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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - January 2015

Present: Chairperson:                                   L Moore
G Ashley
C Bainbridge      
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr:               R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                    3 Members of the Public.  
265.  Cllr J James and Cllr W J Williams. The Clerk read out an e-mail from Cllr S Rees-Williams resigning as Councillor due to family and work pressures.
266.  Matt Richards representing Bam Nuttall and Alistair Macmillan from Royal Haskoning attended the meeting to give an up to date progress report. Scrap wood and timber piles is now available.  Members mentioned that the area opposite Pebbles was very vulnerable at present and that something needed to be done in the interim before the high tides.
267.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
268.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 December 2014 as being a true record.
269.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 233. Cllr Bainbridge thanked Graham Taylor for his contribution to the monthly newsletter and asked the Clerk to display the January newsletter in the noticeboards.
270.   Borth Car Park.  Minute 234.  Ongoing.
271.   Dog Control Orders.  Minute 235.  Ongoing.
272.   Community Emergency Plan.  Minute 236.  Ongoing.
273.   Bus Stops/Shelters.   Minute 237.  Ongoing.
274.   Donation Requests.  Citizens Advice Bureau, Ceredigion YFC and Y Tincer.
275.   Technoleg Taliesin.  A request to help develop a website for the Community Council.
276.   Ceredigion County Council.  Notification of a road closure at Dol-y-Bont between January 12th and January 16th for resurfacing works.
277.   Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner.  A press release in relation to CCTV.
278.   Planning Applications.  The Welsh Government has set a target for all planning authorities to make over 80% of their decisions within 8 weeks. Furthermore, all planning applications will be sent by e-mail and all related relevant documentation will be available on the Council’s website.
279.   Ceredigion County Council.  Details of how to report problems relating to Public Rights of Way on the Council’s website.
280.   Ecodyfi.  AGM invitation and Machynlleth recycling update.
281.   Society of Local Council Clerks.  Details of the 2014-2016 national salary awards.
282.   One Voice Wales.  An amendment to “A Practitioners’ Guide (2011)” on Governance and accountability for local councils in Wales.
283.   British Weights and Measures Association.  An explanation on the units of measurements when describing garden allotments.
284.   Welsh Government.  Details of a consultation on a new National Transport Plan which started on the 10th December 2014.  Responses can be made via an online link by the 11th March 2015.  The Clerk was asked to e-mail this to all Councillors.
285.   Janet Sanders.  An e-mail raising issues regarding the cutting of the hedge below Brynrodyn Caravan Park which was not cleared of the cuttings on the road and pavement  after the work was completed and secondly concern regarding ice on Clarach Road and between Borth and Llandre.  Cllr Ray said he would respond directly.
286.   Temporary Footpath Closures.  Notification that there will be a temporary prohibition through footpaths 2/6, 2/7 and 2/8 leading over the shingle bank onto the beach.
287.   Welsh Government.  Notification that the appropriate sum for the purposes of section 137 of the Local Government Act for community and town councils in Wales for 2015-16 is £7.36 per elector.
288.   Borth Carnival.  An e-mail from Mr Roy Jones, treasurer of the Carnival committee, complaining about the condition of the shed which stores their ducks, collecting tins etc. 
289.  Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2014
          Nationwide                                                                                28,881.12          
Community Acct                                                                          2,642.70          
Business No Notice Acct                                                           31,785.17          
Deposit Account                                                                          2,908.64 
290.  Income
         Community Account - RNLI rent                  500.00
         Business No Notice – gross int to 4 December              4.77
291.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
         Post office Ltd – PAYE Oct, Nov, Dec                                             130.00
         M Walker – salary + bonus                          563.67         
292.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A140872.  Conversion and change of use of 2 no. agricultural units into 2 no. holiday accommodation and siting of shipping container to be used for food preparation in conjunction with adjoining kitchen for the preparation and cooking of pies. Borth Community Council has NO OBJECTION to the planning application and welcomes quality conversion as proposed, conserving its agricultural building character whilst encouraging visitors to the locality. Our recommendations for buildings A and B would be to retain the mature mixed trees on the boundary where possible. We would also recommend that the shipping container be in muted colours or timber cladding in keeping with the surrounding and buildings A and B.
293. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to the 30th December 2014 together with a financial plan for 2015/16 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2015/16.
Clerks Salary                                              6,880.00
Office Expenses                                            300.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund                                     140.00
Insurance                                                   1,950.00
Chairpersons Allowance                                200.00
Maintenance                                               3,205.00
Winter Maintenance                                       400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue                           6,000.00
Community & Arts Facilities                        2,500.00
Donations                                                   1,000.00
Miscellaneous                                                500.00
Contingency                                                1,000.00
Audit Fee                                                       400.00
Toilets adj to RNLI – winter opening           4,500.00
Total:                                                        28,975.00
294.  It was resolved to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £18,833.75.
295.  Cllr Moore raised the issue of tipping of waste from Gerlan Chapel onto common land following complaints from members of the public.  The matter is currently being dealt with by Ceredigion County Council. It was agreed that in future the gate would be locked at all times to prevent any future tipping.  Cllr Moore it to arrange the annual Council dinner for Tuesday 3rd March at the Railway Hotel with an invitation to Helen and Mark Williams and Ben Dearnley and partner.
296.  Cllr Griffiths raised the issue of the two buses parked opposite the YHA. It is not clear whether the land is owned privately by the owners of the houses opposite. Mr James Davies suggested sending letters to all the homeowners opposite asking exactly what piece of land they own, if any. It was agreed after much debate to seek legal advice and the Clerk was asked to make an appointment with Tony Bates, Solicitor for BCC. Cllr Ashley distributed copies of quotes received for re-cladding the promenade.  Cllr Quant said that some mosaics were still in tact and it may be an idea to look at opportunities to apply for grants etc. It was suggested that volunteers could remove the broken tiles. Cllr Hulse is to look into the problem of Japanese Knotweed in the area. Cllr Jones gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. Cllr Dalton gave an update on the last PACT meeting held in December. The next one is due on the 12th March 2015. Cllr Bainbridge asked Cllr Quant for larger 30mph signs at Ynyslas. She also mentioned that on one occasion the bus failed to turn up at Ynyslas as it was running late.  Cllr Bainbridge has written to the bus company to complain.  Members also discussed planning a get together for BAM employees at the Victoria Inn. 
297.  Cllr Quant informed members of the road closure from Ty Shimne onwards. Despite a notice that the road would be closed for 5 days it was hopeful that the works would be completed in 2 days.  The Clerk was asked to write to Tai Ceredigion thanking them for putting the noticeboard up on Heol Aberwennol.
298.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.45pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 February 2015 to include a visit by Bam Nuttall and Glan Davies.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                                           


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