Minutes - Sept 2012
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge (in the absence of M Griffiths)
J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
5 Members of the Public
91. Cllr M Griffiths.
92. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
93. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 July 2012 as being a true record.
94. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 65. Ongoing.
95. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 66. Planning permission has been granted by Ceredigion County Council.
96. Dogs. Minute 67. The Clerk is still awaiting a response to the letter sent to CCC dated 5th July 2012.
97. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 68. To date 102 mugs have been given out with a total of 18 mugs remaining. The list comprises of 128 names of qualifying children so the Council will need to place an additional order. In addition some members of the public have enquired about purchasing a mug. It was agreed to place an advertisement on the community website for any additional orders. In the meantime the Clerk will calculate the costing of the mugs.
98. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 69. Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update under Councillor’s Responsibilities.
99. Boat Park. Minute 70. Ongoing.
100. Lerry Garage, Borth. Copies of e-mails in respect of the site requesting proof that any hazardous waste is disposed of legally without risk to local contractors and any others. Cllr Ray Quant has agreed to speak to the planning department.
101. Birthday 2013 Honours List. An invitation to submit nominations for consideration.
102. Keep Wales Tidy. Details of a National Garden Centre Voucher Scheme will be passed on to the Community Gardens.
103. Donation Requests. Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery, NSPCC, Dyslexia Wales and Shelter Cymru. Consideration will be given to these requests at the March 2013 meeting of Council. A request from Mr Alan Cole of Ynyslas for funding towards his dream of competing for Team GB in the ITU Age-Group Triathlon World Championships in Auckland in October of this year. It was resolved to pledge £50 providing Mr Cole is able to raise the remainder.
104. Gambling Act 2005. Under Section 349 of the above Act the Statement of Licensing Policy must be reviewed at least every three years and therefore a consultation is being initiated as part of the review. Any observations must be made in writing no later than 7th September 2012.
105. Council Vacancies. Letters from Ms Gwenllian Ashley and Mrs Rona Dalton asking to be considered for co-option onto Council. Both applicants will be invited to the October meeting.
106. Trip to Incredible Edible Todmorden. Details of a free trip to all those involved in Community Growing either in a paid or voluntary capacity.
107. National Grid. Details of a briefing held for Community Councils on the substation and route corridor announcement at Welshpool Town Hall on the 1st August and their latest community newsletter.
108. One Voice Wales. The Department for Communities and Local Government has published a consultation paper which proposes the removal of the statutory ruling requiring cheques and other orders for the payment of money by parish council in England and community councils in Wales to be signed by two councillors. The paper sets out the safeguards that would apply to payments by these bodies once the two signature rule is removed. Any comments must be made by 11th September.
109. Hywel Dda Health Board. Hywel Dda is undertaking a 12 week consultation starting Monday August 6th on healthcare services in Hywel Dda Health Board. An event has been planned in each county for two representatives from each Town and Community Council to attend. Cllr Bryn Jones volunteered to complete the questionnaire on behalf of the Council.
110. The National Library of Wales. Details of a recently launched scheme offering a variety of volunteering opportunities to adults, 18 years and over.
111. Ceredigion County Council. Election costs for 2012 amounted to £153. The sum will be deducted from our 2013/14 precept in April 2013.
112. BDO LLP. The audit for the year ending 31 March 2012 has now been completed by the external auditor. The Annual Return was presented to Council now that an audit opinion has been given. The Return was approved and accepted by Council. The Clerk informed members that the Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been displayed in the public noticeboard for a period of 14 days.
113. Ray Ceredigion. An invitation to an event to be held at Ceredigion County Council offices in Aberystwyth on the 13th September which includes a 2pm presentation from Sunshine Playgrounds who can provide a package of playground maintenance and inspection. Also an invitation to attend the AGM on 19th September in Aberaeron and a questionnaire on any open spaces in the community that are used for children’s play but not currently designated as play areas.
114. Dispensations. The dispensations granted to Cllr Mike Willcox has recently expired and dispensation granted to Cllr Bryn Jones will expire in September 2012. If the two members wish to extend the term of their dispensation then they should reapply to the Standards and Ethics Committee to be considered at either the 7th September or the 12th October meetings
115. Centre for Alternative Technology. Two copies of The Home Energy Handbook.
116. One Voice Wales. Details of the motions for debate in the AGM on 13th October 2012 and a list of forthcoming training sessions.
117. Welsh Government. The Clerk distributed copies of “The Good Councillor’s Guide 2012” to each member.
118. Came & Co. A letter enclosing a cheque for £8747.78 in full and final settlement for the claim to the flood damaged play area based on the quotation from Lappsett Playworld. A sum of £250 was deducted from the total to cover the standard policy excess. The Clerk reported that work was due to commence on the play area week beginning September 10th.
119. One Voice Wales. Copies of the summer 2012 edition of “The Voice”.
120. Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue Service. A copy of the Ceredigion Community Plan for 2012-13.
121. Ceredigion Local Development Plan. (2007-2022). A document on the proposed changes in response to some of the Matters Arising that warrant a limited public consultation which ends on 3rd August 2012.
122. Borth Carnival Committee. A letter asking for financial assistance with the cost of the road closure on that day. Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room. Members resolved to pay the costs £322. Cllr Lawrence noted that it was yet another successful carnival and was wonderfully organised.
123. Other Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct and Kompan (playground catalogue).
124. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2012
Nationwide 28,867.81
Community Acct 4,687.74
Business No Notice Acct 26,229.11
Deposit Account 2,623.86
125. Income
Nationwide - Gross Int to 1 Jun 2012 0.73
Community Acc - settlement in lieu of claim for flooding to play
Area from Came & Co Ins Company 8,747.78
126. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Beryl Lewis – plants for flowerbed 16.74
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbed 21.00
Hilary Matthews – internal audit of accounts 100.00
BDO LLP – audit of accounts 2011/12 342.00
M Walker – sal Aug & Sept 992.40, computer service 20.00 1,012.40
Borth Carnival Committee 332.00
127. Application for Full Planning Permission
A120463. Extension to football pitch and associated works. Uppingham Playing Fields, Borth. Permission granted.
A120540CD. Replacement of existing timber slipway, with similar longer, wider structure. Borth Slipway, Borth Beach, Borth. No objection.
A120555. Erection of agricultural livestock building. Ynys Fergi, Borth. No objection.
128. Planning Permission Granted.
A110926. Removal of condition 3 of A050467 to allow use of the annex as a separate unit of accommodation. Tidesreach Bungalow, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.
A120122AV. Display of signage. Sites at Glangors and opposite Brynowen Caravan Park, Borth. Mr James Davies advised members that the owners of the Animalarium should be made aware that the signs are their responsibility in the event that they cause damage to a passing vehicle etc during heavy winds.
A120463. Extension to football pitch and associated works. Uppingham Playing Fields, Borth.
129. Planning Permission Refused.
A120231. Application for removal or variation of a condition. Retention of caravan site on 0545, 45a, 46, 84, 119, 120, 121 to allow year round holiday use. Brynowen Holiday Park, Borth. APPEAL LODGED.
130. In her absence the Chairman had asked for certain items to be raised at the meeting. The issue of dogs is still ongoing and the Council is waiting for a response from CCC to the letter sent on the 5th July requesting bigger and better signage etc.
Cllr Griffiths is aware of a parking issue opposite the arcade where the owners are parking their vehicles on double yellow lines restricting emergency services from driving down Church Lane. There was an issue recently when the ambulance had been called out and was unable to gain access to their patient and subsequently had to wheel the trolley down the lane. Mrs Rona Dalton, a member of the public, said that emergency services were reluctant to drive down Church Lane in any event. Cllr Quant said he would speak to the owners of the arcade. Finally, it has been reported that a Landrover Discovery parked down Cambrian Terrace for some time has neither tax nor insurance.
131. Cllr Bryn Jones raised the issue of the poor condition of Lerry Garage once again. Planning permission for a residential development had previously been rejected.
Cllr Ray Quant said he would look into the matter of planning permission being granted for such developments in Borth now that Phase 1 of the coastal defence scheme was complete.
Cllr Bainbridge had it reported that a load of hard core had been dumped on the Golf Course car park. It was pointed out that this land was owned by the Golf Club.
Cllr John James mentioned that there was a lot of fly tipping on Clarach Road eg television etc. He also reported that there were areas on Clarach Road with deep gullies which could cause damage to cars.
Cllr Lawrence hoped that now that work had begun on cutting the verges on the Aberystwyth to Clarach Road that this would continue onto Borth.
Cllr Quant confirmed that this was the case. She also mentioned that the old recycling site remained empty despite an interest in occupying the site following its closure.
Cllr Quant pointed out that Ceredigion County Council has the lease for the site and that if Borth Community Council sought to end the leasehold agreement with CCC then BCC would assume responsibility of managing the site. At present BCC are in receipt of income for the land.
Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update on Balchder Pentrefi. He was required to reconsider the signage and identify two spots to place the signs. AS BAM Nuttall were due to carry out some of the works and have since left Borth it seems there is a shortfall in funding of approximately £3 -£4K. Members resolved to authorise
Cllr Jones to submit an application for a small grant to supplement this shortfall.
Cllr Jones also commented on the recent success of the Ceredigion Arts Trail.
Cllr Willcox said that signage was needed for the bottle bank. He also said that the outfall pipe at the northern end of Borth was dangerous and reported that a minor incident had occurred where a young boy has cut himself on the pipe.
Cllr Williams said that the handrail on Coronation Path at the Brynowen end was broken.
Cllr Quant to follow up.
132. Cllr Quant reminded members of the next PACT meeting scheduled for 11th September where he hoped to raise the review of Traffic Regulation Orders. A Local Development Plan meeting has been arranged for 3rd October 2012 in Penmorfa where Borth will be discussed. Cllr Quant reported on a new organisation set up called Tidal Dyfi Flood Risk Management Strategy which he has been elected as Chairman. The group are to contact BCC shortly with a view on giving a presentation. Cllr Quant asked the Clerk for a list and a copy of all relevant minutes where accidents had been reported on Clarach Road.
133. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.20pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 October 2012 are to include co-option of two members onto Council and visit from the Chairman of Borth Light Fire Unit.
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