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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - July 2014

Present: Chairperson:                 L Moore
G Ashley
R Dalton
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
S Rees-Williams
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:        R P Quant
   Clerk:        M Walker
5 Members of the Public
73.   Cllr C Bainbridge and Cllr M Griffiths.
74.   Ray Jones of Bam Nuttall, Rhodri Llwyd of CCC and David Cramp, project manager for Haskoning attended the meeting. Mr Ray Jones gave a brief update and said it was early days in the scheme.  They hoped to have 5k ton of rock delivered each week with approximately 30 deliveries a day for the first 12 weeks. There would be an initial period of stock piling before work commenced on the beach. Work on the beach is scheduled to begin during the first week in August.  A brief session of questions and answers followed.  Rhodri Llwyd confirmed that the area of beach included in Phase 1 of the scheme would be re-profiled week commencing 14/4/14.   The Chairman thanked all three for attending. 
75.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Moore reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
76.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 June 2014 as being a true record.
77.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 46.  Cllr Ashley gave a brief update when she reminded everyone of the planned event on August 4th 2014.  Members resolved to allow the draw down of £400 set aside in the precept.
78.   Borth Car Park.  Minute 47.  See correspondence.
79.   Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to the Chairman and 1 other to attend a Civic Procession and Service to commemorate the centenary of the departure of the yeomanry from Lampeter on Sunday August 10th.
80.   One Voice Wales.  Copies of Issue 25 of “The Voice”.
81.   Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.  Annual Report 2013/14.  
82.   Bench for the sea front.   A request to leave a bench for the people of and visitors to Borth on the sea front.  After a discussion amongst members it was suggested that an alternative to siting a new bench on the sea front, which would not be in keeping with the others, would be to adopt a bench”, namely placing a plaque on an existing bench of their choice and paying a small maintenance fee.  
83.   Frank Hitchings.  An e-mail advising that one of the panes of perspex in the bus stop at Heol Aberwennol has been dislodged in the storms.  Cllr Williams said that there were no panes of perspex missing, however, there was a loose pane by the shelter.  
84.   Penrhiw, Borth.  An e-mail from CCC notifying the Council that a planning application has been received to extend the curtilage of the property.   
85.   Dyfed Powys Police & Crime Commissioner.  Details of an online survey asking the people of Dyfed-Powys to have a say in how local justice is delivered.  
86.   Wales Green Energy Awards.   A request for more entries in the political category.  
87.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a Welsh Assembly grant to support Councils to develop a website. 
88.   Welsh Government.  Details of an e-learning package which helps deal with public service complaints.  
89.   Borth Rowing Club.  A request for permission to hold a regatta on the 24th August and for use of the car park opposite Haven for storage of boat trailers.  The Council had no objection to the event or the use of the car park on the day.  
90.   One Voice Wales.  Information on Making Effective Grant Applications Training at Parc Lodge on Monday 7th July.  
91.   One Voice Wales.  An invitation to submit honours nominations for Birthday 2015. 
92.   Borth Toilets.  A letter from Mrs Jill Hughes of Pwllheli congratulating Borth on achieving a gold standard award for the public toilets and for the standard of cleanliness.  The Clerk confirmed that she had forwarded the letter to CCC.  
93.   One Voice Wales.  Confirmation that the Annual Meeting of the Ceredigion Area Committee will be held at Penmorfa on Wednesday 25th July at 7.00pm  
94.   Hywel Dda Health Board.  An invitation to meet with Hywel Dda University Health Board to find out more about the changes to maternity, neonatal etc at Withybush and Glangwili Hospitals that will take place from August 2014.  
95.   Borth Rail Crossing.  Correspondence from and to Mark Williams MP in respect of proposals to close the railway crossing between Borth and Borth Church.  
96.   Ceredigion County Council.  Notification of temporary road closure through Borth on the 1st August for the carnival procession.  
97.   Borth Car Park.  A response from NALC in reply to a query regarding rights of use.    
98.   One Voice Wales.  Information on the issue of a revised Code of Practice on Workforce Matters. 
99.   Dyfi Biosphere.  COBWEB (Citizen Observatory Web) has officially launched its call for co-design and field testing projects in the Dyfi Biosphere area.  Two training events have been planned. 
100.  Play Area.  An unsigned letter complaining about the play area in Borth, the state of the grass and the disrepair of the whole area.  The Chairman said that the swings needed repair work and members resolved to set aside £500 for the works. It was suggested that the Council apply for a community development grant through CCC towards new equipment.  
101.   Dyfi Biosphere.  A request for a volunteer Councillor to join the Dyfi Biosphere Partnership.  It was agreed that Cllr Jill Hulse act as the Council’s representative.
102.  Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2014
         Nationwide                                28,874.32
         Community Acct                          3,210.28
         Business No Notice Acct                                                         33,863.56
         Deposit Account                                                                              2,766.67 
103.  Income
         Inland Revenue – VAT refund 2013/14                  2,070.92
         Business No Notice a/c - gross Int to 5 Jun                 2.86
         Nationwide – Gross int to 1 June                         0.73
104.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
         Contract Signs Systems – play area signage                       40.80
         Post Office Ltd – PAYE April, May & June                     130.00
         M Walker – clerks salary                     530.91
         Morris & Bates – fees for possession of car park                               360.00
         Newmans – flowerbed competition               45.00
105.  Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2014.  
BDO confirm that there are no issues arising prior to the Council’s approval and certification of the Annual Return in accordance with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005.  However, they have found an amendment which should be corrected. During the year Borth Council incurred £9,250 on a capital project.  Box 12 fixed assets has not been increased to reflect this purchase.  All capital additions should be included in box 12 even if they are grant funded. The Clerk was asked to contact BDO for clarification.  The Clerk then signed and dated Section 3 of the annual return.  The annual return, details of the proposed audit certificate and opinion were presented to Council. The Council resolved to approve the annual return and Section 3 was certified by the Chair by signing and dating the relevant box.
106.  No planning applications to consider.
107.  Cllr Jones gave a brief update.
108.  The Chairman gave a brief overview of a meeting held with Mr Geoff Thomas in respect of his concerns at the over use of the car park opposite Brynowen and access to his property whilst the car park is in part occupation by Bam Nuttall.
109.  Cllr Willcox referred to the broken noticeboard at Cae Gwylan.  Cllr Williams said that the pot hole by Gwarallt has not been filled and that tipping and speeding remain a problem on Clarach Road.  Cllr Dalton referred to the loose coping stones opposite her property.  The Clerk confirmed that she had been told that CCC would commence work to repair them the following day 8/7/14.  Cllr James said that the grass needed cutting on Clarach Road which results in reduced visibility. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on a meeting she had with Cllr Willcox to discuss the Community Emergency Plan. Cllr Hulse made reference to a new app on “Bathing Water Quality”.  Holes have appeared in the perspex window of the noticeboard at Ynyslas.  Cllr Ashley gave an update on the sculpture which should be completed by the end of July. Pod Clare has been in touch to discuss redoing the mosaics but it was agreed to give this some thought as the quality of the wall has deteriorated due to salt etc.
110.  Cllr Quant referred to the fatal accident the previous weekend on the Glanwern road. The BSPFA have been awarded a grant to reinstate the fencing and boards around the multi user games area.  The broken item of equipment in the play area will be removed permanently.  The next PACT meeting is scheduled for 11th September 2014.  Cllr Williams said he would ask his grandson to strim the path to the church. A complaint has been received regarding a boat parked on private land opposite the Youth Hostel.  Cllr Quant gave an update on a recent Dyfi Biosphere meeting.  Ceredigion County Council has allocated £30k to review the dog orders throughout Ceredigion. He suggested that timings and additional areas should be considered. It was resolved to include Uppingham Playing Fields as a dog ban area. Cllr Ashley said that she had rung the number to report dogs on the beach but had no reply. Cllr Quant asked for volunteers to attend meetings with him as the Council representatives on dogs.  Cllrs Ashley and Moore put their names forward.
111.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.45pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 September 2014 to include a Presentation by Bam Nuttall and Community Emergency Plan. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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