Minutes - September 2013
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
7 Members of the Public.
114. Cllrs J James, J M Lawrence, and Cllr L Moore.
115. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
116. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 July 2013 as being a true record.
117. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Council held on 12 August 2013 as being a true record.
118. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 74. Ongoing.
119. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 75. Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
120. Public Conveniences. Minute 76. Ongoing.
121. Cambrian Line Services Review. Reference Minute 109. George Romary has suggested Saturday 5th October as the date for completion of the survey at Borth Station Museum paying a nominal fee of £100 for the hire of the room for one day.
122. One Voice Wales. An invitation to be a member of the Welsh Language Communities Alliance. It was agreed to accept the invitation to become members of the alliance.
123. One Voice Wales. Details of the 2013 training courses.
124. Sue Perry. An e-mail requesting someone to call and inspect the pathways behind and in front of 39, 40, 41 and 42 Heol Aberwennol which has become overgrown. The Clerk was asked to forward the e-mail to Tai Ceredigion and to request a copy of the response.
125. Local Health Board. The Welsh Government is looking to recruit new members to various health boards, Hywel Dda Local Health Board being one of them, as a matter of urgency. Closing date for all applications is 12 September 2013.
126. Older Person’s Commissioner for Wales. Details of a web link where Council’s can access details of the services available from the Commissioner’s office as well as the role of the Commissioner.
127. The Voice. Issue 23 of The Voice is available to download.
128. Welsh Government. Details of a company called Salix Finance which is a not-for-profit organisation which provides interest free loans for energy saving projects in Wales.
129. Ynyslas Bus Shelter. An e-mail from Brian Middleton complaining that Ynyslas Bus Shelter is in need of a deep clean and re-painting. Cllr Willcox suggested speaking to members of Borth Light Fire Unit to ask whether they would be prepared to hose down the bus shelter in the first instance.
130. One Voice Wales. The latest edition of The Ombudsman’s Casebook is available on the web.
131. Welsh Government. The new edition of the Community and Town Councils Welsh Government News is now available on their website.
132. Elin Jones. Her latest bulletin on issues of interest in Ceredigion.
133. One Voice Wales. Details of an opportunity for farmers, landowners and other organisations in Wales to vaccinate badgers against bovine TB through a grant system.
134. One Voice Wales. Details of changes to householder permitted development rights in Wales.
135. One Voice Wales. An e-mail advising members that there are vacancies on the Wales Tourism Advisory Board. Closing date for receipt of all applications is 6th September 2013.
136. Horse Droppings in Borth. An e-mail from Mr Fellows of the West Midlands complaining about huge horse droppings on Clarach Road, the beach and the slipway. There is no rule at present preventing horses on the beach.
137. Camping on the Golf Course car park. An e-mail from Mr & Mrs Cole of Ynyslas in respect of campervans and tents on the car park whist there are no adequate facilities such as toilets etc. The Clerk was asked to write to Ceredigion County Council pointing out that the site was an unofficial campsite with no facilities for those staying in tents etc.
138. Borth Mosaics. An e-mail from Mrs Celia Matthews advising the Council that she has a large collection of mosaic pieces. The Clerk has advised her that Pod Clare is aware of the broken pieces and that Borth Council are awaiting an estimate for works to be carried out.
139. Ceredigion County Council. Details of the £500 grant available to Councils to create a new website or develop and enhance existing websites.
140. Welsh Government. A consultation document on the Designated Persons Order.
141. Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee. Agenda for the 5th September meeting.
142. Cymdogion Cynnes. Details of a pilot scheme involving several agencies offering advice on insulating properties and fuel efficiency.
143. Natural Resources Wales. An update on the review of the maps of open access to mountain, moor, heath, down land and registered common land in Wales by the Countryside Council for Wales.
144. TraCC and Community Network. An invitation to comment on a consultation document which prioritises public transport expenditure. Also dates of engagement events in September 2013 to include a briefing session and an opportunity for questions about the draft Network Strategy.
145. One Voice Wales. The Voice Issue 23 is available to view online.
146. One Voice Wales. The Independent Remuneration Board has determined that community and town councils is permitted to make a payment to its members of a maximum amount of £100 per year for costs incurred in respect of telephone usage, information technology, consumables etc. Details are also provided in respect of travel costs and subsistence expenses. Cllr Willcox suggested that this item be included and discussed during the setting of the budgets/precept in January 2014.
147. Borth to Ynyslas Coastal Defence Scheme Phase 2. A response to the Council’s e-mail requesting a site meeting to discuss various issues and concerns. The engineers from Haskoning DHV have proposed meeting on either the 11th or 12th of September with members of the Council to discuss their issues and concerns. Members asked the clerk to arrange the meeting for 1pm on the 11th September.
148. Coastal Defence Scheme. Letters of complaint and concerns in respect of Phase 1 of the scheme.
149. Proposed Works on land at Wern Common (CL71). A request from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration for comments on a number of issues relating to the protection of designated species and habitats affected by the works being the subject of the planning application. The Clerk was asked to write confirming that all conditions have been adhered to when carrying out the works.
150. Changes to Householder Permitted Development Rights in Wales. The Town and Country Planning Order 1995 have introduced a number of changes to householder permitted development rights.
151. Donation Request. Mynwent y Garn and Shelter Cymru. These will be considered at the March meeting of Council.
152. Car Park to the rear of Borth Surgery. A request from Mr Graham Taylor that Borth Community Council considers leasing the church land behind the surgery for use as a car park. Members resolved to make enquiries with the church authorities with a view to leasing the portion of land as a much needed facility within the community.
153. Clerks and Councils Direct. The July 2013 issue of the magazine.
154. NALC. 2013/14 National Salary Awards. New pay scales are applicable from 1st April 2013 for clerks etc. Under SCP 17 (spinal column point) the clerk is paid a new hourly rate of £8.835. Members resolved to accept the new pay scales for the Clerk.
155. Megan Trubshaw. A thank you letter for the Council’s recent donation of £100.
156. Came & Co. The Council policy is due for renewal on the 1st October 2013 at a premium of £1894.35. The long term agreement taken out in 2011 is due to expire on the 30th September 2014 and the company is offering a further long term agreement up until 30 September 2016 at a reduced premium of £1799.63. Members resolved to enter into a new 3 year agreement at the lower premium.
157. Safe Access Road. A request for financial assistance from Mr Roger Haggar to improve the access road around the Animalarium for vehicles to access Borth Church. Cllr Margaret Griffiths declared an interest and left the room. The estimated cost of the works is approximately £2000. Cllr Willcox proposed to contribute £500 and this was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones.
158. Other Correspondence. Play for Wales and Sovereign Stock Clearance.
159. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2013
Nationwide 28,871.43
Community Acct 818.37
Business No Notice Acct 32,193.52
Deposit Account 2,765.68
160. Income
Nationwide – Gross int to 1 June 2013 0.73
161. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
M Walker – clks salary - Aug & Sept £1095.02, off exp 23.45 1,118.47
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbeds 25.00
Network Lt Broker d – council insurance 1,799.63
162. No planning applications.
163. Cllr Hulse gave a brief overview of ways in which to commemorate the First World War. She suggested gathering ideas from various members, canvassing the local community and then forming an outline plan. Cllr Hulse agreed to arrange a meeting with other members for further discussions. Cllr Bainbridge said she would contact Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa to see whether they had any commemorative plans and Cllr Griffiths said she would talk to the Senior Citizens. Cllr Quant suggested that members might like to engage with the Royal Legion. Cllr Hulse also referred to the “Welsh National Memorial” near Flanders campaign.
164. Cllr Jones said that this item could be discussed at a later date following the invitation to join Welsh Language Communities Alliance.
165. Cllr Bainbridge asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Ray Ceredigion for donating the recent natural wood items to the playground. She also said that part of the area which was originally turfed needs to be re-seeded. Cllr Williams said he would look into organising the grass seed. Cllr Bainbridge informed the Council that the last bus to Borth has been re-routed to go via Talybont and then Borth. Members resolved to give the Chairman authority to send a letter to the bus company asking them to reconsider the route thus travelling via Borth to Talybont.
166. Cllr Jones commented on the unsightly overgrown hedge opposite Brynowen. Cllr Williams said he would get some quotes. Cllr Jones mentioned that the railings at the bottom of the road going onto the Cliff need to be secured following the replacement of the mesh. Cllr Williams has received 5 complaints recently in respect of speeding on Clarach Road. Cllr Jones said that something needs to be done to slow the traffic down and as we weren’t any further forward in resolving the problem he suggested sending a letter to Mark Williams MP enclosing copies of all previous correspondence sent to Ceredigion County Council and Dyfed Powys Police. Cllr Quant pointed out that speeding was a matter for the Police and not the County Council. Cllr Griffiths mentioned that the bench opposite Pebbles was broken. The leat running alongside Brynowen has still not been cleared despite several requests. Cllr Jones gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi application. It will cost in the region of £3600 including vat to install the actual seating which will be sited by the boat park. Borth Community Council must pay a contribution of 10% towards the project and therefore members resolved to increase the original amount from £1570 to £2000. Cllr Ashley gave a brief overview of the art proposal linked to the project. The idea by Catrin Webster has been accepted and will include the community and the sea in a creation of artwork using the remaining groynes at the North end of the beach. Cllr Hulse gave an update on items of interest in The Voice 23, a magazine issued by One Voice Wales. Cllr Hulse asked whether it would be possible to plant some daffodil bulbs on the green at Ynyslas turn. Cllr Quant said he could obtain the bulbs. Cllr Dalton raised the issue of dogs on the beach and was not aware that any tickets had been issued this season. Cllr Willcox referred to camper vans parking overnight on the promenade. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to CCC enquiring as to whether there was a bye law in place to prevent this happening.
167. Cllr Quant advised members that he and the Clerk had visited the rear of Fairholme (opposite the Friendship Inn) following a complaint about the level of the shingle bank. He said it was disappointing to see the profile of the beach at present and was hoping to arrange a visit with Rhodri Llwyd of Ceredigion CC. Cllr Quant gave an update on parking restrictions and an hourly train service. He advised members that the next PACT meeting was scheduled for Thursday 12th September at 7pm. Cllr Quant congratulated the carnival committee on an excellent day. He also reported that residents/holidaymakers are taking stones off the beach to put in their back gardens. Cllr Hulse asked whether Phase 2 would be remodelled. Cllr Quant replied that they wouldn’t physically model for that Phase. Cllr Quant distributed a copy letter to each member in respect of the two window panels planned for St Matthews Church.
168. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 October 2013 to be notified to the Clerk.
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