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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - (Remote) November 2020



Present:      Chairperson:          H Hughes
                                                   C Bainbridge                                                      
                                                   R Dalton                                 
                                                   R Davies
                                                   J James            
                                                   G B Jones
                                                   A J Morris
                                                   D Pryce Jones
                                                   D Tweedy                                                        
In Attendance:  County Cllr:    R P Quant
                         Clerk:                  M Walker                     
                                                      6 Members of the Public. 



131. Cllr M Griffiths.


132.  Mrs Helen Williams of Borth Family Centre gave an update on a People and Places lottery bid and the process of becoming a Borth Community Hub.  Helen asked for a letter supporting the application from the Council.  As both Cllr Hughes and Cllr Dalton are trustees of the Family Centre and had declared an interest the matter was postponed until the end of the meeting when they would both be asked to leave. 


133.  None.


134. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


135. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 5 October 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bryn Jones and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones.  All members voted in favour.


136.  PPE for the Family Centre.  Minute 103.  Cllr Hughes has purchased a box of disposable gloves and masks for the Family Centre as agreed by Council at a total cost of £18.98.


137.  Coronavirus.  Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.

138.  One Voice Wales.  Older People’s Commissioner for Wales September newsletter.

Planning Aid Wales – online training.

Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report - February 2021 has been published for consultation.  All comments to be submitted by the 23rd November.

Helping Councils provide better access for the deaf community.

Details of training webinar programmes for 2020/2021.

Information on the new BAME helpline Wales which is running initially as a pilot for 6 months and funded by WAG via the voluntary sector emergency fund.

Consultation on Establishing the Town and Country Planning (Strategic Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2021.

Details of a consultation to establish Corporate Joint Committees to exercise certain local authority functions on a collaborative basis.

Details of remote training sessions for October and November.

An updated policy announcement by the Minister for Housing and Local Government in relation to compulsory purchase.

A new National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales.

An update on Remembrance 2020.

Details of a vacancy as deputy town clerk and finance manager for Carmarthen Town Council.

Result of a recent Remote Meeting Survey undertaken by OVW to assess the views of Community and Town Councils on the effectiveness of remote meetings.

An amendment to the Waste Regulations 2020 has been laid before Welsh Government.

Welsh Government Electoral newsletter.

Information on Starleaf Video Conferencing.

139.  Welsh Government.  Natural Resources October 2020 issue.

140.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of animal welfare charges against a dog breeding establishment near Llandyssul.

Details of a dog breeder in Talsarn found guilty of four charges relating to his dog breeding licence.

Aberystwyth Young People create powerful short film to raise awareness of Youth Homelessness.

Ceredigion Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 Consultation.

Gwyl yr Enfys – a celebration of Ceredigion’s creativity.

Notification of a temporary road closure at 1 Gwastad House, Borth.

A resource list of collated information for the North of Ceredigion to assist with shopping and support etc during lockdown.

The Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Panel are asking residents for their views on CCTV.

The views and feedback of Ceredigion residents and visitors are being sought on the safe zones.

Details of a Connect to Kindness Calendar launch.

Winter well-being hub supporting Ceredigion residents.

Details of the launching of a Young Carers ID Card.

141.  Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust.  A request for updated defibrillator information.

142.  Playlist for Life.   Details of a dementia music charity called Playlist for Life who help create playlists and musical memories for people living with dementia and who have been sheltering during lockdown.

143.  Traws Link Cymru.  Information on a new strategic corridor for West Wales and the proposed re-opening of the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen rail line.

144.  Fields in Trust.  Revaluating parks and green spaces in Wales.

145.  Donation Request.  Cerebral Palsy Cymru and Radio Bronglais Funding Appeal.  All funding requests are considered at the March meting of Council.

146.  NRW response to the February 2020 storms.  Reviews of all data collected can be viewed on the NRW website.

147.  Ecodyfi.  An advertisement for a project officer post following a successful National Lottery Community Fund bid.

148.  Bridge Closure.  A letter from a concerned resident informing the council that Network Rail is due to carry out refurbishment works to the Dolybont Bridge and that works will take place over a period of 4 weekends starting on the 27th November.  Cllr Hughes said he would check whether the road would be closed during those periods as there was no mention of any road closure in the letter from Network Rail.

149.  Audit Wales.  The document summarises the responses to a recent consultation on future audit arrangements for town and community councils and sets out the future audit arrangements to apply for the audit of the 2020/21 accounts and future years.


150. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2020

        Nationwide                                                                       30,148.85
        Community Acct                                                             17,805.22
        Business No Notice Acct                                                 15,340.83
        Deposit Account                                                                 3,668.92


151. Income 

 Morris & Bates-Borth Landfill & Civic Amenity Sites        4,616.50 
 CCC – 3rd instalment of 2020/21 precept                              7,290.00    

152. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:  

        M Walker-salary £522.00,  off exp 7.99                                530.19           
        Heledd Davies – translation October minutes                       84.70
        H Hughes – PPE for Family Centre                                       18.98

        Proposed by Cllr Pryce Jones and seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones with all members voting in favour.


153.  Application for Full Planning Permission.

A200789.  Residential development comprising 15 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access and layout. Land at Gwasted Lane, Borth.  Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Davies seconded that the Council send in the following comments. Borth Community Council members welcomed this application.  However matters of concern were surface water and sewerage capacity (which are all matters for NRW to address), drainage and access and egress to and from the property. 

A200830.  Rear extension to Bungalow, to create a utility and garden room / Orangery. Plus the addition of an en-suit bathroom to existing bedroom 2.  Cornerways, 6 Min y Don, Ynyslas, Borth.  No observations.

A200858.  Proposed site office and store.  Glanleri Caravan Park, Borth.   No observations.


154.  Cllr Pryce Jones gave a brief report on the funds raised to date which amounted to £4784.50.   Borth community (not Borth CC) had pledged to raises the sum of £5000 towards the Eisteddfod and it was agreed by Council (see minutes 301/18, 69/19, 133/19) that any shortfall will be made up by Borth Community Council.  The Clerk asked Cllr Pryce Jones for a letter confirming the amount the committee has raised to date.


155.  The playground remains closed as repair works has not yet been carried out and equipment which is being replaced has not been done.  Cllr Bainbridge will contact the company in charge of installing the new equipment to finalise a date for delivery.  Cllr Morris gave a detailed account of a meeting held at Uppingham Playing Fields to discuss remedial works required to the rising main inspection chamber located on the football pitch training area.  Notes from the meeting will be distributed to all Cllrs.


156.  Ongoing. 


157.  Cllr Hughes thanked Cllrs Bainbridge and Dalton for adding “2m” to the street signs. Speeding continues to be an ongoing problem through the village.                                        


158.  Speeding and PPE for the Family Centre have already been discussed.


159.  Cllr Dalton emphasised that repair works needs to be carried out to the coping stones opposite Pebbles as soon as possible. It was suggested that whilst the contractors working on Bow Street Railway Station are staying in York House that they could be asked if they would be willing to carry out the works.  An alternative is to ask a local builder. The Council has set aside the sum of £500 for the works.  This was proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Dalton with all members voting in favour.

Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the Older Peoples Forum AGM which she attended. The next CHC meeting is to take place on the 4th November and there is a two day conference on Care in the Rural Community on the 10th and 11th November.  A recent governors meeting was held at Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa where a new classroom assistant was appointed. Gorwelion has now become a 24/7 Place of Safety.

Cllr Pryce Jones referred to the broken bench on Heol Aberwennol.  The Clerk will find out whether it is on the list of BCC benches. The Welsh Dragon flag opposite the Premier has disappeared.  Cllr Dalton was able to confirm that it had ripped.  All flagpoles in that location are in ownership to CCC.

Cllr James mentioned that water is flowing down the road by Rhyd Meirionnydd on Clarach Road.  Cllr Quant said he would report it. Cllr James will order the village Christmas tree as usual.

Cllr Davies mentioned that speeding is an ongoing problem through Glanwern.

The Clerk mentioned that she had received a query regarding the old sea defence posts and whether they could be purchased.  Cllr Quant said he would make enquiries with CCC.


160.  Cllr Quant gave a report on the current situation and statistics in relation to the current pandemic.  Aberaeron coastal defence scheme is currently being evaluated. Cllr Quant urged councillors to complete the Safe Zone survey. A Welsh Government consultation is to begin on the use of CCTV in the county and the Welsh Government draft budget has been put back from the 8th December to the 22nd December.


161.  Cllrs Hughes and Dalton left the meeting so that support for a Borth Community Hub could be voted on.  It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr James to send a letter supporting the application.  All members present voted for.


162.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 December 2020 to include National Eisteddfod, Playground, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.                   

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