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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - February 2012

Present: Chairperson:     A J Morris
C Bainbridge
J James
G B Jones
    J M Lawrence
G Lewis
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk:     M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
                                        5 Members of the Public
295.  Cllrs M Griffiths, J Jones and L Moore.
296.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Lawrence took the chair in the absence of the Chairman who arrived late. Cllr Lawrence reminded members of Council and all members of the public of the ban on the use of recording equipment during meetings and requested that all mobile phones were switched off.
  297.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 January 2012 as being a true record.
298.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 260.  Ongoing.
299.   Extension of Playing Field Area.  Minute 261.  Ongoing.
300.   Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes.  Minute 262.  Ongoing.
301.   Registration of Footpath 2/33.  Minute 263.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update following a recent meeting he and the Clerk had with Tony Bates of Morris and Bates Solicitors.  
302.  Ceredigion Community and Town Council’s Village Renewal Fund.  Minute 265. Ongoing.
303.  Boat Park.  Minute 266.  Cllr Moore has taken photographs of boats/trailers on the boat park. The Clerk was asked to display the photographs in the noticeboard with a notice asking all owners to come forward with their names and addresses by the end of April.
304.  Bronglais Hospital.  Acknowledgement letters from Simon Thomas AM and Rebecca Evans AM together with an application to join the Talking Health Scheme.  Enclosed also details of a public meeting on Friday 10th February in the Neuadd Goffa, Penparcau to discuss the future of Bronglais Hospital.
305.  Ms Diane Richards.  A request for the Council to follow up their previous letter to the Welsh Assembly and Hywel dda by writing in support of the doctors based at Bronglais who have expressed their lack of confidence in the current proposals.  Cllr Morris volunteered to write a letter on the Council’s behalf.
306.  Bryngwyn, Ynyslas.  An e-mail from Huw and Lizzie Jones in respect of the comments made to the planning department “the right of way at the rear of the properties was not for vehicles and as such car access should be through the front of the property". Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room.  The Clerk was asked to reply stating that the comment was made by a previous occupant which was the case at that time.
307.  Welsh Assembly Government.  A letter seeking the Council’s views on the proposal to move the date of the local government elections in Wales by one year from May 2016 to May 2017. 
308.  Welsh Water.  Notification of the scheme to upgrade the water pipe through Llancynfelin and through Llandre and Glanwern.
309.  Adoption of footway from Brockhill to Cambrian Terrace.  The footway has been adopted as maintainable at the public expense under Section 205(5) of the Highways Act 1980 with effect from 1st December 2011.
310.  Olympic Torch Relay.  Details of a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday 6th February to discuss the event.
311.  Hywel Dda Health Board.  A questionnaire to help inform on the future planning of health services in the area.  Also details of a Health Event on the 22nd February 2012 at Morlan between 11.00am and 6.00pm.
312.  Hywel Dda Health Board.  A request for the Council’s opinion on the proposed changes to the health service in this area and the effect these changes might have on the community.
313.  One Voice Wales. The “Council as an Employer” course is currently under-subscribed and in order to avoid it being cancelled OVW urgently need to know whether any members would like to attend. The course has been designed to provide Council members with vital information they need to know in their role as well as providing essential guidance about the legal and regulatory framework in which Councils are required to operate within.  The course will be held at Park Lodge Hotel on the 14th February between 6.30pm and 9.30pm.
314.  One Voice Wales.  A copy of their response to the Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill.
315.  Hilary Matthews.  A e-mail informing Council that the children’s playground is decidedly soggy.
316.  Ray Ceredigion. Notification of a change of address and details of a consultation on a Play Area Day to be held on Saturday 25th February 2012.  Cllr Moore is asking for Cllrs to come forward with any ideas for natural wood items for the play area.
317.  Helen Williams.  A letter requesting the Council’s assistance with funding for an Open Access Play storage container for Plant Dewi.  Cllr Quant said that provision has now been made for storage.
318.  Peter Colwill.  A letter in respect of the proposed future development of the fields adjacent to Borth School and the access to fields.  Mr Colwill is asking for the Council’s intentions in relation to the development of the fields, access to the fields and the use of Cliff Roads.  Advise Mr Colwill that proper consideration will be given if and when an application is received.
319.  Gwenllian Ashley.  An e-mail advising that Ms Ashley has been in touch with David Nash in connection with a proposed sculpture.  He is unable to make a large outdoor sculpture and cannot visit the site due to work commitments.  Ms Ashley is asking for the Council to approve asking Bam Nuttal to sink a plinth in a suitable spot for placing a root formation.  Cllr Quant is going to look into planning requirements on the area opposite Danny’s Bar.  The Council are also happy to give Mr Nash a piece of wood for his co-operation.
320. Other Correspondence.  Glasdon catalogue.
321.   Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2012
          Nationwide                                        28,867.09
          Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)                    595.72
          Business No Notice Acct                                                                  10,383.85
          Deposit Account                                                                                     2,483.00 
322.   Income
          Community a/c - rent for land at Gerydon                      100.00
          Business No Notice - Rent arrears for Civic Amenity and Landfill Sites  5,316.00
323.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
          Konica Minolta – photocopier service                             192.00
          M Walker – Clks sal 488.00, off exp 21.32                     509.32
          Capel y Garn – donation                               50.00
          Wales Air Ambulance – donation                               90.00
          Citizens Advice Bureau – donation                               50.00
324.  Planning Permission Approved
A110928.  To re-site existing vehicular access to the property to a better visual and accessible position.  Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth.
A110549LB.  Installation of a customer information screen and associated works.  Borth Railway Station, Cambrian Terrace, Borth.
325.  Planning Permission Refused
A110937.  Erection of a balcony to the rear of the property.  Vanhin, Borth.
326.  The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year.  After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
Capel y Garn            £50.00
Wales Air Ambulance     £90.00
Citizens Advice Bureau        £50.00
Members resolved to earmark £50 each to Y Tincer, Talybont YFC and Age Concern Ceredigion if requests were received before the next meeting.
327.  Cllr Willcox suggested putting together a bilingual letter/leaflet for distribution to each house.  Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Lawrence volunteered to work alongside Cllr Willcox and will produce a sample for the Council’s consideration at the March meeting.  Cllr Morris mentioned that the dog mess on the stones in front of the houses from the Lerry Garage to the end of the row is not being washed away.
328.  Cllr Morris suggested that the children of the village would be better served if the money allocated for the mugs was to go directly to Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa. Cllr Quant said that there was an expectation that some people would like a souvenir. Cllr Bainbridge volunteered to research various options. 
329.  Cllr Morris mentioned that Mr Peter Glover, as well as leaving a sum of money in his will to Borth School, also left a legacy gift of almost £115000 to Sheffield University.  A new laboratory has been created which has been named The Glover Laboratory for Digital Osteology.  Cllr Morris commented on a new bike sign at the southern end of the promenade.
330.   Cllr Jones has been approached by three youths about a possible skatepark on the old civic amenity site. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that the rubbish has yet to be removed from the car park running through the Golf Course.  The Clerk said she would send a follow up letter. Cllr Bryn Jones asked for Clarach Road to be gritted now that the road through Llandre is shut at weekends.  Cllr Lewis said that the railings at the bottom of Clarach Road needed replacing.  Cllr Wilcox reported that some customers using the post office had expressed concern about the leaflet that gives a warning to residents about parking in Borth with the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and asked whether Borth Community Council should make representations to Ceredigion County Council (CCC).  The Chairman invited James Davies to speak.  Mr Davies was outspoken in his attitude towards CCC over the introduction of CPE and furthermore stated it will have the most negative impact of any political undertaking in years within the village.  Cllr Quant responded by stating that Mr Davies was well informed on the procedure for the introduction of CPE having attended 2 public meetings as had others at the meeting.  Cllr Quant stated that CCC will take over CPE on 4 June 2012 and the existing Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) will be transferred without change to the CCC and to make any changes at this time would delay the process by many months.  He also stated CCC has to submit a declaration to the Welsh Government that it has valid TROs throughout Ceredigion which comply with the law.  There are many places in Ceredigion, including Borth, where the lines are not up to standard therefore CCC are currently remarking lines to ensure they comply with the law as required by the Welsh Government.  The Chairman sought confirmation that CCC had to ensure the TRO line markings complied with the law before taking over the powers of CPE.  Cllr Quant confirmed that was correct and went on to explain he has previously stated there will be an opportunity for CCC to review the TROs once they have taken over CPE and any letters seeking change to TROs will not be considered before 4 June.   Mr Davies challenged Cllr Quant about the length of time before the lines are taken up in Borth.  Cllr Quant stated that would depend on the outcome of consultation within the community and as Mr Davies and others were aware, some had expressed a view against the removal of the 1 hour seasonal restriction at a public meeting.  Mr Davies made a comment that Cllr Quant had said it would be 18 months before a review would be considered,  Cllr Quant stated he couldn’t recall making such a statement at the public meeting when Cllr Lewis intervened stating Cllr Quant had never said it would  be 18 months but Mr Davies disputed this.  Cllr Lawrence stated she could see both points of view about the situation where Mr Davies wishes to see the parking restrictions removed and Cllr Quant was explaining the legal position of introducing CPE and how the villagers had been lucky for many years when Traffic Wardens had not come to the village.  Another member of the public asked Cllr Quant about the time scale for carrying out a review following the introduction of CPE.  Cllr Quant responded by stating there are a number of communities in Ceredigion who wish to seek changes and he would expect a review process to be started within 6 months of the introduction of CPE therefore logically when CPE is introduced in June then as the seasonal parking in Borth is from 1 May to 30 September then any change will not be implemented for this year and depending on public consultation there was a chance changes could be implemented for the 2013 seasonal parking.  He further stated if people are booked there will be hell to play in the village and added that CCC will have 8 traffic wardens and will keep the money. The Chairman called the meeting to order and it was resolved they should write a letter to Ms Bronwen Morgan, Chief Executive of Ceredigion County Council.  Mr Davies finished off the discussion by stating Ceredigion are looking after Ceredigion at the expense of Borth. 
331.  Cllr Quant informed members that the formal opening of the new coastal defence is scheduled for Thursday 8th March at 2.30pm by the Lifeboat Station followed by tea and light refreshments in the Community Hall.  Cllr Quant gave details of a meeting between representatives of Hywel Dda and the County Council to be held on the 16th February 2012.  He also mentioned that all the seats in Borth will be painted in the near future.  
332.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.15hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 5 March 2012 to include an update on the Coastal Defence Scheme.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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