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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - December 2014

Present: Chairperson:        L Moore
G Ashley
C Bainbridge      
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker                                    
2 Members of the Public.  
229.  Cllrs J Hulse, S Rees-Williams and W J Williams.
230.  Matt Richards representing Bam Nuttall and Alistair Macmillan from Royal Haskoning attended the meeting to give an up to date progress report.  The company will be taking their Christmas break from the 19th December to the 5th January but there will be 24 hour security on site.  Cllr Ashley commented that the sign for the submerged forest had disappeared.
231.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
232.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 November 2014 as being a true record.
233.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 200.  Ongoing.  
234.   Borth Car Park.  Minute 201.  Ongoing.  
235.   Dog Control Orders.  Minute 202.  Ongoing.  
236.   Community Emergency Plan.  Minute 203.  Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.  
237.   Bus Stops/Shelters.   Minute 204.  Cllr Hulse has sent an assessment of all works that need attention to the Clerk and members asked that Paul Walker sends in a quotation by the next meeting.  
238.   Defibrillators.  A letter from Mr Andrew Deptford offering a deal on a Public Access Defibrillator.  It was agreed that the prices quoted were too expensive though the Community Council should consider providing one for use in the community.  Cllr Bryn Jones suggested inviting Glan Davies to the February meeting to discuss its merits further.  
239.   Ray Ceredigion.  A request from Ray Ceredigion to vote for them as the chosen charity of the new White Stuff store in Aberystwyth.  
240.   Buckingham Palace Garden Parties.  An invitation to the current chairperson and guest to attend one of three garden parties in May 2015.  
241.   Ceredigion County Council.  A notice giving details of a public consultation on the Draft Mid Wales Joint Local Transport Plan 2015-2020.  
242.   Recycling and Waste Collections.  CCC is currently reviewing the way in which it collects Recycling and Waste from residents at the kerbside. As part of the review they are asking for feedback.  
243.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a Badger Found Dead Survey which will run for the whole of 2015.  
244.   Ray Ceredigion.  A response to their original letter regarding funding for play sessions.  
245.   Welsh Government.  An advertisement asking for applications for two part time members to join the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.  
246.   Age Cymru.  A poster highlighting the work of the Financial Advocacy 50+.  
247.   Ecodyfi.  Details of a post for a Project and Communications Officer and other news.  
248.   Safe Access Road.  A thank you letter from Mr Roger Haggar for the £500 donation towards the road culvert.  
249.   Benches and Seats.  Ceredigion County Council state that they have no objection to Borth Community Council taking over ownership and the maintenance of the last bench on the promenade. However, they are asking whether  Borth Council would be prepared to take ownership of all the benches on top of the sea defence wall.  
250.   One Voice Wales.   A link to a community toolkit on Development and Management of Play Spaces.  
251.   Hywel Dda Health Board.  Information regarding public events to be held by the Board about the Mid Wales Healthcare Study.  
252.   Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a temporary road closure between Penglais and Clarach from November 17th to the 21st.  
253.   Ceredigion Crime & Disorder Strategic Assessment 2015.  A request to complete a short questionnaire.  
254.   One Voice Wales.  Details of revised pay scales for 2014-15.  
255.   Donation Requests.  Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru 2015.  
256.  Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2014          
Nationwide                                                                                     28,881.12          
Community Acct                                                                               4,912.74          
Business No Notice Acct                                                                31,780.40          
Deposit Account                                                                               2,908.64   
257.  Income          
Scottish Power – Wayleaves                                                                 73.32          
258.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:           
M Walker – clerks salary                                                                     530.87          
T M Lewis – grass cuts                                                                    1,300.00          
One Voice Wales – course fees                                                            90.00          
Walker & Doyle – remove old & erect 3 new noticeboards                 360.00          
S J Jones-replacement for out of date chq 201390                              50.00          
S J Jones – Xmas Tree 2014                                                                75.00          
Ryman – new filing cabinet                                                                    99.99  
259.  The Clerk referred to a conversation with the electrician responsible for putting up the Xmas Tree lights in Borth regarding the condition of the existing lights.  Members resolved to purchase new lights and star for the tree up to the value of £500.  
260.  Planning Permission Granted. A140626.   Demolition of an existing garage/store, erection of a single storey extension and link to the existing dwelling, with associated ground works and landscaping.  Charda, Clarach Road, Borth.    
261.   Cllr Moore reminded members of the Aberystwyth & District Hospice at Home Volunteers meeting on Tuesday 2nd December at 7pm at the National Library.  
262.  Cllr Hulse sent in this report in her absence. Community Emergency Plan and event.  A community drop in event about the Emergency Plan for Borth and Ynyslas was held on the evening of Monday 24th November.  It was advertised on Borth Community website and noticeboards, flood wardens also had invitations to post through letterboxes in their local patch.  Natural Resources Wales, Ceredigion County Council and Borth Community Councillors were on hand to explain about the emergency and flood plan, Floodline warnings and alerts, flood maps, Wardens and to answer any questions.  We learnt that a new means for monitoring the Afon Leri will be in place by Spring next year giving us warning specific to coastal and/or river flooding.  37 people attended, 12 new Floodline registrations were made and 8 volunteered to become Community/flood wardens.  We were all very pleased with the event.  More Wardens for Upper Borth, or anywhere, are always welcomed.  Natural Resources Wales have put together 50 flood packs of information for us (in addition to the 20+ that were taken at the meeting), collection of these is being arranged in December.  All existing Community Wardens have now received an updated paper copy of the Emergency plan, paper copies will be sent out to the 7 new Wardens shortly. Cllr Bainbridge, Cllr Jones and Cllr Hulse attended a Community Engagement training course run by One Voice Wales.  Ideas that arose included noting what Measure/Power is relevant to each expenditure, consult community before increasing precept, useful to put on-line what each £1 pays for, photos of Councillors on the website, Surgery for the Chair once a month.  Use existing means to get information out e.g. Family Centre, Church etc. (could give a few flood packs to each). Several issues raised by concerned residents in this last month,  2 household on speeding in Ynyslas, 2 households on campervans overnight in Borth, 1 household on Golf course car park camping/litter/lack toilets.  Cllr Hulse gave her thanks for the bulbs for Ynyslas, which will be put in around the green at Ynyslas turn to complement those planted there last year. Cllr Jones gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. Cllr Ashley was concerned that Japanese knotweed was a huge problem in Borth. Pod Clare has advised that it would cost £150 per day to remove the mosaics and suggested putting on a resin once the mosaics had been removed.  Cllr Willcox gave a brief update on the Community Emergency Plan event. He mentioned the road floods down by Cae Gwylan and even though the drain has been cleared the leet remains blocked.  Cllr Willcox asked whether Borth Council could look at the policy Aberystwyth has in place for the parking of mobile homes etc on the seafront.  Cllr Griffiths discussed the ongoing problem of dog mess and wondered how best we deal with the situation. It was suggested that the Council pays a private organisation for the provision of a dog warden.  Cllr James is concerned at the fly tipping on Clarach Road. Cllr Quant said he would e-mail CCC.  Cllr Dalton reminded Councillors of the PACT meeting to be held on the 4th December at 7pm.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the traffic monitoring at Ynyslas recently. She asked for bigger 30mph signs on the island. Borth Family Centre has been able to employ 2 more helpers following their recent Lottery Grant award.  
263.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the lights at Cambrian Terrace and confirmed that a temporary light will be put up and that the street lights at the top end will remain on for an extra 30 mins each evening.  Cllr Quant mentioned that he Xmas Eve service at St Matthews will begin at 3pm and that the vicar was relocating to Carmarthen.   
264.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 January 2015 to include a visit by Bam Nuttall and Budget and Precept.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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