Minutes - March 2012
Present: Chairperson: J M Lawrence (Chair)
C Bainbridge
M Griffiths
J James
J Jones
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: R P Quant (in the absence of M Walker)
7 Members of the Public
333. Cllr A J Morris, M Walker (Clerk),
334. Ray Jones had sent his apologies and Emyr gave an update on the scheme, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of March with car park site being cleared after Easter.
335. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr Lawrence reminded members of Council and all members of the public of the ban on the use of recording equipment during meetings and requested that all mobile phones were switched off.
336. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 February 2012 as being a true record following a minor correction to Minute 330.
337. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 298. Ongoing. It was agreed a sub group would meet with David Lewis, Ceredigion County Council to review the plan.
338. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 299. Cllr Quant informed the Council that planning permission is required.
339. Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes. Minute 300. Ongoing.
340. Ceredigion Community and Town Council’s Village Renewal Fund. Minute 302. Ongoing.
341. Boat Park. Minute 303. Ongoing. Photo’s of the boats have been displayed for owners to identify their respective boats and advise the Clerk.
342. Dogs. Minute 327. Dealt with under Councillors responsibilities
343. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 328. This was dealt with under Councillors responsibilities.
344. Cllr Lewis. A letter of resignation was read from Cllr Lewis. All Cllrs expressed disappointment as Cllr Lewis has proved to be an effective Councillor in his contribution towards the community.
345. Olympic Torch Relay. Details and arrangements relating to the Olympic Torch Relays’ visit to the county.
346. Donation Requests. Y Tincer and Age Cymru Ceredigion. At the February meeting of Council it was resolved to give £50 to each of these organisations if a request was submitted before the financial year end. The Council also received a request from The British Heart Foundation.
347. Ceredigion Local Development Plan. Ceredigion County Council advise the Examination Hearings related to the plan will commence on 17 April at the County Council Offices, Penmorfa.
348. Walk for Life. Details of the Walk for Life in aid of kidney research to be held on Sunday 25th March with more than 100 walks to be held across Wales.
349. Countryside Council for Wales. The CCW has to review the maps of open access to mountain, moor, heath, down land and registered common land in Wales every ten years. The review process begins on the 16th July 2012 with all representations about the maps to be made by the 23rd November 2012. A provisional map will be drafted on the 7th August 2013 and a new conclusive map will be issued in September 2014.
350. Bryngwyn, Ynyslas. A response from Huw & Lizzie Jones confirming that a “full right to pass and repass by motor vehicles on the lane at the rear of the properties exists in our title deeds of 1927 for Bryngwyn”.
351. Aberystwyth Town Council. Following a very successful meeting on the future of Bronglais Hospital with nearly 600 people in attendance, the town Council are organising a protest rally in Cardiff on 29th February. A bus has been arranged to leave Aberystwyth at 9.00am. All reservations for the bus are to be made by e-mail.
352 Mynwent Capel y Garn. Thank you for donation for donation of £50
353. Citizens Advice Bureau. Thank you for donation of £50.
354. Balchder Pentref. Advises that the first assessment panel during the week 19 March 2012 and requests information if the Councils application will be submitted in time for the panel. Cllr Bryn Jones to action.
355. Hywell Dda Health Board. Pre-consultation engagement even to be held in Llwyncelyn Hall on 22 March.
356. Community Council Brush Cutting Grants 2012. Bids to be submitted by 30 March 2012. It was agreed to include the newly registered footpath.
357. One Voice Wales. Ceredigion Area meeting to be held on 14 March 2012 in Aberaeron.
358. Audit Briefing Leaflet. BDO Audit briefing which lists timing changes for annual audits.
359. Borth Coastal Scheme Opening. A formal invitation to the opening of the Borth scheme.
360. Letter from Family Centre Co-ordinator. A letter advising of the need for storage facility for play equipment associated with the Ray Play Scheme and a request for financial contribution of approx £200. It was agreed to relook at alternative provision for the storage space required. Cllr Bainbridge declared a personal interest.
361. Letter from Bronwen Morgan. The letter was in response to a letter from the Clerk in respect of CPE. It advised the proposed Order that implements CPE refers to the whole of Ceredigion and not just Borth. Furthermore there is a repeated offer of an Officer from the Traffic Management Section to address Borth Council. In her letter Ms Morgan stated the matter of CPE will be discussed at Cabinet on 13 March 2012. Cllr Wilcox stated that unless there are any changes, it would be better to convene a public meeting to be addressed by an Officer from the Council. This was agreed and will be reconsidered at the April meeting once the outcome of the Cabinet meeting is known.
362. Parking in Borth. The Council were advised that correspondence which express concerns on the future parking in Borth have been received from Mr David Hilditch of Sea Shell, Borth, Robert and Julie Gethin and Mark Williams MP.
363. Correspondence from Lorraine Lloyd. An email from Mrs Lloyd made reference to an unfounded breach of planning at Brynrodyn Caravan Park. Noting the contents of the letter contained names of Councillors, the Acting Clerk advised the Council they should consider the matter in Committee.
364. Talybont Young Farmers. Thank you for last year’s donation and a request for a further donation. It was resolved to donate £50.
365. Posters. Updated contact posters for Mark Williams MP.
366. Clerks and Councils. Copy available for Cllrs.
367. N-ergy Works. Details of a company who offer a range of professional cleaning services specialising in graffiti and chewing gum removal.
368. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2012
Nationwide 28,867.09
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.06
Business No Notice Acct 11,614.85
Deposit Account 2,483.00
369. Income
Wayleaves 30.26
370. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
M Walker – clks sal 488.00, off exp 5.52 493.52
Y Tincer – donation 50.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 50.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
371. A120122AV Display of signage, Glangors, Borth. Support the application in the interests of tourism
372. In the absence of Cllr Morris there was nothing to report.
373. Cllr Bainbridge. Cllr Bainbridge displayed a number of Jubilee Mugs and following discussion on design and costs it was resolved to purchase 120 of the Clerks & Councils Direct advertised mugs at a cost of £4.95 each, with the VAT being reclaimed by the Council. There was discussion on whether or not there will be children’s party to coincide with the distribution of mugs but nothings was decided. She advised the Council the rubbish on the Golf Club car park has been cleared. Following consultation between Cllrs Bainbridge and Wilcox, Carole displayed a poster for comment which would be distributed throughout the village. Graham Taylor volunteered to provide a poster for consideration by the Council, which was agreed.
374. Cllr Moore. Provided details of a Ray Play Scheme consultation.
375. Cllr G B Jones. Gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi application, which he intends to submit in time for the 19 March 2012 panel assessment.
376. Cllr Quant reminded the meeting of the coastal scheme opening. He also provided copies of a recent Hywel Dda Health Board presentation to Ceredigion County Council.
377. Having resolved to consider the matter raised under Minutes 363 in Committee, there being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 0845 hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 2 April 2012 are to be notified to the Clerk.
378. Following consideration of Mrs Lloyd’s complaint it was agreed to write to Mrs Lloyd and the Councillor who had contacted the Planning Enforcement Officer to seek clarification on a couple of points made in Mrs Lloyd’s email to the Clerk.
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