog walk 341.50
BSPFA – revenue funding 2,000.00
Heledd Davies – translation Jan minutes 58.30
M Walker – clerks salary £485.76, off exp £10.99 496.75
Mike Willcox – vat on invoice from Huws Gray 68.30
M Willcox – bolts for sea defence boards 7.74
R N Davies – labour and materials for dog walk 872.50
369. Application for Full Planning Permission
A190025. Proposed alterations to existing dwelling. Sydney, High Street, Borth. No objections.
370. A meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 5th February at 7.30pm.
371. Cllr Quant prepared a draft lease for consideration. Cllr Hughes and Cllr Willcox expressed some concerns and members were keen to establish whether Emma had spoken to Aber Adventures and Borth Rowing Club. Members resolved with a vote of 7 for and 1 abstention to proceed with the offer of a lease on the boat park subject to any amendments or additions to the draft document.
372. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that she had sent the WW1 booklet to OVW to be considered for an award.
The next CHC meeting is to be held on the 7th February.
373. Cllr Ashley gave an update on speed watch. Cllr Hughes is to liaise with Cllr Ashley in respect of more dog signs.
Cllr Morris has written to Ben Lake MP in respect of the recent loss of television transmission in some parts of Borth.
Cllr James said that water running down from the entrance to Wallog is gathering in the middle of the road.
Cllr Dalton – PACT meeting scheduled for the 7th February. There continues to be a problem around the bottle bank with fly tipping and despite Cllr Dalton and her husband bagging the rubbish the refuse collectors are not picking up the bags. Cllr Quant to follow up.
Cllr Hughes has attended a meeting about “Tree”.
374. Cllr Quant has met with Street Scene re fly tipping in Borth. Glass collection should be in lace towards the end of the year. Skips will remain on site for 3 months following the start of the service. CCC is prepared to leave 2 litter bins in situ on the car park. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on Phase 3 of the coastal defence scheme. There is a possible 7% increase on council tax for 2019/20.
375. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4th March 2019 are a visit by Ben Lake MP, Kate Doubleday, Council Vacancy and Donations. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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