Minutes - April 2010
Present: | Chairperson | J M Lawrence |
C Bainbridge | ||
F Hitchings | ||
G B Jones | ||
J Jones | ||
A J Morris | ||
J Owen | ||
M Teasdale | ||
R Wyatt | ||
W J Williams | ||
In Attendance: | County Cllr: | R P Quant |
12 Members of the Public |
392. Cllr M Griffiths and Mrs M Walker, Clerk
Presentation by Mr Digby Bevan Ceredigion - Rural Housing Enabler.
393. The Chairman welcomed Mr Bevan to the meeting. Mr Bevan gave a detailed description of his work in Ceredigion which aims to provide accommodation for local people. He explained the various ways in which the supply of affordable housing can be increased through part-ownership and rental agreements. He answered several questions from councillors and the chairman thanked him for his report although she explained that in Borth the availability of land for development is limited by the flood plain.
Presentation by Mr Peter Fleming from Borth United Football Club.
394. Each Councillor had already received a personalised copy of Mr Fleming’s presentation explaining how the activities of the newly re-formed football club have been restricted by the presence of surface water on the pitch. Detailed costs for draining and aerating the sports field were included and also a letter from our community policeman approving the plan. Mr. Fleming asked for support from the council explaining how this would benefit not only the football team, but also other users of that area, including the playground. He finished by explaining that he wanted an investment, not a donation and the chairman replied that this would be considered later in the meeting. Mr. Fleming then said that the football club members present would withdraw to allow the discussion to take place unhindered. The chairman thanked them for their tremendous efforts and they left.
Declaration of Interests:
395. To remind Cllrs. concerning any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
396. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1st March 2010 as being a true record. Cllr proposed and Cllr Hitchings seconded.
397. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 15th March 2010 as a true record. Cllr Hitchings proposed and Cllr B. Jones seconded.
398. Information Board. Minute 359: Cllr Quant stated that no planning permission was required for the second information board which can now be installed. Cllr Morris and Cllr Wyatt to action.
399. Bus Campaign. Min 360: Cllr Hitchings had received an acknowledgement of his letter to Ceredigion County Council.
400. Boat Park. Min 378. Cllr Wyatt informed the council that Mr Louis Delahaye had tidied up the area and removed rubbish and she suggested a letter of thanks would be appropriate. Cllr B. Jones wanted a sign erected on the boat park. The chairman suggested he form a sub-committee.
Minutes of Extraordinary meeting held on Monday 15th March 2010.

401. Website. Min 388 Frank Hitchings has concerns which he will forward to Cllr Quant.
402. Playground Inspection Report required.
403. Borth Family Centre Plant Dewi. A request to speak to council about the future of the family centre. Council resolved to ask a representative to come and address them.
404. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A copy of a complaint to the Ombudsman in respect of two councillors.
405.WAG Details of “Wales Sustainability Week 17th-23rd May 2010. Cllr B Jones suggested passing it on to the Community Gardeners and it was resolved to do that.
406.Dwr Cymru. A letter asking whether the council had received the report for the provision of sewerage at Ynys Las and whether there were any questions relating to the report. If not then Welsh Water would like to know whether council found the conclusions of the report acceptable. Cllr Bainbridge said that this was an agenda item. There was also a form to be completed.
407. CAVO. An invitation to become a member. No action.
408. Cambrian Mountains Society. A request to address the council. Not taken up.
409. Dogs. E-mail from Ms Betty Horton highlighting the problem of dog muck on the beach and sea wall. It was resolved to send a reply informing Ms Horton that her complaint will be raised at the PACT meeting. Cllr Bainbridge stated that there was a similar problem in Ynys Las.
Cllr Owen reminded council that Ceredigion County Council had consulted them on dog fouling last October. Cllr Morris stated that the problem was one of irresponsible owners.
410. Donation Letters. Thank you letters received from several organisations. No action.
411. Donation Request: Cwmni Cydweithredol Troedyrhiw and a letter from Ruth Edwards requesting assistance with the cost of bunting for the Community Hall. Cllr B Jones proposed council contribute £75 as soon as possible and Cllr Wyatt seconded that but Cllr. Morris amended the proposal to £150. This amendment was resolved.
412.One Voice Wales agenda to Cllr J Jones.
413. Menter Aberystwyth. Details of Award Ceremony for local traders etc. No nominations.
414. Ellen ap Gwyn. Transport Grant for Ceredigion. Cllr Quant explained that this concerned the 4.07% grant made by the Welsh Assembly towards the cost of buses in Ceredigion. Cllr Hitchings to read.
415.Ecodyfi . List of activities passed to Cllr Morris.
416. Ceredigion County Council LPA to hold consultation. Cllr Quant stated this was to take place on 13th May in Canolfan Rheidol in Llanbadarn Fawr. He suggested that Borth Community Council hold its AGM after this date, on 17th May, to cover this.
417. Letter from Bodge offering a sculpted bench to be displayed in a public area. Council resolved to write a letter of thanks but decline to make an offer to purchase it at present.
418. Ceredigion Social Enterprise Fund. Details of grant scheme. No action.
419. It was resolved to pay M. Walker £460.56 and Dyfed Alarms £188.80.
420. Revised Application A100143 extension to Roseland, Borth. No objections. Cllr Morris commended the originality of the scheme.
Application First floor extension, Bryn Rodyn Lane. No objections.
421. Public Services in Ynys Las.
Cllr Bainbridge reported that members of the public who lived in Ynys Las were not served as well as those in Borth for transport, recycling, drainage and rubbish collection. She asked for a bin at Ynys Las for rubbish and dog mess. Speeding was another issue and also the lack of bus service and the cleanliness of the bus shelter.
The chairman asked Cllr Quant to outline the situation regarding rubbish collection and he explained that although Ynys Las is not on the collection route out of season, the recycling facility is on the way. He also reminded council that the shelter is not owned by Ceredigion County Council and Cllr Bainbridge then volunteered to take responsibility for it.
Cllr Hitchings said it was ridiculous that the bus service was not being extended to Ynys Las until July and Cllr Bainbridge informed council that some members of the public had walked to the meeting that evening. Cllr Hitchings explained that he had asked Joyce Porter of Bus Users UK Cymru to write to the general manager of Arriva and if no reply was received he intended contacting the transport commissioner. He added that the situation was totally unsatisfactory and that Arriva should be fined or taken off the route. The chairman concluded by saying she felt that Ynys Las was being short-changed and that something must be done about the bus service.
Chairman’s Business.
422. None (See Later 425)
Councillors’ Responsibilities.
423. Cllr. Teasdale reported a bench broken near Abbo’s boat. The chairman referred it to Ceredigion County Council.
Cllr. Williams reported a bus speeding down the hill.
Cllr J. Jones PACT meeting. Cycling proficiency in the school was being continued in response to previous complaints of cycling on pavements. The CCTV is now working in Borth and can be downloaded at the Police Station. The drugs problem is now more prevalent. Cars are speeding in the High Street. (As in Ynys Las) Next PACT meeting June 9th at 7 o’clock.
Cllr Hitchings asked for a letter of thanks to be sent to the Arts Centre after the excellent performance of the Drama Club which he enjoyed recently.
County Councillor’s Report
424. Sea Defences:
Applications from 17 contractors are being evaluated. An Environmental Impact assessment is ongoing, together with a planning application. The vessel in the bay at present is testing for weightbearing. The breast work is being clad to simplify and make uniform renewal of the timber structure. Wallingford is now building a model for tank testing and any issues regarding houses on the front should be reported.
Buses. Ongoing.
Bardsey House Scheme: due to come before Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Quant said many local people felt intimidated by the residents of Bardsey. Cllr B. Jones defended the issue of care in the community.
Website: Cllr Quant asked for comments to be forwarded to him.
Chairman’s Business:
425. Presentation by Borth Football Club and request for support. The Chairman stated that the council gave 100% support to the plan to drain the sports field, and was able to make a small gesture of financial support. It was resolved to contribute £1500 towards the cost.
Next Meeting and Matters for the Agenda
426. There being no further business, the chairman closed the public meeting at 22.40hrs.
Letters to be sent to:
Mr Peter Fleming (Thanks and donation)
Mr Louis Delahaye (Thanks)
Plant Dewi(Invitation)
Mrs Betty Horton(Thanks and referred to PACT)
“Bodge”(Thanks and declining offer)
Cwmni Cydweithredol Troedyrhiw (Donation)
Arts Centre (Thanks)
ROSPA (Request playground report)
- Hits: 9532