Minutes - July 2011
61. Cllr Jo Jones.
62. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
63. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 June 2011 as being a true record.
65. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 39. Ongoing.
66. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 41. Dealt with under Correspondence.
67. Information Boards. Minute 42. The amended boards are now ready to be installed and it was resolved to ask Mr Paul Walker to carry out the work up to a cost of £250.
68. Beach Signage. Minute 43. Ongoing.
69. Annual Playground Inspection. An enquiry as to whether the Council wishes to partake of the annual playground inspection scheme at a fee of £55 + VAT. The Council has requested that ROSPA carry out this year’s inspection. Cllr Quant volunteered to contact Highways for a date for the completion of playground works which is outstanding since March 2010.
70. The National Library of
71. Winter Maintenance Debrief. An invitation for two representatives of Council to attend a Winter Maintenance Debrief by Ceredigion County Council on Wednesday 27th July at 7pm in Penmorfa. Cllrs Bryn Jones and Gwynfor Lewis agreed to attend the meeting.
72. RAY Ceredigion. A request to attend the September meeting of Council to give a brief update on the play sessions that are being run in Borth. Invite to October meeting.
73. Proposed Nant y Moch Wind Farm. An opportunity to comment on the proposed development by 15th July 2011 together with a public notice made under Section 48 of the Planning Act 2008.
74. Extension of Playing Field Area. A letter from Ms Alison Heal, Ecologist for Ceredigion County Council, who has visited the area of land which is being proposed for the football pitch extension. She objects to the application to extinguish common rights. Cllr Morris gave a brief update and of the meeting arranged with Sue Byrne on Wednesday 6th July 2011 at 1.00pm.
75. Cylch Meithrin y Borth. The Clerk sought advice from One Voice Wales on whether Council were able to give financial support to an organisation towards the payment of salary etc. Margaret was advised that a general donation could be given as is would not be intended for anything specific and the children of Borth would benefit from the financial support. It was resolved to donate the sum of £660 as a one off and final payment for this financial year.
76. CAVO. An invitation to attend the CAVO Community Transport will be a holding a Transport Forum at the theatre in Felinfach on the 7th July 2011. Also details of their Community Voice Programme available to County Voluntary Councils operating in
77. One Voice
78. Clerks & Councils Direct. The July 2011 issue of the magazine.
79. Public Services Ombudsman for
80. Cantref. An invitation to attend the AGM on Thursday 21st July at 6.30pm at the Fishguard Bay Hotel, Goodwick, Pembrokeshire.
82. Graham Taylor. A letter stating that Mr Andy King had neither moved or taxed his vehicle which was parked on the site of the old hall car park and that the Council should take whatever action necessary to get him to comply. As the vehicle had been moved it was agreed to take no further action.
83. Friends of Borth Fire Service. An invitation to all the Councillors and Clerk to attend the opening of the Dilwyn Jenkin Owen Borth Fire Station on Thursday 28th July 2011 at 2.00pm together with a request for a financial contribution towards the laying of tarmac to the surrounding area of the new building. Cllr Willcox proposed the sum of £712 which equated to 25% of the total cost which amounted to £2848 minus VAT. There followed an amendment to that proposal to the sum of £1500 by Cllr Morris. Cllr Willcox withdrew his proposal of £712 and the proposal of £1500 by Cllr Morris was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones.
86. Sue Dalton & Ianto Thomas. A letter proposing that a public subscription is raised to commission a life size statue of Gwyddno Garanhir looking out to sea. The Clerk was asked to direct them to a
87. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2011 Nationwide 28,864.91
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.62
Deposit Account 2,482.14
88. Income
Business No Notice Acct – Gross Int to 2 June 2011 1.07
Business No Notice Acct – VAT refund 2010/11 366.10
89. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
FBA – Amendment to existing information boards 434.40
Post Office Ltd 217.20
Friends of Borth Fire Service 1,500.00
Cylch Meithrin y Borth 660.00
90. Application for Full Planning Permission
A110318. Erection of a building for surf training and equipment hire business. Land at Canteen Corner, Borth. No objection.
A110472. Erection of a sun lounge to ground floor north elevation, modification of existing dormer window. Avalon,
A110474. Proposed bedroom extension to dwelling. White Crest,
91. Planning Permission Approved.
A110276. Demolition of existing extension and erection of a new extension. Ystwyth House, High Street, Borth.
92. The Clerk informed members that the noticeboards required some repair work. Cllr Morris volunteered to obtain a quote for the September meeting.
93. Cllr Morris has received several representations concerning the possible closure of Bodlondeb. It was agreed to send a letter of concern to Ceredigion County Council.
94. Cllr Moore gave an update on Ray Ceredigion and a recent workshop which she attended on the improving of community play areas. Cllr Moore informed members that Mr Paul Walker had carried out some work on the playground. She had also received a quote from Mr Walker on removing and replacing 13 climbing frame bars with Douglas Fir wood. Members resolved to accept the quote of £565 and instructed the works to be carried out. Cllr Carol Bainbridge complained of the poor service offered by HPW when she recently reported that one of the groynes at Ynyslas had been set on fire. Cllr Gwynfor Lewis complained that the road sweeper was not filled with spraying water last week and therefore creating large dust clouds. Cllr Lewis also complained about the poor standard of the verge cutting alongside the car park currently used by Bam Nuttall in comparison to the grass cutting in Llandre. Cllr Quant said he would raise all these issues with CCC. Cllr Lewis also asked whether Haven were aware of the dog ban on the beach. Cllr Williams raised the issue of speeding on Clarach Road. Cllr Moore reported that the bench outside the children’s playground had still not been repaired. Cllr Lawrence gave an update on Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa.
95. Cllr Quant gave a brief report on the Winter Maintenance Debrief to be held on Wednesday 27th July in Penmorfa. He said that the County Council would be selling salt to community councils for approximately £14 per ton. Cllr Quant distributed copies of a letter to the school governors at Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa relating to an LDP notice displayed on the school fence which has nothing to do with an access road through the school grounds to the fields behind the school.
96. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.32hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 5 September 2011 to include a visit from Ray Jones of BAM Nuttall. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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