Minutes - (Remote) August 2020
MONDAY 3rd AUGUST 2020 AT 19.00HRS
Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
R Davies
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Pryce Jones
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
28. Cllrs M Griffiths, J James and D Tweedy.
29. Dr Andrea Hughes is concerned at the lack of social distancing amongst pedestrians with some walking on the road to avoid close contact. She suggested a 20mph speed limit through the village.
30. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
31. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 6 July 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones. All members voted in favour.
32. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 6 July 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bryn Jones and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
33. Borth Boat Park. Minute 5 and 14. Cllr Hughes gave a brief update on a recent meeting with fellow councillors to discuss the boat park. There was some concern in respect of public liability insurance which the Clerk has sought clarity from the Council’s insurers. It was agreed that better bilingual signage was needed, however, in the interim temporary signs will be put up and all rusted metal will be removed. All members voted in favour. An agreement was also made to set up a new e-mail address for contact by boat owners.
34. Coronavirus. Regular updates and information from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
35. Welsh Government. Details of current consultations and July edition of the NRW bulletin.
36. BT Payphone Removal Consultation. An e-mail from CCC confirming that where objections are received for the removal of specific payphones that the boxes will not be removed.
37. One Voice Wales. Details of an interactive event on the 15th July “Virtual Town Hall – The Future of Towns” and Local Places for Wales update.
The National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management.
July 2020 News Bulletin.
Checklist for managing homeworking.
StarLeaf video conferencing – details of a licensed version of the software.
OVW area committee meetings update.
Details of webinar training to all Councils.
38. Picton House. In light of recent events a local resident has written to the Council asking them to approach the owners about renaming the property. It was agreed to make the residents aware by letter that the Council had received a letter and that the matter has been raised with CCC. This was proposed by Cllr Davies and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones.
39. Ceredigion County Council. Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel Annual report 2019-20.
40. Parking at Ynyslas. An e-mail expressing concern at the parking along the road from Ynyslas towards the estuary. Whilst there are no restrictions in terms of parking it was suggested that residents take photographic evidence to substantiate their concerns. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Dyfed Powys Police. It was agreed to review the parking later in the year.
41. Car Park on Old Hall site. An e-mail from a landowner adjacent to the car park advising the Council that due to recent problems with parking he is withdrawing from the informal arrangement that has for decades worked very successfully for the benefit of the locals. This area is mainly Borth Community Council owned land and Cllr Quant suggested that the area could be made into resident only parking with locals given a permit to park. Cllr Bryn Jones proposed and Cllr Davies seconded that a “Resident Parking Only” sign be put up with an arrow directing visitors to the free car parking area to the south of the village. All members voted in favour.
42. Uppingham Playing Fields. A request to the Council asking for permanent dog ban signs on the playing fields. It was resolved to put up laminated signs as a temporary measure whilst plastic/aluminium signs are ordered. Cllr Bryn Jones proposed and Cllr Davies seconded to set aside the sum of £500 for all signs which include 2 for the playing fields, 2 for the boat park (minute 33), and 1 for the car park (minute 41).
43. Disaster preparedness and safety for travellers. An e-mail asking to share a useful guide called “Vacation Disaster Preparation Safety Guide” on the Borth community website.
44. Other Correspondence. Clerks & Councils Direct.
45. Balance of Accounts at 13 July 2020
Nationwide 30,148.85
Community Acct 10,384.59
Business No Notice Acct 15,340.46
Deposit Account 3,668.83
46. Income
HMRC – vat refund 2019/20 1,195.78
CCC – precept 2nd payment 7.290.00
47. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
MrFlag – Welsh Dragon flag 85.80
M Walker – clerks salary £508.00, off exp £28.10 536.10
Heledd Davies – translation July minutes 59.25
48. Application for Full Planning Permission.
49. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
50. Cllr Dalton had asked a local builder to carry out repair works to the bus shelter but can no longer carry out the works as he has moved from the area. It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge to authorise Phil Dalton to repair the bus shelter up to the sum of £300. All members voted in favour with Cllr Rona Dalton abstaining from the vote.
51. For safety reasons the playground will remain closed temporarily until all repair works following the ROSPA report is completed.
52. Representatives from CCC will look at Borth in the coming week to make the village a Safe Zone. To increase pedestrian safety barriers will be used to increase the width of the pavement in certain parts.
53. Cllr Hughes reported lots of fly tipping on the car park opposite Brynowen. He has spoken to a representative of CCC and it was proposed to purchase a temporary camera up to the value of £20 until a permanent CCTV became available. BCC will work in unity with the Environmental Officer. This was proposed by Cllr Delyth Pryce Jones and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge.
54. The gate to the main car park is frequently left open which could result in unauthorised parking by camper vans etc. Cllr Hughes suggested a combination lock. Cllr Pryce Jones proposed buying a lock up to the value of £40 and this was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones with all members voting in favour. The bench at the foot of Francis Road and the one on Uppingham footpath need repairing. Members agreed to approach Mr Rob Hunt to carry out the works. This was deferred to the end of the meeting when Cllr Pryce Jones declared an interest and would leave the meeting. Cllr Bryn Jones proposed to set the sum of £300 for the works and this was seconded by Cllr Davies. All members voted in favour.
55. Councillors volunteered to accept the following responsibilities:
C Bainbridge Boat Park, Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1, Community Health Council, Arts, Speeding and Facebook
R Dalton Boat Park, PACT, Family Centre Trustee and Housing, Volunteer at the Railway Station Museum and Flood Coordinator
R Davies Council Representative on the Hall Committee and Flood Coordinator
M Griffiths One Voice Wales, National Eisteddfod and Health
H Hughes Boat Park, Common Land, “Tree”, Facebook and Website, Fire and Flood Coordinator
J James PACT and Police Matters
D Jones Boat Park, Litter, Dogs and National Eisteddfod
G B Jones PACT, Arts and Welsh Language, Financial Internal Examiner and Defibrillators
A J Morris Boat Park, Dyfi Biosphere, Flood co-ordinator, Leats and Internal Ditch Drainage, Financial Internal Examiner
D Tweedy Art
Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on a CHC meeting on Gorwelion. She also mentioned that Cllr Tweedy had painted a rainbow on both sides of the bus shelter at Ynyslas. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on a few events which had taken place in the absence of a carnival this year.
Cllr Dalton said that campervans were constantly parking opposite Pebbles despite a ban on overnight parking.
Cllr Jones mentioned that there was a huge problem with seagulls picking rubbish out of the street bins and spreading it everywhere. There continues to be an issue with water gushing down from the vicinity of one of the houses on the Cliff and nobody was taking responsibility for this problem. Cllr Quant said he would ask Rhodri Llwyd of CCC to look at the area when he was in the village later in the week to look at making Borth a Safe Zone.
Cllr Pryce Jones is concerned that cyclists are not stopping at the junction at the foot of Cliff Road where it joins with Clarach Road and asked the Council to consider putting up a Give Way sign. Cllr Quant to follow up.
56. Cllr Quant gave the latest news on the Covid 19 situation within the county. He had attended a meeting the previous week to discuss Phase 3 of the sea defence. Cllr Quant stated that there is no overnight parking on the Golf Course car park despite campervans parking on the area. Cllr Quant mentioned that council leaders are calling for existing European funding arrangements to be replaced in the UK for when we leave the European Union. Saturday 15th August is Victory over Japan Day when there will be a service up at the monument at 6pm.
57. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.27pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 September 2020 to include Dogs, Playground, Boat Park, Safe Zones and Social Media. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.
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