Minutes - Dec 2012
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge (Vice-Chair)
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public
208. Cllr M Griffiths (Chairman).
209. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
210. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 November 2012 as being a true record.
211. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 177. Ongoing.
212. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 178. Ongoing.
213. Dogs. Minute 179. Ongoing.
214. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 180. Ongoing.
215. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 181. The application will be put on hold until June/July 2013.
216. Boat Park. Minute 182. Ongoing.
217. Borth Light Fire Unit. Minute 183. The Clerk distributed a draft letter prepared by Cllr Mike Willcox to each member present. It was resolved to send a copy to Ceulanmaesmawr and Genau’r Glyn Community Councils to ask whether they would consider contributing towards the shortfall in the outstanding debt. Members resolved to cover the cost of their portion of the shortfall , for one year only, which amounted to £2361.54 out of their reserve fund and retrieve it through the precept when setting the 2013/14 budgets.
218. The Chairperson invited Ms Jill Hulse to join the Council. Ms Hulse swore her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of the Council. The Clerk gave Cllr Hulse a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and a copy of the Standing Orders.
219. Dyfi Estuary Flood Risk Management Strategy. A summary of suggested solutions for flood risk and ditch management.
220. Nant y Moch Wind Farm. Notification that the anticipated submission date of a planning application for the proposed Nant y Moch Wind farm is now the first quarter of 2013.
221. Grass Cutting. A bid for the grass cutting of the play area and the promenade has been received by Mr M Davies to the amount of £1205. A letter was also read out sent by Mr Meirion Lewis informing the Council that he would retain the current the price of £1300 for the 2013 season which would consist of an average of 12 cuts per area. Members resolved to retain the services of Mr Meirion Lewis.
222. Marine Conservation Zones. Next steps following on from the consultation.
223. Alan Cole. A letter of thanks for the Council’s support in his triathlon endeavours and an update on Mr Cole’s trip to the World Championships in New Zealand. Send letter of congratulations.
224. Ceredigion Community Learning. Details of free training courses through the Regional Skills team.
225. One Voice Wales. A request to complete a survey on climate change.
226. Donation Requests. All Wales Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Helpline.
227. Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2012
Nationwide 28,869.27
Community Acct 4,654.42
Business No Notice Acct 22,324.81
Deposit Account 2,624.80
228. Income
229. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
T M Lewis – grass cutting 1,300.00
M Walker – clerks salary 496.20
S J Jones – Xmas Tree 45.00
Friends of Borth Fire Brigade 2,361.54
230. Full Planning Permission Granted
A120661. Erection of a dwelling. Pantglas, Borth.
A120682. Residential Development (1 dwelling). Vacant Plot, (Plot 2), Ynyslas, Borth.
231. Cllr Bainbridge had been asked by the Chairman to enquire whether the Council would consider a Christmas Dinner in the New Year. It was agreed by members present to consider this at the next Council meeting.
232. Cllr Billy Williams – fly tipping on the back roads a big problem. The issue of gritting on Clarach Road was raised once again. Cllr Williams informed members of another accident on Brynbala bend on the 28th November. Cllr Bryn Jones asked for a review of the minutes over the past few years to catalogue the issue of speeding raised on Clarach Road during Council meetings. He then asked for a letter to be sent to Dyfed Powys Police Authority expressing the Council’s concerns. Cllr Jones also referred to minute 197/2012 in respect of a skateboard park and asked for contact details to be forwarded to Ms Teff.
Cllr Williams informed members that two gates had been stolen on the bridle path. Cllr Mike Willcox referred to the fly tipping by the bottle bank on the main car park. Cllr Quant confirmed that Ceredigion County Council had removed the rubbish which included a settee.
He also confirmed that part of the agreement when the civic amenity site closed was that the Council would remove fly tipping at no extra cost to the Community Council. Cllr Bryn Jones referred to the retention of water on a section of road between Glanleri and Dolybont following heavy rainfall. Cllr Jones suggested that Borth Community Council assist Llancynfelin Community Council to set up a website. Cllr Lawrence questioned the distribution of sandbags in the village.
Cllr Quant confirmed that there would be no allocation of sandbags bags between the RNLI and the end of the houses in a northerly direction.
Mr James Davies, a member of the public, asked whether Ceredigion County Council would be prepared to pay compensation to those houses on the sea front which were subject to some flooding in October despite the recent coastal defence scheme. Cllr Quant said that Ceredigion County Council had not received any complaints in relation to flooding.
233. Cllr Quant gave an update on the progress of Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme and that it was hoped that work would commence in February 2013 on the area opposite Pebbles and the Golf Club. It has been reported that the gable end of Soar Chapel is in an imminent state of collapse and that a firm of scaffolders were due on site to make the area safe. Cllr Quant reported more fly tipping in the main car park. Cllr Quant asked members to increase the sum set aside for the cleaning of the leat from £500 to £720 as per quotation. Members resolved to increase the amount to £720. Cllr Quant talked briefly about the Civil Parking Enforcement and members agreed to the request for the removal of the 1 hour seasonal parking restriction in force at present. A request has been made by the owner of Searivers Caravan Park to relocate a total of 26 caravans from Talybont and Llandre to Searivers. Cllr Quant informed members that there were 50 caravans over the allocated amount allowed on site at present without the additional 26.
234. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.20pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 January 2013 to include Budgets and Precept.
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