Minutes - May 2015
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
L Moore
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
1. Cllrs G B Jones and M J Willcox.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
3. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 13 April 2015 as being a true record.
4. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 386. Cllr Bainbridge invited everyone to a talk by Michael Freeman on “Those left behind – Ceredigion during the First World War” on Saturday 16th May between 2-4pm in the Community Hall. Cllr Bainbridge also thanked Graham Taylor for producing the monthly newsletter.
5. Dog Control Orders. Minute 387. This was discussed as an agenda item.
6. Bus Stops/Shelters. Minute 389. As the Clerk had not received any tenders she was asked to contact Paul Walker and Andrew Doyle for a more in depth quotation of costings etc and a breakdown of all works.
7. Defibrillators. Minute 390. The Clerk has received an e-mail from Arriva asking for details of the exact location where the defibrillator would be installed, the make and model and they are also asking who would be responsible for its maintenance. Cllr Moore said that a member of the public had voiced his concerns at the Council’s intention to place one of the defibrillators on the train station due to the current problems with youths in the village. One option would be to have it encased in toughened glass. Mr Jason Hines of the Victoria Inn is willing to have it installed on his premises though members of the Council were not in full agreement with that proposition. Cllr Moore volunteered to speak to the village PCSO and to update Cllr Bryn Jones.
8. One Voice Wales. Issue 26 of “The Voice”.
9. Hywel Dda University Health Board. Details and dates of a series of events in communities across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to discuss and provide information on how the Board and the Health Council can improve services.
10. Leri Garage. A letter from Ms Frederica Barratt asking whether the owner of the Leri Garage could be instructed to tidy the site and make the fencing safe. Cllr Quant informed members that representatives of building control and the environment department have visited the site and the owners have been asked to tidy up the area. Failure to do so would result in an enforcement notice being issued. Cllr Griffiths mentioned that she had heard that the site was now up for sale.
11. Welsh Government. A guidance to “Access to Information on Community and Town Councils”.
12. One Voice Wales. An online link to “The Planning (Wales) Bill”.
13. Grass Cutting. Following a clear up of Coronation Path by members of the Community Council the Clerk was asked to request a quote for cutting back the bushes overhanging the path. Patrick Norrington-Davies has quoted a sum of £100 to carry out this work and would also cut the grass/weeds along the path with a mower. The Council resolved to accept the quote.
14. One Voice Wales. Details of a special Welsh Government grant to repair and conserve community war memorials as part of the First World War centenary commemorations.
15. One Voice Wales. Details of a public event at Barry Memorial Hall on “Asset Transfer”.
16. One Voice Wales. An online link to the “Code of Practice on Workforce Matters”.
17. Dyfi Biosphere. An invitation to the Dyfi Biosphere annual meeting on the 27th April 2015.
18. Keep Wales Tidy. Details of the Clean Coast Week 2015 supported by McDonalds and runs from the 8th to the 17th May.
19. Community Speed Watch Scheme. A request for contact names of the members wishing to take part in the scheme. Cllrs Hulse, Ashley, Bainbridge, Dalton, Moore and Griffiths volunteered to put their names forward.
20. ROSPA. A reminder to request the annual play area inspection. Members resolved to go ahead.
21. One Voice Wales. A Programme 2015 for Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918.
22. One Voice Wales. Details of “Housing for All in Ceredigion” which provides information of the work that has been done to date and aims to promote help and assistance that is available to citizens to address their specific housing needs.
23. The Art & Friendship Group Borth. Further information on the project following a request for financial assistance. The Council declined to give any financial assistance to this project as it cannot support any business venture.
24. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A Revised Guidance on the Code of Conduct. Cllr Quant said he would invite members of the Standards Committee to attend the July meeting to advise of any changes to current policies.
25. Ceredigion County Council. Details of their annual improvement priorities.
26. Welsh Government. Natural Resource Management Bulletin April 2015.
27. Land Registry. In respect of the Council’s objection to an application to acquire a portion of land to the front of West End House, the applicant has until 21st May 2015 to decide whether she still wants to proceed or withdraw the application.
28. Sea Wall/Flood Defences. A letter from Mr D H Bustin with concerns that the sea wall in the Ynyslas section of coastline is severely damaged has not been repaired and BAM Nuttall has left the area. Cllr Quant covered this during his report.
29. Clerk & Councils Direct. Magazine available for Council information.
30. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2015
Nationwide 28,916.95
Community Acct 5,026.76
Business No Notice Acct 18,185.08
Deposit Account 3,049.66
31. Income
Deposit a/c – gross int to 4/12/14 0.51
Deposit a/c – gross int to 5/3/15 0.51
Precept 2015/16 18,833.75
VAT refund 2014/15 1,338.81
32. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Walker & Doyle – purchase & replace existing
locks on all noticeboards 43.74
Hilary Matthews-audit of accounts 100.00
M Walker –salary 537.30, off exp 1.26 538.56
Cartridgesave- printer ink 38.34
M Speake – painting last bench on promenade 40.00
T D Appleby – re-hanging gate on car park etc 61.45
33. BDO. Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2015. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 27 April 2015 to 10 May 2015. The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 11 May 2015 to 8 June 2015. It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 9 June 2015. The date for the public rights of inspection has been arranged for Thursday 28th May 2015 between 5pm-8pm in the Community Hall.
34. Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2015. Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs. Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve Section 1 – Accounting Statements 2014/15. The Council noted the contents of Section 4 – Annual Internal Audit Report and resolved to approve Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council.
35. Application for Planning Permission.
A150248. Change of use of flat 1 into Micro bakery and Backpackers hostel and occasional residential courses in bread-making. Flat 1, 3 Cambrian Terrace, Borth. Borth Community Council fully supports this application and has NO OBJECTIONS.
36. Planning Permission Granted. A140446. Change of use of agricultural land to form part of curtilage. Penrhiw, Borth.
37. Cllr Ashley suggested the Council employ a person to carry out dog warden duties with regular patrols of the beach etc. She volunteered to fact find the powers a dog warden holds and find out exactly what powers a PCSO has. Cllr Quant is to ask Ceredigion County Council whether volunteers could paint signs on the steps and walkways to the beach alerting dog owners to the fact that there is a dog ban between May and September.
38. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the situation to date. Natural Resource Wales has agreed that Borth Community Council can arrange to have the waste removed from the site to a designated area of the car park themselves and then disposed of by CB Environmental Ltd. At this point Cllr John James declared an interest and left the room. The cost initially to carry out this section of work was approximately £10,500 but since NRW has come to an agreement with BCC, the Council approached Cllr John James for a quotation. Following an inspection of the area to be cleared Cllr James gave a quote of £1,000 to carry out that work. Members resolved to accept this quotation.
39. Cllr Hulse suggested that more research needs to be carried out into the invasive, non-native Japanese knotweed within our area as it can be a problem on river banks, flood defences, leats, farmland, residences and footpaths. BCC would like to identify the local problem and map out local extent, seek management advice, link in with any existing strategic plans and control measures (spraying, digging up, cutting and burning) and raise awareness and engage the community. Information has been obtained from Natural Resources Wales, the Dyfi NNR Reserve Warden, Ecodyfi, Cobweb and Welsh Government. Next steps could be to find interested volunteers to help survey the area, put up information posters in the noticeboards asking people to report any occurrences in their garden/land/footpaths etc. prepare a plan, implement, monitor and review.
40. Mike Wilcox and Jill Hulse drafted poster for noticeboards and to hand out when helpful. Key points are: BCC welcomes all day and overnight visitors, enjoy their visit, respect other visitors, locals and residents and to come back. But no overnight camping in motorhomes, camper vans, caravans or tents is welcomed on the High Street of Y Borth or alongside the seafront. A list of campsites and holiday parks will be made available in the community noticeboards.
Dyfi AGM was held on 27th April, Cllr Jeff Smith from Aberystwyth attended on our behalf by agreement.
Including an epipen with the defibrillators was suggested by a resident in Borth, some basic research showed training mostly held in schools etc with view that users carried their own epipens. Still something to consider and ask advice about when the training sessions occur in Borth.
Cllr Hulse asked the Councillors to consider the following: Move from reactive to including proactive ?work, raised setting future priorities previously, suggest this is an early item to progress so that it can help us focus and respond to community preferences and set a plan to work to/look back on/note progress. In addition to opportunities to attend courses, seminars, reading, we could also build our understanding and share knowledge by using the strengths we already have on Council. For example, choose one topic each to research and report back (max 1 side A4/verbal update 5 minutes), this could be on finding out what Borth Community Council owns/manage/lease and associated costs, leats, PROW/verges, designations, supported housing, farm land/ use.
41. The following responsibilities were allocated to all Councillors and the Chairman suggested adding the following to the list: Welsh language, Data protection/access to information, Housing and Health.
G Ashley: Visual Improvement of the Environment and Arts, Dogs and Speeding
C Bainbridge: Children’s Playground, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa and WW1
R Dalton: PACT, Borth Family Centre Trustee and Housing
M Griffiths: One Voice Wales and Health
J Hulse: Dyfi Biosphere Rep, Flood co-ordinator, Data protection and Freedom of Info
J James: PACT and Police Matters
G B Jones: Internal Auditor, PACT, Arts and Welsh Language
L Moore: Transport, car park, footpaths and footways
M J Willcox: Fire, Council Rep on the Hall Committee, Internal Auditor and Flood co-ordinator
W J Williams: PACT and Police Matters
Cllr Dalton confirmed that the transfer of the Nationwide account is progressing. Cllr James mentioned that another car had turned over on Brynbala bend. Cllr Williams said that more rubbish has been dumped on the top of Clarach Road. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa and that Miss Hughes was acting deputy head in the absence of Miss Edwards who has recently had another baby and that the Family Centre has applied to take over use of the hall on Clarach Road. Cllr Griffiths queried the ownership of the portion of land at the entrance to Brynrodyn on Clarach Road. She also asked for an update on the tattoo parlour and was informed by Cllr Quant that the enforcement officer had visited the establishment and everything was in order. Cllr Griffiths said that two tyres had been thrown into the ditch behind Rhydygarreg but was unable to retrieve them herself. She also mentioned that there was music to be heard in the shop once owned by Mrs Hennighan. Cllr Quant said that workmen were in the building. Cllr Ashley raised her concern again that the Victoria Inn should consider using plastic glasses on the beachside when serving drinks to members of the public. The Clerk said she would approach Jason Hines to ask whether they would consider the suggestion. Cllr Ashley also said that BCC should send a congratulations card to Mark Williams MP on his re-election. Cllr Bainbridge asked for repair works to be carried out to the shed by the tennis courts which houses the ducks for the carnival. The Clerk was asked to contact Walker and Doyle for a quotation and look to see what excess the Council has on their insurance policy. Cllr Moore has had several keys cut to the car park gate. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on the poster intended for caravan/motorhome owners who park their vehicles and stay overnight on the promenade.
42. The next PACT meeting is scheduled for Thursday 11th June 2015. The official opening of Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme is set for Friday 19th June at 10am by the public toilets. Cllr Quant gave an update on the land opposite Bardsey etc and according to Morris & Bates Solicitors no application has been made for possession of the land. Cllr Quant has recently walked the length of the breastwork towards Ynyslas with Rhodri Llwyd of CCC. This section was not part of the coastal defence works though 510 metres of capping has been completed and a further 140 metres remains to be done. CCC officers are in the process of checking all coastal areas of Ceredigion and will priorities work to be done in this financial year. A Joint Safety Public meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 10th June at 7pm in Penmorfa.
43. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.35pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 June 2015 to include Community Priorities. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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