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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - October 2014

Present: Chairperson:           L Moore
G Ashley
      C Bainbridge
R Dalton
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr:   R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                      3 Members of the Public.  
159.  Cllrs S Rees-Williams and W J Williams.
160.  Apologies were received from Ray Jones of BAM Nuttall.  Matt Richards attended in his absence along with Alistair Macmillan from Royal Haskoning.  Matt gave an up to date progress report.  Deliveries were scheduled to finish week ending 15th October with a total of 46000 tons of rock having been delivered.  Groyne 2 has been completed, breakwater 3 is 50% complete and groyne 1 is 20% complete.  He also advised that timber breastwork repairs opposite the Golf Course was due to begin on the 7th October.  The Chairman thanked both for attending the meeting.
161.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Moore reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
162.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 September 2014 as being a true record.
163.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 116.  The monthly newsletter is ready for display in the noticeboards.
164.   Borth Car Park.  Minute 117.  Ongoing.
165.   Dog Control Orders.  Minute 152.  Ongoing.
166.   Ceredigion County Council.  Information on a project which has been given to Welsh Councils by the Welsh Language Commissioner to standardise place names in Wales.  
167.   National Resources Wales.  Confirmation that the de-weeding of the Pwll Du ditch will be included in their annual work programme up to and including winter of 2019/20.
168.   Skate Park.  An e-mail to County Cllr Ray Quant from Ms Morwenna Grey asking the Council to consider a skate park in Borth.  Cllr Willcox said that he would fully support such a project and Cllr Jones said it would be easier for a group such as Borth Community to front a grant application.
169.   One Voice Wales.  Information on a link to the “Welsh Language Commissioner’s Draft Enforcement Policy”.  
170.   One Voice Wales.  Information on a link to “The Law of Consultation” guidance.  
171.   One Voice Wales.  Details of training sessions between 1st October - 10th October in our area.  
172.   Road Closure.  Information on a temporary road closure at Ynyslas Level Crossing between 00.20 – 08.45am on the 23rd November.  
173.  Heritage Lottery Fund.  Details of an opportunity to join as a new committee member for the Heritage Lottery Funds Committee for Wales.  
174.   Donation Request.  Urdd Gobaith Cymru.  This will be considered at the March 2015 meeting of Council.  
175.   Ceredigion County Council.  Notification from CCC that four street lighting columns on Cambrian Terrace have been cut down for Health and Safety reasons due to failing a structural test.  Also a letter from Mr George Romary voicing his and others concern that this has been done to heritage lights and that the exit from the railway station is in darkness.  The Clerk has been asked to write to CCC to ask what their plans are for reinstating the columns and how quickly and to enquire why the Council was not given notice of their intention to remove the lighting columns.  
176.   One Voice Wales.  An invitation to join Mark Williams MP at the launch of Ceredigion’s Club Cosy at 12.30pm on the 23rd October at Penmorfa, Aberaeron.  Cllr Griffiths and Moore are to attend.  
177.   Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.  Letter advising that their draft annual report has been published and is available online.  
178.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a review being carried out commissioned by the Welsh Government on designated landscapes in Wales.  
179.   One Voice Wales.  The sectors’ response to the questions being asked in relation to the Government’s White Paper.  
180.   Linda Howland.  A letter requesting that the Council and public look at a way to deal with some village children who are causing a nuisance and damage to people’s property.  Cllr Moore said she would pass the letter on to the village PCSO and invite her to attend the next Council meeting.  
181.   Memorial Bench.  A request from Ms Stella Tinsley to display a plaque in her memory on the last bench on the sea front nearest the Golf Club end.  She also enclosed a cheque for £1000 for maintenance of the bench.  The Clerk was asked to contact CCC to ask whether Borth Community Council can take over ownership of the bench.  Mr Maurice Speake has confirmed that he is willing to paint the bench at a cost of £30.  
182.   Clerks & Councils Direct.  September issue of the newsletter.
183.  Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2014
          Nationwide                                                                                           28,874.32          
Community Acct                                                                                        500.20          
Business No Notice Acct                                                                      33,630.40          
Deposit Account                                                                                     2,766.67 
184.  Income
          Business No Notice Acct-gross int to 4 September                                      5.84          
Landfill & Civic Amenity Site Rents                                                        4,616.50          
Stella Tinley – donation towards maintenance of a bench                    1,000.00
185.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
          Post Office Ltd – PAYE July, Aug, September                                          130.20          
M Walker – clks salary 530.87, off exp 3.05                                             533.92          
Cartridgesave – printer inks                                                                       39.23
186.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A140626.  Demolition of an existing garage/store, erection of a single storey extension and link to the existing dwelling, with associated ground works and landscaping.  Charda, Clarach Road, Borth.  No objection.
A140663.  Renovation and Conversion to form commercial/residential accommodation.  Leronian, High Street, Borth.  Objection on the basis that when the property was advertised for sale, many young couples within the community wanted to purchase it and convert it to a starter home dwelling but they were advised that a change of use from business to residential would be refused, especially due to the flood risk and the fact the building has no amenity land or parking.  Borth Community Council does not support retrospective planning permission and as the application is not compatible with current use we strongly recommend that the application is refused.
187.  Planning Permission Granted.
A140400.  Demolition and erection of replacement dwelling and associated works.  Sea Wyf, High Street, Borth.
188.  Cllr Hulse gave an update on the plan which following some minor amendments is now ready to be put on the website.  Cllr Hulse advised that there were two events planned, the first being an update with the flood wardens and secondly a community drop in session.  Cllr Willcox confirmed that he had replaced the storm boards.  Cllr Quant explained that CCC has a new sandbag policy which makes property owners responsible for the protection of their property from flooding.  However, CCC will have a small quantity of sandbags for genuine emergency response.
189.  Cllr Hulse has produced an appraisal of all bus stops in the village. The Clerk was asked to put notices in all the noticeboards inviting tenders for refurbishment works to the bus stops. Cllr Quant said he would request bus stop signs for those with no signs evident.
190.  The Chairman gave a brief update on the Hywel Dda meeting.
191.  Cllr Ashley is concerned that the Victoria Inn does not use plastic glasses for use on the beach.  The Clerk was asked to write to the owners asking them to consider the use of plastic glasses in future. Cllr Hulse asked for members’ assistance to complete a questionnaire which requires information about existing and aspirational projects within the Natural Resource Plan area and Dyfi Biosphere. Cllr James referred to a broken down car on the brow of Clarach Road which was in a sideways and dangerous position. He asked whether there was any possibility the road could be widened. Cllr Quant said he would speak to Highways. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that Borth family Centre had been awarded a £200k lottery grant and welcomed all to a celebration in the Community Hall on Saturday 18th October.  Cllr Bainbridge advised that the Peter Karrie concert had been postponed, that the carnival had raised approximately £9k this year and that a donations evening would be held on the 8th November. Cllr Jones asked the Clerk to send a letter to Borth Family Centre to congratulate them on obtaining the level of funding. He also gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. Cllr Jones mentioned that Mr Geraint Evans had broken his ankle on the road to Glanleri by the river.  It was agreed that this was a private road and not the responsibility of Ceredigion County Council.
192.  Cllr Quant thanked everyone for their responses to the White Paper.  He gave an update on the Youth Club which had come to an end as it was no longer being supported, there were staffing issues and it would need 15-24 in numbers to make it a viable proposition.  Cllr Quant, in answer to a previous request for horse signs on the roads, had referred the query to CCC who has reliably informed that horses are seen as part of normal traffic. A speed survey on Clarach Road will be concluded in November.  Representation has been made to CCC for sat nav signs on Clarach Road.  Cllr Quant has met with the new owner of the YHA who confirms that it will continue to run under the banner of a Youth Hostel though it is a private business.  The multi user games area on the playing fields is being re-fenced at present.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the recent PACT meeting with the following issues raised – dog fouling, fly tipping, cold callers, tractor speeding, horse riders, speeding, cycles on pavement and farm equipment stolen.
193.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.30pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 November 2014 to include a visit by the PCSO.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                                
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