Minutes - (Remote) - July 2020
3. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr Davies declared an interest in advance of the meeting when planning application A200445 is to be discussed as this application is for his property. Following guidance from OVW Cllr Davies will be asked to leave the remote meeting whilst this is under discussion.
4. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 1 June 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
5. Boat Park Lease. Minute 400. A letter from Emma was read out under “correspondence”.
6. Coronavirus. Regular updates and information from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
7. Welsh Government. June issue of NRW bulletin.
8. One Voice Wales. June 2020 bulletin, June Electoral Newsletter, letter from the Minister of Housing and Local Government and details of “Hate Crime Training”.
9. Ecodyfi. Up to date news.
10. Ceredigion County Council. Hywel Dda CHC’s May newsletter and details of the latest BT payphone removal consultation. The Clerk was asked to follow up on the Council’s objection to the proposal to have the payphones at Ynyslas and the one on the old hall site removed.
11. Emergency Plan. An e-mail from Jill Bullen asking whether the Council are ready to get the plan printed and delivered. It was agreed to start looking for costings. Both Welsh and English versions will be put on the website and on Facebook.
12. Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee. Details of their future plan for 2020-2025.
13. ROSPA. Safety Inspection Report on Uppingham Playing Fields.
14. Borth Boat Park. The Clerk read out a letter from Emma which was forwarded to all members prior to the meeting withdrawing her interest in Borth Boat Park. In her absence Cllr Margaret Griffiths sent in an e-mail in response to Emma’s letter which was also read out by the Clerk. The Chair will reply to the letter.
15. Borth United Football Club. A request for a £2000 donation towards the upkeep and maintenance of the playing fields.
After a long debate it was agreed to donate the sum of £1500 with a view to looking at their position later in the year and assisting further if required. The Council will also look at alternative ways of funding ground maintenance including the option of taking over the contract. Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Rhydian Davies seconded with all members voting in favour.
The Clerk was also asked to forward details of online links to the club for grant funding applications.
16. Tree. A copy letter to the planning officer at CCC from Borth Surgery in respect of the proposed erection of a tree on Borth beach and the effects it would have on a resident who suffers mental health issues and who considers walking on the beach to be part of her therapy.
17. Hywel Dda. CHC's June’s Newsletter
21. Application for Full Planning Permission.
22. The beach opposite Pebbles has been re-profiled since the last meeting. A local resident is concerned at the build up of rocks towards Belair and that the lining is exposed in some places. This however is nothing to be concerned about. The Clerk was asked to include “Dogs” as an agenda item next month. Cllrs Bryn Jones and Delyth Pryce Jones have asked the lifeguards to make visitors to the beach aware of the dog ban restriction.
23. It was agreed to ask a local builder for a quote to repair the perspex to the bus shelter at Cambrian Terrace and to the bus shelter by It’s A Gift.
24. Cllr Hughes thanked the past Chair and members for all their hard work during the previous year. He mentioned that a bench on the road to the church and one on Cliff Road need painting but this would not count as essential work at present. The plaque needs replacing on the adopted bench on the promenade. It was agreed to contact the owner to see whether the Council could arrange a replacement. Cllr Hughes mentioned that the Welsh Flag on the car park needs replacing. The Clerk was asked to order a new one. This was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.
25. Any responsibilities not allocated to Councillors will be dealt with at the next meeting.
Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on CHC.
Cllr Pryce Jones advised members that the Eisteddfod had been postponed until next year.
Cllr Tweedy said that the charity working with the zoo want to organise a beach clean.
26. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the County’s situation in respect of Covid 19. The coastal path will reopen on the 17th July and highway drains has been reported to CCC for inspection.
27. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 August 2020 to include Dogs and Bus Shelters. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.
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