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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - April 2012

Present: Chairperson:     A J Morris
C Bainbridge
M Griffiths
          J James
J Jones
          J M Lawrence  
          L Moore
          M J Willcox
          W J Williams
In Attendance:          County Cllr:         R P Quant 
Clerk:                     M Walker    
         4 Members of the Public
379.  Cllr G B Jones.
380.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
381.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 March 2012 as being a true record.
382.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 337.  A meeting has been arranged for Monday 16th April at 4.30pm at the Community Hall.  
383.   Extension of Playing Field Area.  Minute 338.  Ongoing.
384.   Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes.  Minute 339. The Clerk read out a letter from Morris & Bates Solicitors with an offer of £150 from his client as payment for the portion of land.  Members resolved to accept the payment of £150.
385.  Boat Park.  Minute 341.  Ongoing.  
386.  Dogs.  Minute 342.  Ongoing.
387.  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs.  Minute 343.  It was agreed to proceed with the order of 120 mugs to be delivered to the Clerks house temporarily.
388.  Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 375.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the project in the absence of Cllr Bryn Jones. It was agreed to set up a sub committee comprising of Cllr Lawrence, Cllr Bainbridge, Cllr Jones and Gwenllian Ashley.  Members also resolved to increase the deposit payable by the Council to £1570 due to cost increase.
389.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to renew membership was considered and members resolved to continue their membership at a cost of £206 for the forthcoming year.
390.  BDO.  Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2011.  The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 30 April 2012 to 13 May 2012.  The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 14 May 2012 to 12 June 2012.  It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 18 June 2012.  It was agreed to make the accounts available to the public at the Community Hall on the 31st May 2012 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm.
391.  RAY Ceredigion.  A request for information on the playground site eg. underground pipes, what the soil is like, where the water table lies etc for the play area designer.
392.  Janet Owen.  A copy letter to the Environmental Health Department from Mrs Janet Owen in respect of fly tipping on the south section of Borth beach.  As the letter made a reference to a Councillor the Chairman advised members that they should consider the matter in closed committee to the exclusion of the public.
393.  Miss Bronwen Morgan.  An acknowledgement letter for the letter dated 7th February 2012 in respect of Civil Parking Enforcement.
394.  Donation Requests.  Talking Books Wales.  A letter requesting financial assistance has been received from Alicia Walton who has secured a position to represent Girl Guides in Ceredigion at the International Event in Germany in July.  
395.  Fields in Trust.  Details of a project to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
396.  Mark Williams MP.  A request to the Council to give serious consideration into entering a submission to the review into the boundaries of every Parliamentary constituency.
397.  Mark Williams MP.  A letter requesting clarification on who represents Borth Community Council on the Aber to Shrewsbury Railway Liaison Committee.  
398.  County Cllr Paul Hinge.  A reply following a letter from Cllr Lawrence in respect of the matter discussed in closed committee following the March meeting.
399.  One Voice Wales.  Copies of the spring 2012 edition of “The Voice”.
400.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of the Local Access Forums 2011 Annual Report.
401.  Simon Thomas AM.  A letter with an update on the proposed changes to services at Bronglais Hospital
402.  Other Correspondence.  Play for Wales Spring 2012 edition.
403.   Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2012
          Nationwide                                 28867.09
          Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)    530.32
          Business No Notice Acct                                                         11326.39
          Deposit Account                                                                             2483.00 
404.   Income
          Business No Notice a/c – Gross int to 1/3/12                        1.54
405.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
          One Voice Wales – 2012/13 membership fee             206.00
          Transfer from BNN to Deposit a/c (Clerks Gratuity Fund)             140.00
          Post Office Ltd – Inland Revenue payment for Jan, Feb, March     217.20
          M Walker – clks salary 488.00, off exp 9.84                     497.84
          Diamond Jubilee Mug Offer                             730.30
406.  Application for full planning permission.
A120171. Proposed first floor extension and replacement garage. Linkside, Ynyslas, Borth.  NO OBJECTION.
407.  Planning application APPEAL.
A110489.  Erection of two semi detached houses and demolition of existing garage.  Breidden, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.  Cllr Lawrence declared an interest and left the room.  No further comment.
408.  Nothing to report.
409.  Cllr Lawrence gave a brief update on the progress of Ysgol Meithrin who at present has 12 children in attendance.  Cllr Moore gave a brief update on the Ray Ceredigion Play Scheme.  It was reported that several unsightly signs selling caravans had appeared throughout the village.  However, it appears that nothing can be done in respect of those put up on private property.  Two posters have been designed by members advertising Borth as “The Best Place in Wales to Bring up Children” and another on dog fouling. The Clerk was asked to distribute a copy of each poster to all Councillors before the next meeting.
410.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the coastal defence scheme which should reach completion by the end of April and a progress update on Phase 2 of the scheme.  Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association are holding their AGM on the 19th April at 7.30pm.  Cllr Quant also referred to the rubble in the car park which needs moving by members of the Football Club. He also distributed a paper on the proposed Ceredigion Parking Restriction Consolidation Order to each member for information.
411.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.15pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 14 May 2012 to include AGM.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
412.  A letter was read out from the Councillor who had contacted the Planning Enforcement Officer (see minute 378) and it was agreed that no further action should be taken by the Community Council.
413.  A copy letter was read out from Mrs Janet Owen in respect of fly tipping on the south section of Borth beach.  It was agreed, at the request of the Councillor to whom the letter referred, that the Council should take no action at present. 
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