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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2013

Present: Chairperson:     C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
      J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:         Ray Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                        3 Members of the Public.  
203.  Cllr L Moore.
204.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
205.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 October 2013 as being a true record subject to amending the last sentence to read “Cllr Willcox commented that his wife had written in to make comments”.
206.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 172.  Ongoing.
207.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 173.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
208.   Public Conveniences.  Minute 174.   Dealt with under Correspondence.
209.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 175.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
210.   Welsh Language Policy.  Minute 176. Ongoing.
211.   One Voice Wales.  Links to The Ombudsman’s Report – Issue 14.
212.   Welsh Government.  A Natural Resource Management Bulletin – Issue 4.
213.   Welsh Government.  The 5th report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and it’s implications for Wales.
214.   Ceredigion County Council.  Cllrs Mike Willcox and Bryn Jones have been granted dispensation to speak only for 12 months on matters relating to Borth United Football Club.
215.   Ceredigion Rural Housing Enabler.  A letter advising that Sian Davies is leaving her role as housing enabler. 
216.   Simon Thomas AM.  The latest Regional Bulletin by Simon Thomas AM.
217.   Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust.  Information on an event the Ambulance Service is holding on Wednesday 20th November at Morlan Centre.
218.   Ceredigion County Council.  A link to a report on “Boosting economic performances of the Teifi Valley 2013”.
219.   Ecodyfi.  An invitation to members to attend the AGM and Forum on Thursday 31st October at 7pm.
220.   One Voice Wales.  Further details of the Badger Vaccination Grant programme.
221.   Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of the advert to be placed in the Cambrian News requesting farmers and contractors to put their names forward for snow clearing services and other emergency related services.  
222.   Natural Resources Wales.  A copy of the report by Natural Resources Wales on the Coastal Defence Scheme (Phase 2).  The Clerk was asked to e-mail the report to all members.  
223.   The Animalarium.  A donation cheque of £100 in support of Borth Community Council.  The Clerk was asked to write to Mr & Mrs Mumbray to clarify that there is no annual charge for the advertising sign situated on BCC land.  
224.   One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Committee meeting to be held on the 23rd October at 7pm in Penmorfa.  
225.   Boat Park.  A letter from Mr Graham Taylor advising that the “Boats Only” sign is still face down on the ground in the boat park.  Members resolved to ask Mr Paul Walker to re-erect the sign up to a cost of £100.  
226a.   Age Cymru Ceredigion.  Details of the AGM on the 14th November at the Memorial Hall, Aberaeron with the Commissioner for Older People in Wales as a speaker.  
226b.   Donation Requests.  Talking Books and Urdd National Eisteddfod 2014.  All requests will be dealt with during the March meeting of Council.  
227.   Ceredigion County Council.  Information on CCC’s response to the Consultation on Discretionary Powers for Local Authorities to increase Council Tax on Second Homes which was carried out recently by the Welsh Government.  
228.   One Voice Wales.  The Welsh Government is in the process of consulting on the use of its new £6 million Nature Fund and if any Council has any ideas for local projects please contact One Voice Wales.   
229.   Borth Public Toilets.  Following earlier discussion and agreement on keeping the toilets adjacent to the RNLI open all year round Ceredigion County Council have enclosed a copy of the contract for Borth Community Council records and two Service Level Agreements for signing. The cost of the service is £4500 per annum.  
230.   Mrs E Farmer – Coastal Defences.  A letter requesting ongoing repairs is carried out to sea defences at Ynyslas Turn.  The Clerk was asked to send a copy of the letter to Mr Rhodri Llwyd at Ceredigion County Council and send an acknowledgement letter to Mrs Farmer confirming that her comments have been noted.  
231.   Requests by members of the public to address Council.  The fundamental rule is that only members and officers are permitted to speak unless the Council’s standing orders shows how to deal with such a request.   
232.   Welsh Water.  As part of the Glanwern, Borth Rising Main Replacement Scheme the Company proposes laying a sewer though to the rear of the pumping station and through the community hall car park.    
233.   Other Correspondence.  Clerks & Councils Direct and Wicksteed Playscapes.
234.  Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2013
         Nationwide                                28,872.15
         Community Acct                             500.07
         Business No Notice Acct                                                         29,046.90
         Deposit Account                                                                               2,766.67 
235.  Income
         Nationwide – gross int to 1 Sept                         0.72
         Deposit a/c – gross int to 6/6/13                                                         0.51
         Deposit a/c – gross int to 5/9/13                                                     0.48
         Wayleaves                                                                                            39.82
         Landfill & CAS Rents                             4,616.50
         Animalarium – donation                              100.00
236.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
         Pod Clare – repairs to sea wall mosaic                      350.00 
         (Cllr Quant asked the Clerk for the invoice to take to Rhodri Llwyd of CCC as Dawnus the contractors had admitted responsibility for some damage caused to the mosaics)
         Royal British Legion – Remembrance Day wreaths        54.00
         M Walker – clks salary                              525.27
         Ceredigion County Council – toilet block contract           4,500.00
The Clerk advised members that her printer was no longer working and asked whether the council would be prepared to buy another as she had bought the two previous printers.  Members resolved to give the Clerk authority to purchase a new printer up to the value of £100.
237.  Application for Full Planning Permission
A130757.  Erection of a bungalow, garage and storage shed.  Tynewydd, Borth.  After careful consideration members voted – 7 in favour and 1 abstention – to submit the following observations. Borth Community Council has no objection in principle but we do have serious concerns in respect of access being so narrow on the country lane to the proposed property.  We are also aware that historically there have been environmental issues on the land. We have received a letter of concern from a close neighbour which we have noted and which I will forward to you for consideration.  
The Clerk read out a letter of objection from Gerwyn and Sioned Evans in respect of the above application which referred to a collection of scrap cars and caravans, the revving and racing of cars/motorbikes on and off the highway and that the storage shed will be used as a business.
238.  Cllr Bryn Jones put forward suggestions for consideration as priorities for Borth over the next 12 months:
Encourage social enterprises within the village.
Leri Garage.
Project for sustainable energy.
Cllr Jill Hulse made the comment that community engagement was important. 
239.  County Cllr Ray Quant suggested that the Council writes to Ceredigion County Council expressing our total dissatisfaction with the whole issue of dogs on the beach during the dog ban season and also dog fouling of the streets. Borth Community Council feels that no action has been taken and would appreciate a summary of the total hours spent patrolling the beach by the dog warden and how many tickets have been issued? Cllr Bryn Jones asked whether the lifeguards employed by CCC could tell dog owners that dogs are not allowed on the beach between the 1st May and the 30th September. Cllr Dalton suggested buying 10 signs which would be placed on each entry to the beach.  She agreed to design a sign and bring it to the December meeting for approval.
240.  Cllr Bryn Jones commented on the turnout and Cllr Quant was able to confirm that 110 attended the meeting that evening.  Cllr Dalton said that some of the tops of the pillars on the promenade had broken following the heavy winds of the previous week.  Cllr Quant said he would report the matter. Cllr Wilcox raised the issue of proposed works at the south end and asked, following a statement made by Bleddyn, whether the breastwork would be continued south of the RNLI station.
241.  To be discussed at the December meeting of Council.
242.  No report other than a brief mention about the rubbish at Ynyslas.
243.  Cllr James commented on the poor road conditions by Bryncarnedd. Cllr Williams commented on speeding from Castle Stores upwards. Cllr Willcox asked why CCC is no longer tipping road sweepings on the landfill site.   Cllr Quant responded by saying that National Resources Wales had decided that all road sweepings were considered to be contaminated waste. Cllr Willcox asked whether there was any effect from depositing road sweepings in the past.  Cllr Quant said he would get clarification from CCC. Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project and both he and Cllr Ashley updated members on Catrin’s project to include love spoons. The seating is due to be started around the second week of November.  Catrin has invited members to attend her art exhibition on the 15th November at the Gas Gallery in Aberystwyth.  Cllr Jones mentioned the series “Y Gwyll” (Hinterland) which was filmed locally and is currently being shown on S4C.   Cllr Jones briefly referred to an art exhibition showing the works of a local artist, Neil Johnson, held at the Museum of Modern Art at Machynlleth. He suggested sending a letter of congratulations from the Council.  Cllr Ashley said that Isaac Evans had been chosen to play for the Scarlets under 16’s.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter of congratulations to him also.  Cllr Hulse said that both she and Cllr Willcox were making progress with the Flood Plan.  Cllrs Hulse, Bainbridge, Ashley and Griffiths are to meet with suggestions for World War 1 Centenary commemorations. Cllr Griffiths said that there was a growing problem with skateboarders in the dark.  Cllr Quant advised that the matter be raised at the next PACT meeting on the 21st November.  Cllr Hulse thanked Cllr Quant for the daffodil bulbs which are to be planted at Ynyslas. 
244.  Cllr Quant mentioned that it was time for budget setting within the County Council and that cuts would be seen across the board with possible closure for the Tourist Information Centre.  He confirmed that after a period of 10 years sewerage works would commence at Ynyslas in 2015. Cllr Quant asked for assistance to plant daffodil bulbs on the grass verge opposite Haven at 10.00am on Saturday 9th November.  He said that 202 questionnaires were returned on Rail Services. Cllr Quant reminded everyone of the Remembrance Day Service at St Mathews on Sunday 10th November and of the PACT meeting on the 21st November.
245.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10.00pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 December 2013 to include Dogs and Flood Plan.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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