Minutes - September 2014
Present: Chairperson: L Moore
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
112. Cllrs G Ashley and S Rees-Williams.
113. Apologies were received from Ray Jones of BAM Nuttall. Matt Richards attended in his absence along with Alistair Macmillan from Royal Haskoning. Matt explained that they had received 1427 deliveries to date which would continue until the end of September. 40% of groyne 2 at the north end had been completed and 5% of breakwater 3. He thanked Graham Taylor for continually updating the website. They are aiming to complete the structures by mid January with total completion by the end of February. Cllr Quant asked for wheelchair access onto the beach during the works, possibly using old groynes etc. Matt said he would raise this at the progress meeting to be held the following day. Cllr Bainbridge raised the issue of broken groynes etc at Ynyslas. This was a matter for CCC and they would be the ones to have a final say on whether they would be replaced. The Chairman thanked both for attending the meeting.
114. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr Moore reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
115. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 July 2014 as being a true record.
116. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 77. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the commemoration event held on the 4th August which was very successful. Members resolved to allow a monthly bulletin on the events of that period to be displayed in the public noticeboards.
117. Borth Car Park. Minute 78. Ongoing.
118. Local Development Plan. Details of the Ceredigion LDP Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Consultation from 17th July to 26th September 2014.
119. Public Toilets. A copy of the Service Level Agreement for the beachside toilets adjacent to the RNLI covering the period 1 November 2014 to 31 March 2015. The Chairman signed one copy, the other to be kept for the Council’s records.
120. Caring Communities Partnership. A thank you letter for the Council’s support in gathering information on activities in the area and using Pennant Community as an excellent example of a “best practice” community.
121. ROSPA. Playground inspection report. The report highlighted some risk areas which need addressing. Cllr Quant confirmed that both sets of swings have been repaired by CCC.
122. One Voice Wales. Details of “People’s Postcode Trust – Small Grants”. The Clerk was asked to e-mail this information to Graham Taylor for the Borth Community website.
123. Welsh Government. Natural Resource Management Bulletin July 2014 issue.
124. One Voice Wales. An online link to The Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 17.
125. Ceredigion County Council. A public notice informing the public of footpath closures whilst flood protection works is carried out.
126. One Voice Wales. Information and a booking form for the 10th Conference and AGM of One Voice Wales to be held on Saturday 4th October in Builth Wells.
127. One Voice Wales. An online link to the July/August issue of the Funding Update.
128. Bench for the Sea Front. An e-mail confirming that Ms Stella Tinley would be happy to provide a plaque for one of the existing benches on the sea front and would make a donation of £1000 to the Council’s maintenance fund.
129. Welsh National Marine Plan. An update on the development of the Welsh National Marine Plan and details of proposed public drop-in sessions for further discussions.
130. National Resources Wales. A questionnaire for completion by the 30th August which will gather information about existing and aspirational projects within the NRW Plan area and Dyfi Biosphere.
131. One Voice Wales. An invitation to attend an exhibition on “A Sense of Energy” between September 30 – 2 October at the Senedd, Cardiff Bay.
132. Fly Tipping. An online link to the Welsh Government’s draft fly tipping strategy.
133. One Voice Wales. Details of an online link to the Green Paper Consultation on improving the availability of allotments and community gardens.
134. Aberwennol Bus Stop. A letter from Mr Frank Hitchings in response to his original letter confirming that the piece of perspex acted as a piece of double glazing so that the bus time table could be displayed in between both panes.
135. Donation Request. Mynwent y Garn and Shelter Cymru. This request and all others will be dealt with in March 2015.
136. One Voice Wales. Details of the 8 motions put forward by Council’s for consideration at the AGM on Saturday 4th October 2014.
137. Came & Company. Notification that the Council’s insurance policy is due for renewal at a cost of £1760.94.
138. White Paper – Reforming Local Government. A questionnaire for completion by Councils on The future of Local Government – what should we expect of Local Authorities? This item is dealt with as an agenda item.
139. Network Rail Borth Capel Soar Level Crossing. A copy letter from Network Rail to Ceredigion County Council in connection with the stage 2 consultation for the Borth Capel Soar Level Crossing Order, a copy of the order and the project drawing. All observations should be made by Friday 10th October 2014.
140. Aberystwyth Town Council. An invitation to send a Council representative to a meeting on Friday 12th September at Penweddig School to discuss the reorganization of the health service in Mid-Wales.
141. Age Cymru Ceredigion. A request to support a new project for the older residents 50+ in Ceredigion. The organisation would like to recruit 5+ volunteers to support a shopping and telephone befriending project.
142. Cardigan Town Council. A request for a letter of support asking CCC to consider restructuring the car parking costs in Cardigan. Members agreed to reply stating that Borth Community Council is unable to comment as there is no information on current car parking charges.
143. Ceredigion County Council. The Council is facing difficult decisions in the 2015-16 budget as it must make £11million in cuts – 8.4% of the total budget - and will need to make further cuts in years to come and are therefore asking the public to complete an online survey to determine what type of Council they would like in Ceredigion in the future.
144. Land adjacent to 2 Heol Rhydygarreg, Borth. A copy letter to CCC expressing concern at the derelict state of the land adjacent to 2 Heol Rhydygarreg .
145. BDO LLP - Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2014. The Audit for year ending 31 March 2014 has been completed with no matters arising. The Annual return was presented to Council now that the audit opinion had been given. Council Members resolved to approve and accept the Return. 146. One Voice Wales. Details of the national St David Awards 2015 which are now open for nominations. 147. Other correspondence. Play for Wales and Glasdon catalogues.
148. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2014
Nationwide 28,874.32
Community Acct 2,103.57
Business No Notice Acct 33,863.56
Deposit Account 766.67
149. Income
150. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
BSPFA – WWI donation 400.00
Playsafety Limited – playground inspection 88.80
Broker Network Ltd – Insurance 1,760.94
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbeds 24.21
M Walker – clerks salary Aug & Sept 1061.74, off exp 2.42 1,064.16
151. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A140400. Demolition and erection of replacement dwelling and associated works including foul sewage system. Sea Wyf, High Street, Borth. This application was fully supported by Councillors as the current property is in a poor state. No Observations.
A140446. Change of use of agricultural land to form part of curtilage for Penrhiw, Borth. A majority vote supported the application with 3 abstentions, mainly because there was concern about the number of caravans on the site. Councillors feel that if planning is approved it should contain a condition on the removal of the caravans and further development of the site should not be allowed.
152. Cllr Quant began by stating that Ceredigion CC is carrying out a review of Dog Control Orders across the County and are consulting with Local Members. Rachel Mills is the nominated Council Officer conducting the review. Cllr Quant considered that any consultation for Borth should include the Community Council who has always led on the matter and he arranged an informal meeting with Rachel and Cllrs who could attend during August. Due to the low attendance he asked for it to be included as an agenda item at the September meeting so the Council could formally consider the situation.
Cllr Quant reminded Cllrs of the Current Dog Control orders, which apply from 1 May to 30 September and felt the present situation was highly unsatisfactory where local dog owners who abide by the rules complain they are being penalised when many dog owners ignore the signs and allow their dogs on the beach and we never see a Dog Warden patrolling the area. Cllr Quant outlined three options for consideration: 1. Retain the status quo. 2. Reduce the restricted area of beach from the Cliffs to Cambrian Terrace therefore allowing dogs on the beach from Cambrian Terrace in a northerly direction. 3. Introduce a timing element when dogs could use the beach e.g. 8 pm to 9 am. He had contacted the tourist section on the rules for a Blue Flag beach and it was confirmed the Blue Flag beach is from South of the RNLI to Cambrian Terrace, which is already covered by the Dog Control Orders; therefore it was acknowledged there should be no change to the current Orders from the Cliffs to Cambrian Terrace. Cllr Quant then asked the Cllrs to consider the options and come to a view.
Cllrs gave their views and commented on the number of complaints they had received especially from responsible dog owners who obey the rules whilst watching others who deliberately flout the rules. Some preferred Option 2 others Option 3 whereas Cllrs Jones and Wilcox strongly supported retaining the status quo and gave very firm reasons to support their view. Following a lengthy discussion the Chairperson concluded the debate by confirming the outcome was to retain the status quo.
153. The Clerk confirmed that all Councillors had received a copy. Cllr Quant suggested meeting on Monday 8th September to discuss the White Paper and to collate responses from members to the consultation. Members agreed to meet at 7pm on the 8th September in the Community Hall.
154. Cllr Hulse gave an update on the plan which covers fire, powercuts, storms and snow. Cllr Hulse said the plan may need some improvement and asked members to look at that section in order that any changes can be made. Cllr Hulse suggested holding a drop-in session at the Community Hall when the plan is complete.
155. Cllr Moore confirmed that Bam Nuttall has agreed to make 4 noticeboards for the village. Mr Graham Taylor asked whether one could be sited at Heol Aberwennol. The Chairman has been approached by Mr Charlie Swift with concerns about parking on yellow lines opposite the amusement arcade. It was agreed to raise the issue at the next PACT meeting. The Chairman has also received complaints about hedges not being cut on Lon Glanfred. Cllr Moore asked Cllr Willcox whether he would pick up the split sandbags outside Mrs June Gurneys’ house.
156. Cllr Williams said that the seat by Ty’r Helyg has disappeared. He also mentioned that motorists were not slowing down for horses and riders. Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the proposed development plan for Borth which would involve the community and a further update on the progress of the Balchder Pentrefi project. Cllr Dalton asked whether there would be an issue with the distribution of sandbags this year. Cllr Bainbridge asked whether the Council could approach Borth Fire Unit to wash down the bus stop at Ynyslas. She also mentioned that human faeces had been spotted at Ynyslas car park. Cllr Griffiths raised several issues namely Murmur y Mor burning rubbish during the day, complaints in respect of the caravans sited on the Railway Inn car park and planning permission fore the extension opposite the Victoria Inn. She also mentioned that mortgage companies were not willing to secure a mortgage on a house being sold close to Ty Newydd, Borth due to the state of the site. Cllr Quant said that as planning permission has been granted on the site he would hope to see a vast improvement once works had begun. Cllr James said that the road between Clarach and Aberystwyth has been closed on two separate occasions lately. Cllr Quant said he would speak to CCC. He also referred to a long branch sticking out of the hedge opposite Bryncarnedd.
157. Cllr Quant advised members that travellers had parked up on the Park and Ride site at Aberystwyth. Cllr Quant also mentioned that damage had been caused to the shed on the playing fields site.
158. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 October 2014 to include Community Emergency Plan. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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