Minutes - October 2012
Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
C Bainbridge
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public
134. Cllrs J James, J M Lawrence, L Moore and County Cllr R P Quant.
135. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
136. Ms Carol Davies, Mr Brian Boot and Pete Davies attended the meeting to discuss the debt owed by the fire brigade. Carol produced a copy of accounts dated 2004 to date and gave a breakdown of the figures in detail. Cllr Willcox suggested that all community councils within the area covered by the Light Fire Unit should cover the debt. He suggested calculating the amount of residents eligible to pay council tax in each of the community councils covered by the brigade and then working out in proportion how much each council should contribute towards the debt. The council could then precept for the shortfall next year when calculating the budgets etc in January. Members resolved to pay their proportion of the outstanding debt once the figures have been calculated. Cllr Willcox volunteered to write a letter to each Council.
137. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 September 2012 as being a true record.
138. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 94. Ongoing.
139. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 95. Ongoing.
140. Dogs. Minute 96. The Clerk read out a response from Ceredigion County Council under correspondence.
141. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 97. Cllr Bainbridge has placed notices in the village boards requesting names etc of any person wishing to purchase a jubilee mug at a cost of £6 each.
142. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 98. Ongoing.
143. Boat Park. Minute 70. Ongoing.
144. The Chairperson invited Ms Gwenllian Ashley and Mrs Rona Dalton to join the Council. Both swore their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and were welcomed as members of the Council. The Clerk gave Cllr Ashley and Cllr Dalton a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and a copy of the Standing Orders. The Chairman welcomed both new members onto the community council.
145. Bard Entertainments. A request to discuss a new art film project for filming on Borth beach on the 16th October for exhibition in art galleries. Mr Giddeon Koppel and Ms Margaret Matheson briefed the Council on their proposal to film on Borth beach.
146. Alan Cole. A thank you letter for the Council’s pledge of £50 towards his fund raising for entry in the ITU Age Group Triathlon World Championships in Auckland next month.
147. The Electoral Commission. Details of the Police and Crime Commissioners elections on 15th November 2012.
148. Cadw. Details of drop in events around Wales to discuss proposed changes to the way heritage is protected in Wales.
149. Donation Requests. Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Marie Curie Cancer Care.
150. Hywel Dda Community Health Council. A letter reminding Councils that the consultation on “Your Health:Your Future” concludes on 29th October 2012. The Chair of the local committee is encouraging Councils to discuss this at one of their monthly meetings.
151. Came & Company. The Council’s insurance policy is due for renewal on the 1st October at a premium of £1935.97. Members resolved to continue with the 3 year agreement.
152. Dispensation Requests. Cllr Mike Willcox and Cllr Bryn Jones have both been granted dispensation to speak only on matters concerning Borth United Football Club. The Committee remained of the view that under the circumstances neither Councillor is permitted to vote.
153. Dog Issues in Borth. A reply from Ceredigion County Council to the letter sent on the 5th July 2012 in respect of dog issues in Borth. CCC admits that the relevant enforcement teams have lacked the capacity to carry out effective enforcement of the provisions in Borth and other areas of the county. A request for signs and litter bins will be reconsidered.
154. Ceredigion County Council. Applications are invited from farmers, agricultural contractors and other contractors for the supply of suitable plant with operators to carry out supplementary snow clearing services, as may be required, during the coming winter.
155. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. An invitation to provide views on the proposals for improvement within the Draft Annual Improvement Plan 2013-2014.
156. Dyfed Powys Police. An invitation to attend The Ceredigion Joint Community Consultative Meeting at Penmorfa on Wednesday October 17 at 7pm. Also enclosed is a Police Authority questionnaire and one from Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership for completion.
157. Fair Trade Wales. Fair Trade Wales is conducting a survey of all Town, County and Community Councils in Wales to establish opportunities for the future development of Fair Trade within the community. The survey will be online until the 31st October 2012.
158. Dyfi Estuary Flood Risk Management Survey. Environment Agency Wales has recently been looking at a range of flood risk issues in the area including the viability of the tidal defences, the protection of Cors Fochno and the potential impacts of climate change. A drop in session will be held in the Community Hall on the 11th October between 1pm and 7pm. Also a request to attend the meeting to explain the strategy. It was agreed to extend an invitation to attend the November meeting.
159. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a Community Grant Scheme for Community Groups, Voluntary Groups and Play Associations for improving and increasing the range of facilities and activities within the community.
160. Ecodyfi. An invitation to attend the AGM on Thursday 18th October 2012 at Machynlleth Bowling Club.
161. One Voice Wales. An invitation to attend a course at Parc Lodge on the 9th October on the role of “The Councillor”.
162. Other Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct.
163. Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2012
Nationwide 28,867.81
Community Acct 10,279.20
Business No Notice Acct 26,233.81
Deposit Account 2,623.86
164. Income
Business No Notice a/c-gross int to 6 Sept 2012 4.70
Community a/c – donation from Mr & Mrs Mumbray Animalarium 100.00
165. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Lappset – insurance claim for flood damaged playground 10,797.34
Carol Bainbridge – printer ink and paper for the printing
of 120 jubilee mug golden tickets 25.00
Post Office Ltd – PAYE for July, Aug, Sept 192.80
M Walker –clks salary 496.00, off exp 1.85 497.85
Broker Network Ltd – Council insurance 1,935.97
166. It was resolved to complete a new mandate form for the HSBC as two councillors authorised to sign cheques on behalf of the Council were no longer members. The Clerk asked all new signatories to take their identification and confirmation of their address into HSBC.
167. Application for Full Planning Permission
A120618. Alterations and extension. 33 Cae Gwylan, Borth. No objection.
A120632. Extensions and alterations. Maes y Leri, Ynyslas, Borth. Cllr Carol Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room.No objection.
A120661. Erection of a dwelling. Pantglas, Borth. No objection.
168. Full Planning Permission Granted.
A120555. Erection of agricultural livestock building. Ynys Fergi, Borth.
A120540CD. Replacement of existing timber slipway, with similar longer, wider structure. Borth Slipway, Borth Beach, Borth.
169. Nothing to report.
170. Cllr Bainbridge has produced a poster for the noticeboards advertising the sale of Jubilee Mugs at £6 each. The closing date for ordering is 31st October 2012. Cllr Bryn Jones asked the Clerk to send a letter of congratulations to Mr John Hefin for winning a special award for “Outstanding Contribution to Television Drama” at the BAFTA Cymru awards. Cllr Jones said that no progress had been made with the Balchder Pentrefi application since the last meeting. Cllr Billy Williams asked for consideration to be given to a Give Way or Halt sign at the foot of Clarach Road. The Clerk will speak to Cllr Quant. The Chairman has received a complaint in respect of a bollard on the drop kerb on Clarach Road. The bollard has been placed so low that it is not visible when reversing to give way to oncoming vehicles which has resulted in several accidents to motor vehicles, two in one week. It was said at the meeting that the bollard had been placed there following a request by a member of the public. Cllr Willcox stated that the matter must be looked into and the Clerk was asked to write to Ceredigion County Council stating that the bollard is a road safety hazard. Cllr Willcox also asked the Clerk to write to the Highways department in respect of the new bus shelters at Aberystwyth station. One resident of Borth had suffered a black eye after walking straight into the clear perspex sheeting on the shelter. Cllr Willcox asked for notices or similar to be placed on the sheeting as a deterrent. He also asked that the Clerk mentions the fact that the shelters have no seating and that the paving stones are uneven. Cllr Billy Williams is concerned at the amount of fly tipping in the car park opposite Llangorwen Church in Clarach.
171. Nothing to report.
172. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.40pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 November 2012 to include a visit on the “Dyfi Estuary Flood Risk Management”.
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