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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - Jan 2013

Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
                G Ashley
                C Bainbridge  
                J Hulse
                J James
                J M Lawrence
                L Moore
                M J Willcox
                W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
                 Clerk: M Walker
                                    4 Members of the Public
235.  Cllrs R Dalton and G B Jones.
236.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
237.   It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 December 2012 as being a true record. 
238.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 211.  Ongoing.
239.   Dogs.  Minute 213.  Ongoing.
240.   Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs.  Minute 214.  Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that she had 3 mugs remaining from the initial batch and that she had received orders for a further 17 at £6 each.  The Clerk was asked to order another 17 mugs.
241.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 215.  Ongoing.
242.   Boat Park.  Minute 216.  Ongoing.
243.   Borth Light Fire Unit.  Minute 217.  The Clerk confirmed that letters had been sent to two community councils as discussed previously.
244.  One Voice Wales.  2013 Training and Development programme.
245.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to the chairperson and guest to put their names forward to attend one of three garden parties to be held at Buckingham Palace during May and June. 
246.  One Voice Wales.  A request to councils to nominate members to attend training events commencing in January 2013 on “Green Futures”.
247.  Ceredigion County Council.  A draft supplementary planning guidance relating to Aberystwyth Shop Fronts and Commercial Facades.
248.  Coastal Defence Works.  A letter advising the Council that Ceredigion County Council proposes to carry out coastal protection works to the sea wall/upper breastwork at Borth. 
249.  Ceredigion County Council.  A proposal to introduce amendments to parking restrictions within Borth with attached plans.  All comments to be received by 16th January 2013.
250.  Ethics and Standards Committee.  A schedule of meeting dates to consider dispensation applications received from Councillors.
251.  Ceredigion County Council.  A request to submit a bid for 50% funding to carry out annual brushing on public rights of way in Ceredigion.
252.  Sustainable Development Bill.  The Environment and Sustainable Development Minister has launched a White Paper, which can be downloaded from the Welsh Government website, on proposals for the Sustainable Development Bill.  The consultation period runs from 3 December 2012 to 4 March 2013.
253.  Keep Wales Tidy.  A copy of the Keep Wales Tidy’s Annual Review 2011-12 is now available online.
254.  Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association.  A letter of request for the release of the £6,000 funds set aside by the Council for the hall.  Members resolved to send a cheque for the total amount of £6,000.
255.  Donation Requests.  Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Citizens Advice Bureau, Stroke Association and Marie Curie Cancer Care.  All requests for donations will be considered at the March meeting.
256.  Dyfed Powys Police Acknowledgement.  An e-mail confirming receipt of the letter dated 16th December 2012 addressed to Chief Inspector Mason in respect of speeding on Clarach Road and that PS 146 Jones would contact either Cllr Williams or Cllr James directly.
257.  One Voice Wales.  The Winter 2012/13 edition of The Voice.
258.  Other Correspondence.  Proludic catalogue on play and sports areas.
259.   Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2012
          Nationwide                                28,869.27
          Community Acct                          1,000.18
          Business No Notice Acct                                                         22,324.81
          Deposit Account                                                                            2,624.80 
260.  Income          RNLI and Borth Lifeboat Station rent  500.00
         Business No Notice-gross int to 6 Dec 2012                3.96
         Nationwide – gross int to 1 Dec 2012                              0.71
261.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
         BSPFA                                 6,000.00
         Post Office Ltd – PAYE Oct, Nov, Dec 2012                    192.80
         M Walker – Clks Salary                            496.00
262.  Planning Permission Withdrawn
A120729.  Transfer of six static caravans from Hen Hafod, Tre’rddol to Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas.  Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth.
263.  The Clerk was asked to write to the planning department in respect of the amount of caravans on site over and above the amount permitted and to enquire exactly how many of those caravans are connected to the services.
264. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to 31st December 2012 together with a financial plan for 2013/14 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2013/14.
Clerks Salary        6,970.00
Office Expenses           300.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund  140.00
Insurance        1,950.00+
Chairpersons Allowance           200.00
Maintenance        3,305.00
Winter Maintenance  400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue 6,000.00
Community & Arts Facilities 2,500.00
Donations         1,000.00
Miscellaneous            500.00
Contingency         1,000.00
Audit Fee                   400.00+
Borth Light Fire Unit        2,361.00+
Election Expenses           153.00
Total:               27,179.00
265.  It was resolved to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £17666.35.
266.  The Chairman and members discussed holding a council dinner at Brynrodyn on Friday 1st February.  It was agreed to invite George and Jo Romary and John Toller for their contribution to the station museum and extend an invitation to Graham Taylor for his work on the community website.
267.  Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Moore gave a brief update on Ray Ceredigion who has secured a £5,000 grant for additional natural play items to the existing playground at Borth. Cllr Willcox suggested finding out exactly how much top soil was required for the work to go ahead as this was not included in the quotation for the works which amounted to £5,013.84.  Members resolved to accept the quotation given. Cllr Hulse gave a brief report on a project to introduce sheep grazing at Ynyslas Dunes. This will be carried out throughout the winter months only and the area will be completely fenced off on both sides of the road.  However, gates will be sited in each enclosure where they intersect paths.  There will be no restriction for walkers with or without dogs providing all dogs are kept on leads at all times in the grazing enclosures.   Cllr Moore reported that the steps onto the beach between the RNLI and the first house in a northerly direction on the beach side needed repair works. 
268. Cllr Quant said he was still waiting for the contractors to clean the leat. He confirmed, following a question from Cllr Ashley, that the railings at the foot of Clarach Road were being completely renewed and would be paid for from the coastal defence budget.  Cllr Quant reminded members of a PACT meeting scheduled for Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7pm.  Cllr Quant informed members, following a recent Flood Risk Management meeting which he attended, that a date for a community update meeting would be announced shortly. He gave a brief update on the complete removal of the 1hr parking restrictions and said that he was querying the lines outside Morlan Terrace.  Council agreed to accept the amendments and would also ask for the removal of the lines outside Morlan Terrace to be considered. Cllr Quant gave an update on Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme and confirmed that work would not commence in February as previously reported. However, work would commence on the upper breastwork and sea wall as part of Phase 2 and the slipway would be renewed as part of the works. Cllr Ashley reported the erosion of sand between the RNLI station and the cliffs. Cllr Quant said that beach levels were dropping on the entire coast.
269.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.40pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 February 2013 to be notified to the Clerk.
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