Minutes - February 2013
Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
G Ashley
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
J Hulse
J James
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public
270. Cllrs G B Jones, J M Lawrence and Cllr L Moore.
271. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
272. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 January 2013 as being a true record subject to amending the word “completely” in Minute 267 to “partially”.
273. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 238. The Clerk read out a letter under Minute 285 in correspondence.
274. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 241. The Clerk has received written notification that the closing date for all applications is 4th March 2013.
275. Boat Park. Minute 242. Ongoing.
276. One Voice Wales. Aberystwyth Town Council is hosting a Planning Training Session on Monday 4th March 2013 from 6.30pm to 9.00pm in the Town Council offices at a cost of £20 per head.
277. Ecodyfi. Renew Wales is an organisation which aims to help 200 communities across Wales take action and respond to climate change through advice, training and mentoring support with particular focus on areas of fuel poverty, and people and communities of interest not previously involved in climate change activity. The programme is looking for experienced people to join the team of “mentors” – people who can assist community groups. Details available on the website.
278. Aberystwyth University Students’ Union. A request to arrange a meeting with all County Councillors representing the wards in Aberystwyth and North Ceredigion, Cabinet Members, Town and Community Councillors to discuss issues raised as a result of a housing survey report.
279. ROSPA. A brochure on playground inspections.
280. Elin Jones AC/AM. January 2013 newsletter.
281. Dyfi Estuary Flood Risk Management Strategy. An update regarding progress with the strategy.
282. Ceredigion County Council. A letter advising that CCC is in the process of reviewing its public conveniences and due to budgetary pressures it is not possible to keep all existing toilets open as at present. CCC is enquiring whether Borth Community Council would be interested in the principle of taking over the running of the public toilets at Pantyfedwen/Adjoining Canteen Street from the County Council. The Clerk was asked to write to CCC requesting a financial breakdown of the current arrangements and to emphasise that the toilet block intended for closure between November and the end of March is used by rail commuters, visitors to the museum, surfers and to ask what impact the closure would have on our “Blue Flag” status.
283 Hywel Dda Health Board. Documents with information on the Extraordinary meeting of Hywel Dda Health Board which was held on 15th January 2013.
284. “Ceredigion for All”. This document will be published in April 2013 and is a single integrated plan setting out the key priorities for Ceredigion over the next 4 years. People who live, work, visit or have an interest in Ceredigion now have the opportunity to express their views on what should be included in the plan, how best to tackle issues and opportunities and how to measure performance. The closing date of the consultation period is 31st March 2013.
285. Borth Community Flood Plan. A letter from the Environment Agency Wales asking whether any progress has been made by the Council in forming a flood plan in the event of a large scale flood. Send a letter of thanks and confirm that Borth Community Council is currently re-evaluating their arrangements and that they would give an update following their next meeting.
286. Playground Report. A play area safety inspection report dated 17th January 2013 highlighting areas that require attention.
287. Donation Requests. Ceredigion YFC, Gwyl Cerdd Dant Ystrad Fflur a’r Fro 2013 and Cruse Ceredigion.
288. Miss Ann Budge. A letter expressing concerns over certain issues with sea defence /boards, roadside drainage and the drainage at the rear of Glanwern to the outfall. Ms Budge is asking that the Council acts upon these concerns at the earliest opportunity and with the utmost urgency. The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to Rhodri Llwyd for a formal response and to the Environment Agency to request that the leat between Glanwern and the sluice gate is cleaned.
289. Websites for Town and Community Councils. The Welsh Government had released additional funding this week to support local democracy and public engagement and their aim is to assist in the development of websites for town and community councils. The Clerk was asked to find out who was distributing the funds.
290. Searivers Caravan Park. A letter in answer to the query in relation to the number of caravans on site. There are approximately 320 caravans on site with 280 of those being static and presumably connected to services. There were an additional 40 just sited around the site. The planning permission and the licence for the site gives consent for the siting of 240 caravans only. The Enforcement Section is looking into the matter.
291. Ecodyfi. E-mail containing newsletter etc.
292. Walk for Life. Details of a fundraising event on Sunday March 24th which helps to support families across Wales affected by kidney disease and renal failure.
293. Other Correspondence. Clerks & Councils Direct and Glasdon brochure.
294. Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2013
Nationwide 28,869.27
Community Acct 604.18
Business No Notice Acct 22,222.77
Deposit Account 2,624.80
295. Income
Rent for land at Gerydon 100.00
296. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Communicorp – 17 x mugs jubilee mugs 121.98
A & G Access Hire – connect & disconnect Xmas Tree lights 217.91
M Walker – clks salary 496.20, off exp 7.90 504.10
297. Application for Full Planning Permission
A130007. Erection of a replacement garage. Linkside, Borth. The overall footprint does not significantly deviate from the existing and on that basis Borth Community Council has NO OBJECTION.
A130036. Erection of a three storey and a single storey rear extensions and alterations. Tyrol House, High Street, Borth. Borth Community Council considers the proposed plans an over development which is not in keeping with neighbouring properties. The proposed plans would change the existing character of the Georgian frontage. We also have severe concerns for the structure of the adjoining property, namely Richmond, that the footings of the proposed three storey extension would be built on shingle. Borth Community Council strongly recommends a site visit and a structural engineers report.
298. A copy letter to the department of planning and to Building Control in respect of the above application A130036 from Ms Sadie Everard and Mr Paul Walker.
299. Cllr Griffiths voiced her concerns over planning permission to allow year round use on several caravans at Brynowen. Cllr Quant confirmed that checks would be carried out twice yearly. It was agreed to hold the Council dinner on Friday 22nd February at Brynrodyn. The Clerk was asked to finalise the arrangements.
300. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that she had a meeting on Tuesday 5th February at 9.30am with representatives of Ray Ceredigion. Cllr Ashley voice her concerns at the state of It’s a Gift car park and especially the big wooden sign. Cllr Griffiths agreed she would speak to Mr Jonathan Thomas. Cllr Williams informed members of two recent car accidents on Clarach Road. He also asked whether Highways department would be able to block the road between Clarach and Borth during periods of snow as he had witnessed several cars skidding down the big hill. The grit bins have been re-filled by Ceredigion County Council and it was reported that Mr Gwynfor Lewis had been partially gritting the road by his house. The Chairman asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks. Cllr Willcox raised the issue of exposed metal and old groynes etc during low tide in the area opposite the public toilets by Pantyfedwen. Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter. Cllr Bainbridge said that the Animalarium sign on the Glanwern stretch of road remained a concern during high winds. The Clerk had not received a reply to her original letter voicing the Council’s concern. Cllr Quant said he would speak to the owners.
301. Cllr Quant gave an update on coastal defences and that work on the breastwork would commence before the end of this financial year. He confirmed that the leat had been cleaned as instructed. The TRO’s are still ongoing and Cllr Quant said he would follow up on his original e-mail to request that the drains are cleaned.
302. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 March 2013 to include Donation Requests. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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