Minutes - January 2012
Present: Chairperson: A J Morris
C Bainbridge
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
J Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
G Lewis
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
5 Members of the Public
256. None.
257. Mr Ray Jones and Ms Alice Johnson attended the meeting and distributed an up to date progress report to each member. Due to the weather conditions pre Christmas the scheme has been re-programmed for a March 2012 completion. Ray informed members that 120 timber piles were available for the community sculpture and that BAM Nuttall would be willing to assist with digging etc.
258. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr Morris reminded members of Council and all members of the public of the ban on the use of recording equipment during meetings and requested that all mobile phones were switched off.
259. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 December 2011 as being a true record.
260. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 230. Ongoing.
261. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 231. Ongoing.
262. Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes. Minute 232. Ongoing.
263. Registration of Footpath 2/33. Minute 233. Ongoing.
264. Queens Diamond Jubilee Mug Offer. Minute 234. Agenda item for next month.
265. Ceredigion Community and Town Council’s Village Renewal Fund. Minute 236. Ongoing.
266. Boat Park. Minute 251. Cllrs suggested keeping a register of owners. Cllr Griffiths volunteered to take a photograph of each of the boats/trailers which will subsequently be put on the noticeboard requesting owners to identify their vessel.
267. Friends of Borth Fire Service. A request for financial assistance to clear debts incurred due to increased building costs. It was resolved to earmark £1000 from the 2012/13 budget and to request a copy of their accounts together with details of financial assistance promised. The Clerk was asked to enquire as to whether other Community Councils who have benefited from Borth Fire Service in the past have also been approached for assistance.
268. Buckingham Palace Garden Party. An invitation to the current (outgoing) Chairperson to put their name forward to attend one of two Garden Parties in May 2012.
269. One Voice Wales. Details of dates and venues of a “Strong Roots Project “ training programme. Cllrs Bainbridge and Griffiths will represent the Council at a cost of £10 per person. Members resolved to pay £20 for the training session which is due to take place on the 16th February in Aberystwyth at a venue to be confirmed.
270. Borth Civic Amenity Site. Morris and Bates solicitors has received amended Memorandum of Rent Reviews to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk as previous versions had shown the County Council as landlord and the Community council as tenant.
271. Donation Requests. Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Macmillan Cancer Support and Citizens Advice Bureau. All donations will be considered and allocated in March.
272. Ethics and Standard Meeting Dates. Dates and deadlines for dispensation applications.
273. Ray Ceredigion. A request for the Community Council to fund regular play sessions in the community. Cllr Moore is due to meet with representatives of Ray Ceredigion in the near future and will report back to Council.
274. Hywel Dda Health Board. Acknowledgement letters in respect of correspondence sent from the Cllr Anthony Morris.
275. Proposed Nant y Moch Windfam. An update on the community benefit package in relation to the Nant y Moch wind farm.
276. National Assembly for Wales. Details of a consultation on Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill period which ends on 2 February 2012.
277. One Voice Wales. A consultation exercise opened on the 7th December and ends on the 29th February 2012 in connection with the proposed changes relating to advertising Traffic Regulation Orders. It is proposed, subject to the outcome of this consultation, to amend 3 sets of existing regulations to simplify the process for advertising Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), giving both Welsh Ministers and Welsh Local Traffic Authorities (WLTAs) greater flexibility for advertising such orders and removing the current statutory requirement to have to place public notices in newspapers.
278. Local Development Plan. An update on the progress of the Ceredigion County Local Development Plan.
279. Centre for Alternative Technology. A request to attend a future meeting to talk about home energy issues. Members suggested that it would be beneficial to hold an open evening in the Community Hall directed in particular to those groups who would benefit from their presentation.
280. ROSPA. A request to order an annual inspection. The Council decided not to request a playground inspection from the company following issues which arose from last year’s report.
281. Other Correspondence. Clerk & Councils Direct.
282. Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2011
Nationwide 28,867.09
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 1,153.22
Business No Notice Acct 11,030.85
Deposit Account 2,483.00
283. Income
Business No Notice Acct – Int to 1 Dec 2011 1.86
Nationwide – Gross interest to 1 Dec 2011 0.72
RNLI rent 500.00
284. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
The Railway Inn – BAM Nuttall social evening 198.75
J H Matthews – internal audit of 2010/11 accounts 100.00
A & G Access Hire – connect & disconnect Xmas Tree lights 142.14
Post Office Ltd – HM Revenue & Customs 217.20
M Walker – clerks salary 488.00, off exp 16.50 504.50
BSPFA 3,000.00
One Voice Wales – 2 x course fees 20.00
The Clerk informed members that the photocopier required servicing and produced costings for the work. Members resolved to request a service at a cost of £130 call out fee plus an additional £15 per 15 minutes labour.
285. Application for Full Planning Permission
A110926. Conversion and extension of garage into annexe. Tidesreach Bungalow, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.
A110926. Removal of condition 3 of A050467 to allow use of the annexe as a separate unit of accommodation. Tidesreach Bungalow, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth. Borth Community Council considers this to be an over intensive development of the site and will detract from the amenity of neighbouring properties. Borth Community Council considers this to be a manipulation of the existing planning rules and guidelines to bring about a state of affairs which would have been refused in the first instance. In the event that both applications may be considered for approval Borth Community Council strongly recommends a site visit.
A110928. To re-site existing vehicular access to the property to a better visual and accessible position. Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth. A110928 - Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth. Borth Community Council sees no reason to depart from their previous decision when the application was first submitted under application A100239.
A110937. Erection of a balcony to the rear of the property. Vanhin, Borth. In the event that the application may be considered for approval Borth Community Council strongly recommends a site visit.
286. Planning Permission Approved
A110809. Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey extension to front. Windy Ridge, Ynyslas, Borth.
287. Planning Application Withdrawn A110319AV. Proposed premises for surf training and equipment hire business. Land at Canteen Corner, Borth. A110838. Sub-division of existing 6 bedroomed dwelling to provide independent 2 bedroomed ‘flat’ accommodation within the rear wing. Bryngwyn, Ynyslas, Borth.
288. The Clerk distributed up to date income and expenditure figures together with a financial plan for 2012/13 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2012/13.
Clerks Salary 6,970.00
Office Expenses 300.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund 140.00
Insurance 1,850.00-
Chairpersons Allowance 200.00
Maintenance 3,305.00
Winter Maintenance 400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue 6,000.00
Community & Arts Facilities 2,500.00
Donations 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 500.00
Contingency 1,000.00
Audit Fee 350.00-
Election Expenses 1,000.00
Diamond Jubilee Mugs(108) 552.00
Total: 26,067.00
289. It was resolved to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £16,943.55.
290. This item was deferred until the February meeting.
291. None.
292. Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi application which is estimated to cost in the region of £12700 for the three projects. Members resolved in principle to contribute approximately 10% of the cost of the project up to the sum of £1200. Cllr Gwynfor Lewis has been quoted a sum of up to £250 for clearance of the leat. It was resolved to pay up to £250 for the work.
293. None.
294. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 22.00hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 6 February 2012 to include Dogs and Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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