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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - October 2013

Present: Chairperson:     C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
      J James
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk:             M Walker
                                       5 Members of the Public.  
169.  Cllr J M Lawrence and County Cllr Ray Quant.
170.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  County Cllr Ray Quant sent an e-mail to the Clerk prior to the meeting indicating that he thought “Borth Cllrs would benefit from a presentation by a member of the Standards Committee on the declaration of interest at a Borth Council meeting”.  He went on to say that it had been brought to his attention by the Planning Dept “without naming names that a Cllr has written to Ceredigion Planning on the 25 July 2013 objecting to Phase 2” and that this Cllr did not declare an interest when the planning application was discussed at the 15th August extraordinary meeting. Cllr Willcox commented that his wife had written in to make comments.
171.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 September 2013 as being a true record.
172.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 118.  Cllrs Hulse and Willcox met with George Crumpler and others to discuss the plan.
173.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 119.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
174.   Public Conveniences.  Minute 120.   Ongoing.
175.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 163.  Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that both Plant Dewi and Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa would be commemorating this event.
176.   Welsh Language Policy.  Minute 164. Ongoing.
177.   Applications for Dispensation.  Dispensations granted to Cllrs Mike Willcox and Bryn Jones came to an end on the 7th September. Applications for a further extension must be completed.
178.   Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority.  An invitation to provide views on their proposals for improvement within the Draft Annual Improvement Plan 2014-2015.
179.   Ceredigion County Council.  An e-mail advising that Natural Resources Wales are to carry out repair works to the Glanwern Outfall pipe adjacent to the RNLI slipway. The rock armour protecting the outfall pipe has suffered damage and they will use concrete to help stabilise the existing rocks, and import additional rocks if needed. The works are programmed for 15-18 October to coincide with suitable tides, and will take two days. 
180.   One Voice Wales.  The Consumer Council for Water Wales Committee Annual Review has been published and can be viewed through OVW website.
181.   Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.  Electoral Review programme 2014.
182.   Natural Resources Wales.  A letter advising of a proposed scheme to install flood monitoring equipment in Borth.
183.   One Voice Wales.  Details of the delivery of the planning training module to Councils.
184.   Graham Taylor.  A letter asking whether it is possible for Ceredigion County Council to consider a compulsory purchasing order on the disused garage on the High Street.  The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to CCC and copy to Graham.
185.   Ynyslas Beach.  An e-mail from Dr Jo Maddern of Ynyslas complaining about the regular occurrence of rubbish at Ynyslas beach.  The Clerk was asked to advise Dr Maddern that responsibility lies with the Golf Club.
186.   Tai Ceredigion.  Details of “The Employability Skills Day” on the 17th of September.  
187.   One Voice Wales.  Dates and venues of various courses run by One Voice Wales.
188.   Bulletins.  Regional bulletins from Simon Thomas AM and Elin Jones AM.
189.   One Voice Wales.  The Welsh Government has published a Consultation Document “The Public Service Workforce”: Consultation on draft guidance and directions which include a Code of Practice on Workforce  Matters “.  The principles underpinning the proposed Code are those of equality in the workplace.
190.   Rural Housing Enabler.  A letter enclosing a brief article which will be published in the local newspapers which highlights the role of the Rural Housing Enabler in Ceredigion.
191.   Donation Requests.  A request for a donation from The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution and Urdd Gobaith Cymru.
192.   Strategy for Older People.  A request for information of provision that is offered by communities across the county for older people. 
193.   Other Correspondence.  Clerks and Councils Direct.
194.  Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2013
         Nationwide                  28,871.43
         Community Acct               500.27
         Business No Notice Acct                                            29,201.90
         Deposit Account                                                                2,765.68 
195.  Income
         Business No Notice account – gross int to 5/9/13                     5.38
196.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:  
         Post Office Ltd –PAYE July, Aug, Sept         155.20
         M Walker – clks salary 525.27, off exp 3.79         529.06 
197.  Application for Full Planning Permission
A130633.  Erection of detached garage and associated works.  Tideways, Ynyslas, Borth.  Planning permission granted.
A130722.  Demolition of existing single storey lean-to at the rear and erection of a two-storey rear extension.  Cllr Bryn Jones declared an interest and left the room. No observations.
198.  Planning Permission Granted
A130529.  Conversion of outbuilding to residential (part of dwelling) and alterations to dwelling.  Ty Gwyn Ynyslas, Borth.
A130633.  Erection of detached garage and associated works.  Tideways, Ynyslas, Borth.
199.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on a recent Regional Bus and Community Network Strategy meeting.  She also referred to a Purple Flag award given to Aberystwyth “for a good night out”.
200.  Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on how the Council could facilitate the commemoration of World War 1.  Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project and explained how the Council contribution needs to be raised to £2040.  Members resolved to increase the sum to £2040.  The Clerk said she would find out when the street bins would be emptied during the winter months following a complaint that some were overflowing.  Cllr Jones suggested that Borth Community Council put together a long term plan of priorities for the community.   It was agreed to include this as an agenda item next month.  Cllr Ashley asked for a list of groups in Borth to approach for assistance with the Arts Project. Cllr Griffiths referred to a broken bench opposite Pebbles.  Cllr Willcox made reference to a recent article in the Cambrian News in respect of lottery funding which communities would benefit from.  Members resolved to pay up to £50 for a locksmith to replace the lock on the mapping chest donated to the History Club by the late Mr Peter Glover.  Cllr Williams advised members that Rogers & Taylor Agricultural Supplies are prepared to donate seed for the play area.  Tipping on Clarach Road and speeding on that stretch of road remained a problem.  Cllr James said that the manhole on the road by Maesterfyn required attention.  The Clerk was asked to contact Highways.  Cllr Moore made reference to the positioning of a few caravans situated directly to the rear of the NISA store.  The Clerk was asked to contact the enforcement officer.
201.  No report.
202.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.40pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 November 2013 to include Priorities for Borth, Dogs, Response to Public Meeting on Coastal Defences and Xmas Dinner.   Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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