Minutes - Nov 2012
Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M C Walker
7 Members of the Public
173. Cllrs G Ashley, G B Jones and J James.
174. Steve Evison attended the meeting as a representative of the steering group and gave a brief overview of the purpose of the strategy which will be how to set out and adapt, improve and generally prepare the area for dealing with flooding in the short to medium term (50 years) as well as protecting the special interest of Cors Fochno. The Chairman invited members to ask questions and thanked Steve for attending.
175. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
176. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 October 2012 as being a true record subject to the following amendments. Minute 170 - Cllr Billy Williams said that he did not refer to fly tipping in the car park opposite Llangorwen Church in Clarach and when referring to Borth Light Fire Unit in Minute 136 the Clerk should have said that Cllr Willcox would draft a letter on behalf of the Council for the Clerk to send to each Community Council within the area.
177. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 138. Ongoing.
178. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 139. Ongoing.
179. Dogs. Minute 140. Ongoing.
180. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 141. Cllr Bainbridge has had requests for another eleven mugs to be ordered. As there are still 15 mugs remaining uncollected it was agreed that Cllr Bainbridge bring the list to the next meeting where members can try to identify the names of those children eligible to receive the mugs before placing another order for more mugs.
181. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 142. Ongoing.
182. Boat Park. Minute 143. Ongoing.
183. Borth Light Fire Unit. Minute 136. The Clerk distributed copies of an e-mail sent to Cllr Mike Willcox and her from County Cllr Ray Quant with electorate figures for the local wards which are served by Borth Light Fire Unit. Cllr Willcox has calculated that if each ward paid a part of the debt in accordance with the electorate for that ward then the debt payable by Borth Community Council for the Borth ward is £2,403 which is equivalent to £2.27 per household. Cllr Willcox suggested that this could be added to the precept when calculating the budgets for 2013/14. He agreed to draft a letter for the Clerk to send to each of the other community councils namely Genau’r Glyn, Ceulanmaesmawr and Tirymynach.
184. National Assembly for Wales. A request from Janet Finch-Saunders AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, for details of all councillors for a comprehensive contact database.
185. Ray Ceredigion. An invitation to attend a meeting at The Friendship Inn on the 27th November to discuss the future of play sessions in Borth. Cllr Bainbridge will attend.
186. Council Vacancy. A request from Ms Jill Hulse of Ynyslas to be considered for the vacant position on Borth Council. Ms Hulse will be invited to attend the next meeting to be co-opted onto Council.
187. Grass Cutting. A tender from Mr M Davies for the cutting of the playing field at Borth to include 7 cuts for the 2013 season at a price of £750. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Mr Davies asking for a quotation for both promenade and play area.
188. Borth Landfill and Civic Amenity Site. A letter from Morris and Bates Solicitors with a payment of £4,616.50 for the six monthly rental income for both sites.
189. One Voice Wales. Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Committee meeting to be held on the 24th October in Aberaeron.
190. Age Cymru. Notification of their AGM to be held on the 22nd November at 2pm in the Memorial Hall, Aberaeron.
191. Citizens Advice Bureau. An invitation to attend the AGM on Friday 14th December in Aberystwyth.
192. Boundary Commission for Wales. The revised proposals for the changes to parliamentary constituencies in Wales is available on their website. Any representations about the proposals should be made by 18 December 2012.
193. Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee. The programme for completion of the improved rail service from Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth is due for September 2013. The committee are requesting a letter or e- mail with details of how the new service will affect Borth station.
194. Donation Request. Bro Dyfi Advice Centre and Denbighshire & District National Eisteddfod.
195. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. The Ombudsman’s casebook – Issue 10 is now available online.
196. Mr Graham Taylor. A letter bringing to the Council’s attention overhanging hedge on the left up Clarach Road which is obstructing driver’s view when pulling out of the Youth Centre car park. Ceredigion County Council is aware of the overhanging hedge. Cllr Ray Quant will follow this up.
197. Skateboard Park. A request from Ms Elaine Teff for the Council to consider the feasibility of a skateboard/mountain bike park. Requests of this nature has been received in the past and looked into in depth by members of the Community Council. There are huge issues with insurance, health and safety and the availability of suitable land. Cllr Quant agreed to discuss these points with Ms Teff following the meeting.
198. Other correspondence. Clerks & Councils Direct, One Voice Wales Autumn 2012 edition of “The Voice” and the winter 2012 issue of Play for Wales.
199. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2012
Nationwide 28,869.27
Community Acct 5,117.00
Business No Notice Acct 22,324.81
Deposit Account 2,624.80
200. Income
Nationwide – gross int to 1 Sept 0.73
Deposit Account – gross int to 31 May 0.45
Deposit Account – gross int to 6 Sept 0.49
Community A/C – landfill and CAS rents 4,616.50
Scottish Power – wayleaves 38.62
201. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Alan Cole – donation 50.00
M Walker – clerks salary 496.20, off exp 5.00 501.20
Royal British Legion – poppy wreaths 52.50
202. Application for Full Planning Permission
A120682. Residential Development (1dwelling). Vacant Plot (Plot 2), near Ynyslas, Borth. Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room. No objection.
A120728. The transfer of 26 static caravans from Riverside Caravan Park to Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth. Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth. Borth Community Council has concerns about overdevelopment of the site and strongly recommends a site visit.
A120729. The transfer of 6 static caravans from Hen Hafod, Tre’rddol to Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth.
Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth. Borth Community Council has concerns about overdevelopment of the site and strongly recommends a site visit.
203. Full Planning Permission Granted.
A120618. Alterations and extension. 33 Cae Gwylan, Borth.
A120632. Extensions and alterations. Maes y Leri, Ynyslas, Borth.
204. None.
205. Cllr Moore asked who was responsible for the Animalarium sign opposite Haven which has been sited on Borth Community Council land. The Clerk was asked to write to the owners of the Animalarium asking whether they have insurance in place. Cllr Lawrence asked whether the village would be supplied with sandbags this year. Cllr Quant said he would address the issue under County Councillor report. Cllr Moore asked who was responsible for the graves in the churchyard as one of the graves close to the community gardens had sunk. The Chairman said she would look into the matter. Cllr Ray Quant said he would look into having signs to the bottle bank following a request from Cllr Mike Willcox. Cllr Bainbridge raised the issue yet again of fly tipping on the right of way through the Golf Course to the car park. As the land is owned by the Golf Club the responsibility to clear the rubbish lies with them. Cllr Bainbridge asked who was responsible for the cutting of the grass on the island in Ynyslas. Cllr Quant said he would find out whether the land is owned by Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Bainbridge reminded members that the allocation of funds to various community groups from monies raised during carnival week will be held at the Community Hall on Friday 23rd November 2012.
206. County Cllr Ray Quant referred to the overtopping on the 25th and 26th October at the southern end of the village. This issue will be looked at under Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme which will go out to tender before Christmas. Ceredigion County Council has no plans to provide sand bags or replace the boards in the centre of the village where Phase 1 of the scheme has completed. Cllr Quant updated members on the clearance of the leat by the Football Club and asked for the release of the £500 put aside in the budget for further leat cleaning in the northern end of the village. Members resolved to authorise the payment. Traffic Regulation Orders are soon to be reviewed and Cllr Quant has requested the removal of the 1hr parking restriction in the village. This will then go out to consultation. He reminded members of the Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 11th November 2012 at St Matthews Church.
207. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 December 2012 to include Co-Option of Member onto Council. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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