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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - July 2012

Present: Chairperson:         M Griffiths
  C Bainbridge
  J James
         G B Jones
  L Moore
  M J Willcox
  W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr             R P Quant
        Clerk:                M Walker
                                          3 Members of the Public
62.  Cllr J M Lawrence.
63.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
64.   It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 June 2012 as being a true record.
65.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 36.  The meeting with David Lewis of Ceredigion County Council has been re-arranged for Monday 9th July at 5.00pm in the Community Hall.
66.   Extension of Playing Field Area.  Minute 37.  Ongoing.
67.   Dogs.  Minute 38.  It was agreed to send a letter to CCC asking them to take some positive action towards addressing the issue of dog mess on pavements etc and dogs on the beach during the seasonal dog ban restriction.  Borth Community Council will also request larger signage and ask Ceredigion County Council to consider stencilled signage on all access points to the beach.  Councillors confirmed that the leaflets produced have been distributed to all households in Borth and Ynyslas and to all caravan sites.
68.   Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs   Minute 39.  Cllr Bainbridge suggested distributing the mugs to all eligible children during the crowning of the carnival queen on Saturday 21st July at the Victoria Inn.  All those eligible will be given a golden ticket which must be produced on receipt of the Jubilee Mug.  
69.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 40.  Cllr Jones gave an update on the application progress and advised Councillors that he has to find an alternative to the planned road signs.  
70.   Boat Park.  Minute 57.  Cllr Lawrence and the Clerk have inspected the boat yard and were unable to identify any boats for removal.  The Clerk asked Cllr Moore for a copy of the photographs taken of the boats for identification.
71.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to attend the 9th Conference and AGM to be held on Saturday 13th October at the Bont Pavilion, Pontrhydfendigaid.  Cllrs Griffiths and Bainbridge will attend the AGM.
72.  Ceredigion County Council.  A letter from the Participation Officer within the Ceredigion Children’s and Young People’s Partnership Support Team asking for the name of the representative member within the Community Council in relation to issues around children and young people.  Cllr Bainbridge was voted as the Council’s representative.
73.  Additional Community Governors.  The Welsh Government has commissioned the All Wales Centre for Governor Training and Research to undertake research on Additional Community Governors. A request to complete a short questionnaire.
74. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.  A copy of the 2011/12 annual report.
75.  Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation from the Chairman of the Council to the Chairman of Borth Community Council and partner to attend a Civic Service at Cardigan on Sunday 22nd July at 2.00pm.
76. Information Board.  An offer of a further licence for a period of three years to retain the information board on the paved promenade area by the flagpoles.  There was no requirement to sign the document as the information board is to be removed and relocated on an existing site.
77.  Borth Carnival.  A letter requesting financial assistance with the cost of applying for road closure on carnival day.  Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room.  It was resolved to contribute the sum of up to £450 towards the rise in insurance costs.
78.  SSE Renewables.  Details of the changes to the proposed Nant y Moch wind farm development.  Any comments must be submitted by 28th July 2012.
79.  Recent Flooding.  An acknowledgment of the letter sent to Ms Bronwen Morgan, Chief Executive of Ceredigion County Council in respect of the recent flooding.
80.  Friends of Borth Fire Service.  A letter of request for financial assistance together with a copy of the organisations accounts for year ending 31st March 2012.  It was agreed to invite a committee member to the September meeting for clarification on pledges made, certified accounts and the outstanding debt.  The Clerk was asked to request a set of certified, audited accounts and details of all donations received with a list of all monies pledged by other Community Councils. It was agreed to invite a representative to attend the September meeting of Council.
81. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2012
        Nationwide                      28,867.81
        Community Acct                4,687.74
        Business No Notice Acct                                                26,229.11
        Deposit Account                                                                     2,623.86 
82.   Income
        Business No Notice Acct – Gross int to 31 May       2.08
83.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
        Post Off ice Ltd – PAYE for April, May & June    192.60
        M Walker – salary  496.00,  off exp 40.08   536.08
        Newmans – flower bed comp                      45.00   
        M Griffiths – 2 x lock & chain for play area       8.50            
84.  Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2012.
The Clerk was asked to amend box 12 of Section 1 to £89176 as there have been no additions or disposals of assets in the year. The Clerk then certified, signed and dated Section 3 of the Annual return as required.  The Annual Return, details of the proposed audit certificate and opinions were presented to Council.  The Clerk informed members that no mandatory issues had arisen during the audit.   The Council resolved to approve the Annual return and the Chairman certified, signed and dated Section 3 as per requirements.
85.  Full planning permission granted.
A120287.  Extension to the existing shed to create storage area for caravans and park maintenance equipment and the demolition of an existing store nearby.  Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth.
86.   Planning application refused – APPEAL.
A110489.   Erection of two semi detached houses and demolition of existing garage.  Breidden, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.  APPEAL DISMISSED.
87.  Cllr Griffiths mentioned that the street bins were not being emptied on a regular basis and that bins were overflowing.  The Clerk said that she had made a call to Ceredigion County Council to report that matter and that the street cleaner had not picked up at least eight bags of rubbish by the street bin on the site of the old community hall despite emptying the street bin.  The bags were removed following the telephone conversation.  Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter.
88.  Cllr Bryn Jones said that there was no cover on street light 4017399 situated on Ffordd y Fulfran. He also mentioned the overgrown grass on the boat park and around the seats on the Church Road.  Cllr Jones also brought the issue of extensive flooding to Greenacres to the attention of the Council. He said that blocked ditches were a major problem.
Cllr Moore informed members that following the flooding, the playground had been closed as the mats under the climbing frame had been damaged.  Cllr Moore also gave a brief update on a meeting she attended with representatives of Ray Ceredigion and confirmed that it might be possible to obtain 3 items of equipment for the play area within the £5000 grant allocated.
Cllr Williams raised the ongoing problem of speeding on Clarach Road.  He mentioned an accident on Bryn Bala corner in the early hours of Sunday 1st July.  He said that two female passengers were taken to Bronglais whilst the two males in the car walked on to Borth.
Cllr Willcox informed members that Dave Samson had been asked to put the buoys out in the bay.
Cllr James said that the sea defence at Wallog had disappeared and that the sand had widened. He asked whether the sea defence had any impact on this change.
Cllr Bainbridge informed the Council that she had heard that the no 4 Arriva bus was to discontinue in September and that this service would be resumed as a summer service only.
Cllr Bainbridge has also received queries regarding the ownership of the car park beyond the right of way over the Golf Course.  Members believed that the land is owned by the Golf Club.
89.  Cllr Quant gave an update on Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme and said that some of the money needed to be diverted to clean the leat etc.  He said that BAM Nuttall had completed their work and that the car park had been completely resurfaced.  Cllr Quant said that the Council now needs to look for a volunteer to open and shut the gate on the car park.  He also asked the Clerk to write to Borth Football Club to have the rubble and soil removed which was placed by the gate in the car park by them.  Cllr Quant said that the paper and bottle banks would be relocated to the car park shortly.  He reminded Cllrs of the arranged flood risk management meeting arranged for Monday 9th July at 5pm. Cllr Quant gave a progress report and highlighted some issues following the flooding on the 9th June.  
It was agreed by members to remove the noticeboards left by BAM Nuttall to the site of the old community hall and to replace the one at the entrance to Cae Gwylan.  Members resolved to ask Paul Walker to carry out the work up to a total of £200.  Cllr Quant asked if anyone had any objections to the Animalarium sign opposite Haven. 
The ongoing issue of Leri Garage was discussed and members were informed that the owner had carried out the work he was asked to do by Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Quant said he would contact the department, following concerns raised by Cllr Bryn Jones, to ask for written confirmation that the asbestos sheets are not a health hazard or alternatively have them removed safely. 
90.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.30pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 September 2012 are to be notified to the Clerk.
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