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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - December 2013

Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
J Hulse
      J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence (resigned at the start of the meeting)
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
                                    4 Members of the Public.  
246.  Cllr M Griffiths and County Cllr Ray Quant.  Cllr Lawrence asked whether the Council would accept her resignation due to work commitments. Cllr Lawrence has served the Council for approximately 18 years.  The Chairman thanked her for her commitment to the Council and said she would be sorely missed by everyone.  It was agreed to invite Cllr Lawrence to the annual dinner and to send a letter of thanks for all her hard work and contribution to the Council over the years.  
247.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Bainbridge reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
248.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 November 2013 as being a true record. 
249.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 207.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
250.   Public Conveniences.  Minute 208.   Ongoing.
251.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 209.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
252.   Priorities for Borth.  Minute 238.  Ongoing.
253.   Christmas Dinner.  Minute 241.  Cllr Bainbridge handed out a copy of the menu available to the Council at their annual dinner. It was agreed to hold the event on Friday 24th January 2014 at the Victoria Inn and to invite Jackie Lawrence, Graham and Lin Taylor, Catrin Webster and a representative of Ceredigion County Council.
254.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a course held in Cardiff on “Promoting Energy Efficiency” course at £63 per person.
255.   Welsh Government.  A consultation will run for a six week period from 22 November 2013 on the proposed revocation and remaking of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005.
256.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a unit within Trading Standards that deals with illegal money laundering.
257.   Cymdogion Cynnes.  An event has been arranged for November 27th in Penmorfa to discuss helping the residents of Ceredigion keep warm, safe and well during the winter months.
258.   Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership.  An opportunity to complete a survey on Crime and Disorder in Ceredigion.
259.   Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner.  A request to assist with the setting of the 2014/15 Council Tax policing precept by completing an online survey.
260.   War Memorials Trust.   Information and help, advice and funding for war memorial related projects.
261.   Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to attend a meeting at Canolfan Rheidol to discuss the previous and forthcoming Traffic Regulation Order Review.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the meeting.
262.   Speeding on Clarach Road.  A reply from Mark Williams MP in respect of speeding on Clarach Road.  The section of highway is being looked at as part of an on-going “Ceredigion Speed Limit Review” which will involve close liaison with Dyfed Powys Police and the concerns raised will be taken into account as part of the process.  The Clerk was asked to write to ask for their priorities and whether consideration would be given to cyclists and horses etc.
263.   Donation Requests.  Marie Curie Cancer Care and Citizens Advice Bureau.  These will be given consideration during the March meeting of Council.
264.   Other Correspondence.  The Complete Range of Books for the Local Council Sector and Play and Sports Magazines.
265.   Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.  The public consultation period on Ceredigion County Council’s Draft Flood Risk Management Strategy has commenced and the period is open until Friday 31 January 2014.
266.   Leri Garage.  A copy letter from CCC to Mr Graham Taylor following a request to consider a compulsory purchase order on Leri Garage, Borth.  The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to the planning department.
267.   SP Energy Networks.  A request to sign an agreement for electricity works to be carried out to the land adjacent to the level crossing for the purpose of supplying camera surveillance equipment at the level crossing.  Members resolved to sign the agreement.
268.  Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2013
         Nationwide                             28,872.15
         Community Acct                       4,381.06
         Business No Notice Acct                                                       28,517.90
         Deposit Account                                                                           2,766.67 
269.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
         T M Lewis – grass cutting               1,300.00
         M Walker – salary 525.27, off supplies 94.95                  620.22
         Cartridgesave – printer ink                    41.11 
270.  The Chairman enquired whether the mandate at the HSBC with new signatories had been put in force.  The Clerk advised Cllr Bainbridge that they were still awaiting identification and confirmation of address from Cllr Margaret Griffiths despite her visit to the branch with the relevant documents.  Cllr Bainbridge said she would visit the branch in person for an update.
271.   Application for Planning Permission Granted.
A130533CD.  Coastal Defence Scheme (Phase 2).  Borth Beach, Borth.
A130722.  Demolition of existing single storey lean to at the rear and erection of a two-storey rear extension.  Crychyddion, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.
272.  Cllrs engaged in a lengthy debate on the ongoing issue of dogs. The Clerk has not yet received a reply to her letter requesting details of how many tickets were issued by the dog warden and how many man hours have been spent in Borth during the dog ban season.  Cllr Dalton produced a draft map for Council’s consideration which could be placed on all entrances to the beach. Cllr Dalton said that PCSO’s have been given the power to fine non responsible dog owners.  Cllr Dalton and Cllr Moore volunteered to look into costings for dog signs.
273.  Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on a recent meeting and said she would e-mail a draft plan for Council’s consideration.
274.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent meeting she attended on the Welsh Ambulance Service.  Various ideas and suggestions were brought up at the meeting on the planned World War 1 centenary celebrations and the next meeting has been arranged fore Monday January 27th 2014.
275.  Cllr James briefly made reference to a recent accident on Clarach Road.  Cllr Williams referred to ongoing problems with water by Gwarallt since work was carried out by CCC. The Clerk was asked to write to CCC. Cllr Willcox referred to a letter sent to the residents of Cae Gwylan informing them that domestic refuse/recycling will now be collected from the top of the lane. The Clerk was asked to write to CCC. He also mentioned that some of the bins in the village have been removed and was unsure whether they would be replaced at the start of the season.  Cllr Jones said that the dog bin at Ynyslas had also been removed. Cllr Ashley gave an update on Catrin Webster’s project. Cllr Hulse said the daffodil bulbs had been planted at Ynyslas and that she intended to set up an e-mail group for updates etc. Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project and confirmed that work had commenced.  Cllr Dalton has been informed that the Youth Hostel is to remain open until March.  Cllr Williams has observed that the caravans behind the NISA have been removed.
276.  No report in the absence of County Cllr Ray Quant.  The Clerk had been asked to pass on to members that tenders for Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme had been received and would be scored by Ceredigion County Council, Royal Haskoning and Atkins.
277.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.05pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 January 2014 to include Budgets and Precept.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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