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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - March 2013

Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
G Ashley
     C Bainbridge  
     R Dalton
     J Hulse
     J James
     G B Jones
     L Moore
     M J Willcox
    W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
        Clerk: M Walker
                                    4 Members of the Public
303.  Cllr J M Lawrence.
304.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
305.   It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 February 2013 as being a true record. 
306.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 273.  Cllr Willcox gave a brief update on the progress of the plan.  
307.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 274.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
308.   Boat Park.  Minute 275.  Ongoing.
309.  Ceredigion County Council.  Notification of a workshop on Friday 8th March 2013 in Penmorfa between 9.30am-1pm on Census Results and Ceredigion and the Welsh Language.
310.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy letter from CCC to Ms Ann Budge addressing her concerns over various issues on flooding in Borth, sea defences/boards, roadside drainage and drainage Glanwern to outfall and a copy of a letter from Ms Budge responding to Rhodri Llwyd’s comments.
311.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  Details of a public surgery to be held with The Police and Crime Commissioner on the 23rd February in Llanelli Library. 
312.  One Voice Wales.  A copy letter to the Police Commissioner of Dyfed Powys Police expressing members disappointment relating to the extremely limited timescale for response to the Budget & Police and Crime Plans Consultation.
313.  Civic Amenity Site.  An e-mail has been received from Ceredigion County Council requesting permission for the Environment Agency to use the former civic amenity site to store vehicles, plant and materials to undertake work to the flood defence embankment along the Afon Leri.
314.  Dyfi Biosphere Tourism Plan.  Details of the first version of a plan that is intended to help the area improve the tourism economy.  Any views or suggestions must be received by the 6th March 2013.  Cllr Hulse prepared a response to the plan in advance of the meeting and Cllr Bryn Jones raised a few issues.   Members agreed to Cllr Hulse responding on behalf of the Council.
315.  Websites for Town and Community Councils.  Following a letter received last month One Voice Wales are asking Councils not to contact their principal councils until detailed proposals are finalised.
316.  Ceredigion Community Transport Roadshow.  An invitation to a representative of the Community Council to attend one of the roadshows.
317.  Public Conveniences.  A response to the letter sent to Ceredigion County Council detailing the cost etc to Borth Community Council if they were to consider taking over the running of the public toilets at Borth.  The Clerk was asked to write for more specifics.
318.  Council Dinner.  A thank you letter from Mr and Mrs Graham Taylor for the invitation to the council dinner.
319.  Borth Station Volunteers.  A thank you letter from Mr and Mrs George Romary and Mr John Toller for the invitation to the Council Dinner and a request for financial assistance with a grand “Station Gala” to mark the 150th anniversary of the commencement of railway services from Borth and the official birthday of the station as a passenger destination.  It was agreed in principle to donate the sum of £1000 in the next financial year.
320.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  March 2013 issue of the magazine.
321.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Code of Conduct training event in Barmouth on the 13th March 2013.
322.  Friends of Borth Fire Service.  A letter of thanks for the donation of £2361.54 and for all the assistance, guidance and encouragement given to Borth Light Fire Unit.
323.  Other Correspondence.  Sovereign Play Equipment leaflet.
324.   Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2013
          Nationwide                      28869.27
          Community Acct                  500.39
          Business No Notice Acct                                               15,289.77
          Deposit Account                                                                  2,624.80 
325.  Income
         Scottish Power – Wayleaves                    31.28       
326.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:  
         Brynrodyn – dinner for 5 guests           100.00
         Playsafety Limited – playground inspection             86.40
         M Walker – clks salary 496.20, off exp 6.60           502.80 
         Communicorp – 10 jubilee mugs             74.40   
         Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery – donation            50.00
         Age Cymru Ceredigion – donation            50.00
         Wales Air Ambulance – donation            90.00
         Tincer – donation                    50.00
         Citizens Advice Bureau – donation                    50.00
         Talybont YFC – donation            60.00
         Cruse Bereavement Care – donation            50.00
327.  Application for Full Planning Permission
A130070.  Alterations & extension to dwelling to convert into two dwellings.  Ynys Fergi, Borth.  No objection.
A130116.  Change of use from stable/store to B2 light industrial (kitchen for the preparation and cooking of pies).  Felinwen, Glanwern, Borth.  No objection.
328.  Full Planning Permission Granted.
A130007.  Erection of a replacement garage.  Linkside, Borth.
329.  The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year.  After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery - 50.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion – 50.00
Wales Air Ambulance – 90.00
Tincer – 50.00
Citizens Advice Bureau –50.00
Talybont YFC – 60.00
Cruse Bereavement Care -50.00
330.  The Chairman confirmed that she had spoken to Mr Jonathan Thomas of It’s A Gift and he assured her that the car park adjoining his property would be tidied up following a recent complaint.
331.  Cllr Williams had observed that the leat was backfilling towards Glanwern during recent high tides. Mr Graham Taylor also mentioned that the sluice gate inside the chamber isn’t shutting properly. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the playground and advised members that the natural play equipment, which was totally funded by Ray Ceredigion, was now in place.  Cllr Jones, following an e-mail sent to him, voiced his concerns over biting insects and malaria as a result of the dirty ditches etc. He asked that careful consideration be given to this issue.  Cllr Jones asked Cllr Quant whether anything had been done about the section of cracking on part of the cliff.  Cllr Quant said he would follow this up. He has also noticed that the litter bin on the boat park had been removed.  Cllr Jones asked that congratulations be sent to Borth United Football Club on reaching the final of the Emrys Morgan Cup. Cllr Moore asked whether communication had been made with the owners of the Animalarium in respect of the sign on the main road to Glanwern. Cllr Moore also asked whether any filling in had been done to the holes on the top of the breastwork where the bolts are fitted.  Cllr James said that a pothole had appeared on the road just beyond Brynbala bend.  Cllr Quant said he would follow up on all these issues.  Cllr Moore reiterated the need for something to be done about the metal spikes on the groynes at the northern end of the beach.  Cllr Willcox is concerned over what is exactly being tipped on the old landfill site.  He has been made aware that lorries are allegedly carrying some sort of grey slurry for dumping.  Cllr Williams is concerned that 3 young boys have been seen skateboarding down the hill over the weekend and that this could ultimately cause an accident.   Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the progress of the Balchder Pentrefi application and due to various circumstances and to move things forward thought it advisable to consider another site for the project.
332.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the next stage of the coastal defence scheme.  £1m has been earmarked to renew the breastwork at the northern end. He asked permission for Ceredigion County Council to use the main car park opposite Brynowen to store the wood etc.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the Civil Parking Enforcement with a report being sent to cabinet on the 19th March 2013.  Cllr Quant said he would give an update on the Dyfi Flood Risk Management Group at the next meeting. 
333.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.50pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 8 April 2013 are to be notified to the Clerk.
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